Great game Flipper!! My teens are totally into this series, we are having so much fun screaming and shouting!
Make sure you do your Indian chant on Sat GO Giants!!
and they are now in 1st place in the n.l.
west with a 6-1 record !
and the hated l.a. dodgers are in last place !
Great game Flipper!! My teens are totally into this series, we are having so much fun screaming and shouting!
Make sure you do your Indian chant on Sat GO Giants!!
let us know what got you questioning wbts in the first place.
i've got a theory that it starts with people hurting us and only then does the "apostate" turn to looking at the beliefs.. anybody who started questioning beliefs first?.
For me it was people (elders) Then doctrine.
Lack of love in a Org that claims it's by their love they are recognized lead to a lot of questioning of other things.
i think if an (intelligent) questioning jw was able to read the letter about coil binding the book the impact could/should be greater.
this letter should be an embarrassment to the gb.
what blatant and stupid instructions sent to a large group of men who are supposed to be available to instruct in an intelligent way persons coming with an assortment of life's problems.
Spot on!! Truly disgusting...
and they are now in 1st place in the n.l.
west with a 6-1 record !
and the hated l.a. dodgers are in last place !
It's always a new game tomorrow
My husband is stressed out.. because he says when the Giants score high in one game they struggle for the rest. It should be interesting.
just wanted to introduce myself.
i've been reading your posts for a couple of months now and i think i finally have the courage to join in.
i have written and deleted this post many times.
I can't speak for the parents of breakfree but I can speak for myself, as parents we really think we are doing the right thing! I know it seems stupid for many to think of putting their child through such an ordeal. I agree! However when we did so, we had no idea what we were in for I truly thought those men would help us at the worst time of our lives. I believed they were our hiding place from the wind and I was wrong. I deeply regret letting them question my child, but I know why we allowed it just as others have..we were taught they would help and we were desperate for help.
Once you know do better
and they are now in 1st place in the n.l.
west with a 6-1 record !
and the hated l.a. dodgers are in last place !
Ummm..... 8-2 WOW!
and they are now in 1st place in the n.l.
west with a 6-1 record !
and the hated l.a. dodgers are in last place !
I mean 5-2
and they are now in 1st place in the n.l.
west with a 6-1 record !
and the hated l.a. dodgers are in last place !
Giants take the lead 4-2!!! Go Gaints
just wanted to introduce myself.
i've been reading your posts for a couple of months now and i think i finally have the courage to join in.
i have written and deleted this post many times.
Welcome to the forum
I can sympathize with your daughter who was molested at 9 years old had to go through the same horrible questions I so wish I could turn back time and never allowed those elders in my home that evening.
We have since left as well and my teens are living as normal, happy kids..they thank us for getting out.
in one of the new pieces of information in the new elders manual - section 5:18 - it shows how elders are instructed to keep all judicial committee information private from media or attorneys.
keeping in mind how secretive the wt society has been in hiding child abuse within the jehovah's witnesses notice these instructions to elders now.. it states, " if a member of the media or an attorney representing the accused ( or possibly victims ) contacts the elders , they should not give him any information about the case or verify there is a jc.
rather, they should give the following explanation, " the spiritual and physical welfare of jehovah's witnesses is of paramount concern to the elders, who have been appointed to " shepherd the flock ".
Oh yeah,
We learned this first hand in our case. The elders told us to come to them if any media or lawyers wanted information on how they handled these situations. So, naturally when our attorney wanted to know the in and outs of the judicial proceeder we contacted an elder as his request and lets just say, a panic ensued!! This is what I heard on the line "this is so bad" "I'll have to get back to you" and so on. They didn't cooperate at all and in the end my husband was able to answer most of the questions and they were able to get the rest elsewhere.
Elder do NOTHING and I mean NOTHING to help victims and their families in these situations! They leave them in shock and pain and move on without looking back! It's a shame