Modern family
The Middle
Law and Order SVU
Amazing Race
i love criminal minds and the newest criminal minds that was showcased last night.
and i love law & order svu!.
Modern family
The Middle
Law and Order SVU
Amazing Race
a short update on my situation.. i am still in, trying to help my family to see the light.
my wife is open to critisize certain aspects of the wts, reads wt articles with a critical mind, but she still views them as gods org, and at times can get quit defensive about it.. last night though, she seemed devastated about a program she watched, reagrding pedophiles (dateline i guess).
she was very disturbed, even to the point of being depressed.
I would ask her to show you what she watched and then click on other links that deal with the child molestation issue in the WTS. Right away tell her "it's probably not true..but apostate talk"
Then tell her lets google the names of the molesters mentioned and hit the news button, that way we can see if it's really true or just apostates trying to make trouble.
A few great ones that have many news stories on them are Fredrick McLean and Gilbert Simental. Once she reads in real newspaper articles she may open her eyes a little wider.
Wish you well.
avoid abortion threads.
they're only for folks to piss on each other.
now i'm off to watch "modern family".
Good choice
i thought this would be an interesting poll that would show everyone the backgrounds of all of us when we left, if we have.. for myself, i am not df'd, but i am attempting a fade.
i still go to some meetings with the wife to help with kids, but that's it.
no commenting or field service.. what about everyone else?.
Faded in the aftermath of finding out our child had been molested by a fellow JW. Not because it happened but because of how we were treated in the aftermath.
It started with a slow fade in 2008. By 2009 we knew we wouldn't be going back so we just stopped completely sometime after the memorial.
Have to say, it was the best decision we could have made, we would have never been able to heal knowing what we knew, if we stayed.
So far they have pretty much left us alone, however I know eventually we will have to make that final decision to completely break loose of that little hold they still have. Who wants to live their lives having to look over their shoulder? Not me.
Thank God I didn't push my kids into baptism, they are free to live their lives however they wish. It makes me so happy seeing them be normal teenagers
i have a few witnesses on my facebook so i thought "why not"... i posted this article on america's most wanted that featured frederick mclean..the jw child molestor..been on the run since 2004..
so i comment on how i though they caught this guy but i guess they didn't as it was updated in dec.. so the jw gal i know in australia ( i knew the family when they were in the states) replies to the post.
she comments with this..:.
Hi Snoozy,
I don't think anything has changed, In the US anyways.
Trust me, my mother would have been on the phone calling me on the way home from the meeting if that was announced at her KH. She knows the main thing that made my family leave was the molestation of our child and how badly the WTS handles these cases.
one sport that i think is lame is pro hockey.
it's the only sport where players are expected to beat the crap out of each other.
it's not as much about scoring but how many punches were thrown!
Golf is so boring to watch!
hi all, this is my first post.
but i was one of those kids that was born into the whole jw thing, and like a good little witness kid i did everything i was supposed to do to please my parents (mainly my mom my dad's an unbeliever).
my mom was very strict with me when it came to everything they taught, no holiday parttys at school, no sports, no worldy friends, i was only supposed to associate with other jw kids (my mom is one of those extremist jws, she says she doesn't judge, but she's a perfect example of one one of those sisters with the holier than thou attitude).
Welcome to the forum LovelyEunie.
I think anyone who thinks on their own is considered rebellious by the WTS.
They like to have control over everything you think and do.
I hope you stick around, you'll learn alot from many here who love to think on their own
i'm from south los angeles and been to black congregations all my life, but i moved 70-75 miles north from where i grew up.
i just want to know the difference ..
I never understood the whole lighter/darker thing. My kids are mixed Hispanic/Black and have beautiful skin tones, but every time we visit in in laws after a nice summer break of sitting by the swimming pool they always have to comment about them being dark, as if it's a bad thing? I personally love when they get nice and dark and miss it in the winter months:)
So funny and spot on!! My teens loved them.
this is bailey 2 1/2 (the big sister) and zoey who is almost 4 months old, my youngest granddaughters.
is zoey sending a secret message?
look closely!
Absolutely adorable!!!
Since my daughter was a little one, she has always pointed with her middle finger