I know of at least 4 victims, one was my 9 year old daughter
JoinedPosts by truthseekeriam
How Many of Them Do You Know About?
by clarity inafter flipper's thread about the wt child abuse cases, i started to think about how many children i know of personally who have been sexually abused by a jw!.
as someone who is not especially 'in the know', it's amazing that i do know five of them.
one who was a small baby, at the time!.
A Major Break Through!
by headisspinning ini just wanted to let you all know that i have had a major break through with my mom.. we have hashed everything out and she not only apologized for hurting us, but she also said she understands why we've made the decisions that we've made.. and best of all?
she is going to try to help us both get our kids back.. she had no idea of all the stuff going on with our ex spouses and she's very upset about it.. she said that she accepts where we are at in regard to the religion and although she does hope we might change our minds down the road, she just wants us to be happy.. at this point she still feels she needs to respect the disfellowshipping arrangement and i'm not pressuring her about that.
after all, rome wasn't built in a day and i would say major progress has been made here.. just wanted to let you guys know where things are at right now and a big thank you for all of your support, advice and care through this ordeal..
Very happy for you.
It's a very scary thing not knowing if your loved ones will come around, some will and some wont. I'm thrilled your mother is keeping that door partially open
I'm a clique of one...
by mrsjones5 ini'm a loner.. offline, i have few friends.
the friends i do have are dear to me but i'm bad at communicating with them, meaning i don't call often.
facebook has been a boom with me cuz i can keep contact with folks i really care about without being constantly in contact with them which would drive me crazy.. on this board i haven't got too deep with folks.
I really can relate to you Mrs Jones.
I've struggled with the whole making friends thing as well. I mean I have no problem making friends, my problem is giving time to them in order to make the friendship grow. I'll reach out and go on a lunch date or maybe a family BBQ with them and have a great time but when they call me the next day or the next week to do something else I feel overwhelmed and find anything as an excuse not to. I think the problem is definitely me and maybe it's because my whole married life I have been perfectly happy just spending time with my husband and kids, we do everything together. I'm afraid to let other in, or give others our time..even though the teens don't want all that family time anymore..LOL.
Does this mean what I think it means?
by MrFreeze init's been about a month and a half since i last talked to the elders.
today i got a call from one of them.
he left me a voicemail saying he would like to have me meet with them on sunday after the meeting to discuss some things and to see if there is any way they can be of help.. i haven't been to a meeting since the end of october/beginning of november.
Don't do it, if they wanted to help you where were they in Nov when you stopped going?
They want to see where you stand and if it's not with them and their beliefs they will find a way to D'f you.
Is everyone on here disassociated??
by happi2b inso i don't understand it seems to me from the posts that i have read just about everyone is disassociated.. just wondering if that's true or if i am not the only one on here still within the organization..
I stopped going a few years ago. So I guess I'm inactive or fading.
I'm one of the many stories of having a child that was molested by an ex-elder and we were the ones treated like crap! I just couldn't see a God of Love and justice being behind an Org that will allow victims to be further victimized and molesters to be protected, so I left.
If your going in, go in with eyes wide open. Keep reading, Keep researching and don't go in thinking the love within those walls is unconditional. The moment you leave, you will see there are no real friends in the ORG.
Your favorite "bumper stickers"
by new boy ini have two.
"please god protect me from your people".
"if you love something let go.......if it doesn't come back, hunt in down and kill it" .
Breakfast at McDonald's
by Sam Whiskey inthis is a good story and is true, please read it all the way through until the end!
(after the story, there are some very interesting facts!
the class was asked to go!
I agree with Tammy, It doesn't matter who you give credit to... as long as you do good from your heart :)
I know if I would have seen this myself it would have touched me, it brought tears to my eyes just reading it.
Pay it Forward...
How I Know The Assembly Parts Are Made Up
by lovelylil inwe had a co looking for a certain experience for an assembly part coming up and the elders in my hall at the time sent him to see me, since i usually had good experiences out in field service.. anyway, after speaking with the co, i was sorry to inform him that i did not have an experience that suited the type he needed.
he told me that was o.k.
because he could use me anyway for another part.
Wow!! That's pretty sad that they would ask you to lie!!
Glad you got out and took your family with you
Elder Missing 24 hours...
by sleepingbeauty ina brother i know of was made up as an elder only some mere 6 weeks ago.
out the blue he has gone total awol and has now been missing over 24 hours.
i wonder if the stress of becoming an elder at 27 yrs old got to him !!!
Hope he's okay.
Has anyone WROTE A LETTER to the org?
by frigginconfused ini was wondering how many out there have written the society and got a responce.
im thinking of writing but i dont wanna waste my time if they wont take me seriously.
i intend to challenge many different things they say and do.
We did write a four page heartfelt letter in tears after not seeing spiritual justice when our child was molested by a fellow JW (ex-elder) We begged to understand Why, after being accused of molesting multiple victims this creep was not disfellowshipped.
Our response came in a half a page letter basically telling us to look at the example of Asaph @ Ps 73:3,12 and then 73:17....
How it wasn't until he proceeded to come into the sanctuary of God that he was able to "readjust his thinking"!!
Have confidence in the organization... guess what came next??
"Wait on Jehovah"
We cried, then we realized we didn't matter to them. What happened to our 9 year old baby didn't phase them a bit!!
We were on our own