Black Magic Woman - Santana
JoinedPosts by truthseekeriam
Sing, sing a song....
by new hope and happiness ini learnt this game on another site, and its great fun.
you name a song title and the next person names another title that has one of the words from the first one, making a chain of associations.. so far instance,.
our of the rising sun.....bob dylan.... your turn... .
" Sayings and Quotes" Thread.
by new hope and happiness ini wad thinking how certain quotes and sayings have such a positive effect on our life.
so i thought a quotes and sayings thread could be very would be nice if the saying or quote isn't origional to quote the author.. "not untill we are lost do we begin to understand ourselfs" henry david thoreau.. " better to never start, once started better finnish" the way of the peaceful warrior.. " health is wealth" source a friend once said.. .
"The more I know about people, the better I like my dogs" Mark Twain
Sing, sing a song....
by new hope and happiness ini learnt this game on another site, and its great fun.
you name a song title and the next person names another title that has one of the words from the first one, making a chain of associations.. so far instance,.
our of the rising sun.....bob dylan.... your turn... .
Just The Way You Are - Bruno Mars ( yes I have a teenaged girl )
Conversation with 4 elders: A study in smear tactics.
by problemaddict inbucket shop bill has a thread in which they are "counseled" for something, that ends up not even being true.
instead of the elder who made the accusation apologizing to them, they are made to feel like they should appreciate his overexuberence.. it struck me that this is a common tactic.
here is a story of my own.
That was great!! I wish I could go back in time and use that :)
TONIGHT (Sunday 8-10-2014) FBI's "Most Wanted" Brother Mclean "CNN's" "THE HUNT". 1 HOUR INTERVIEW.
by BucketShopBill ingood morning brothers and sisters, remember to watch john walsh interview our brothers and sisters about brother mclean from oregon, the most wanted pedophile and top ten fbi's list of perps!
have a nice day, be cool!.
can you help bump this topic until the show is over, we have large amounts of vistors coming, seeking help and direction.
Was happy to see the family speak up. I hope this will bring them and the other victims some justice soon.
by BucketShopBill inhi everyone, this has been what i have waited for, fredrick mclean is up next on cnn's "most wanted" and "hunted show", so far two of their topics are dead!.
last sunday's "the hunt" blew his head off monday morning!
let's hope cnn get's jehovah witness fredrick mclean!
Looking forward to watching this. I sure hope it leads to finding this's long over due.
JW's just called at my door, simply handed me the JW.ORG tract and left! JW's now mere leaflet distributors.
by yadda yadda 2 ini'm off work today and its a monday morning.
a male and female jw just knocked on my door, i opened it, the guy just handed me their latest website promoting tract saying "hi, were just leaving these with people today", and then he made to leave.
i looked at the tract and then looked at him as he was turning to walk away and said to him "ok, thanks, but ummm you could've just left it in my letterbox.".
They didn't even knock on our door, just left it in the door.
hello everyone
by purrpurr ini've been browsing the site for some time as things that the society teach just are not adding up much these days.
by exploring some of the threads on here i'm starting to see why.
a brief bio.
We all feel a bit naughty posting for the first time. Welcome to the forum, it gets easier.
by lurkernomore ini thought it was high time to introduce myself (without my name of course).
as my name would suggest i have been reading your intriguing post, thoughts and discussions for some time now.
around 3/4 months to be exact.. i guess to start with it would seem fitting to give a little background on my current situation.. i'm a born-in, but have over the last few years found that through a number of varying occurences, (some of which i may discuss in future posts) that my 'zeal' has gone from regular field service and meetings to no service in over a year and very sporadic meeting attendance.
A warm welcome Lurker. I'm very happy for you and your wife.
Richard Dawkins defends mild pedophilia, says it does not cause lasting harm
by chrisuk in
"mild in comparison" What exactly does that mean?
It's not about the action, it's about the fear, the confusion, the trust...these are the things that never go away! Wounds heal, but the emotional aspect lasts forever.
My daughter wasn't raped, but that doesn't change her struggles to trust again. It doesn't change the fear she lives in every single day. It breaks my heart to watch her struggle.
Our lives were forever changed by something some may label "mild in comparasion" let me tell you, there is nothing mild about our life right now :(