I say, good for her!! Whatever helps in her recovery is exactly what she should do!
I think everyone knew what a perv Allen was when he married his young adopted daughter.
i recall when woody allen split and married his adopted daughter and this originally came out - dylan farrow put this out for everyone to see after allen won his latest award - some people have never believed her story - swife.
february 1, 2014, 3:04 pm.
an open letter from dylan farrowby dylan farrow frances silver dylan farrow.
I say, good for her!! Whatever helps in her recovery is exactly what she should do!
I think everyone knew what a perv Allen was when he married his young adopted daughter.
.. .........................some people are truly in need..some are not... a man passing by on his 10 speed bike,asked me for $2.00 for a cup of coffee... .................................................."uhhh,no"... ............another asked me for spare change outside a super market... ......................................i said i didn`t have any... ...................so he say`s "how about a credit card?!"......lol!!...
.. ....................what do you do,when people ask you for spare change?...
..... .. ..........................................whats the most outrageous thing... ......................................you`ve been asked forby a stranger?...
I always ask if they're hungry. I'll give them food but never money.
so, the wife and i are reminiscing today about how when you would leave an assembly- you would struggle to remember just one interesting point.
usually- you had to look at your notes or the program to just remember 1 thing that struck you.
all day of talking and less than :30 seconds of information retained!!!.
Boy do I remember those rides home! Trying to get anything from the kids about what they learned, all they could talk about is where we were going for dinner :)
i haven't been to a meeting in over a year, and as you know as soon as you stop attending meetings/fieldservice the "conditional" love becomes more apperant.
the coordinating elder starts off by saying how much he loves and misses me, etc.
i ask him, when was the last time you called or texted me?
Love it!!!
so i am not officially da/do yet and my family has shunned me hard.
today crying my mother calls me to beg to see my children... should i let her?
i feel that if you can speak abusive of your own son and wife and shun the.
Of course you can see them mom as long as I'm there and you treat me kindly. The kids need to know we all still love each other regardless of our personal decisions.
If she doesn't agree, I wouldn't risk it. Sadly they will put their mission to get you back to the religion above their love of their grandchildren.
one for mit last month, and one for princeton tonight.. if i told this to people at my old hall, i am sure the reaction would be the same as if i broke a big, noisy windblast in front of them.. but i have to brag about it to someone, so, i will do it here.. .
we will not know anything about whether he is going to be accepted for a couple of months yet, but, as they say, this $%^# just got real!.
Congratulation!! That's wonderful.
recently, i received this email from my jw sister: .
while i appreciate the thought, please do not send us gifts.. our kids are not missing out on anything other than things we try to protect them from.. at this time, based on prior encounters and their affect on me emotionally, i think it would be best if we didn't communicate.. i hope you can understand my decision and the fact that it is not meant to offend anyone.. .
i sent her a loving and forgiving message, and know she has no intention of answering me.
The only thing your sister wants to hear is that you will completely will go along with her demands....period.
It stinks, I know.
If you want to continue a relationship with her and the kids you will have to go along with it.
i ran in to a ex-jw and had a good laugh once he realized i was not going to shun him.
i am a different soul when we are dealing with watchtower demonology, everything about the organization is fan boy based.
watchtower creates the illusion of a community that never existed, we were too blind to realize most of the people we invested time with was nothing more than a farce, once you can't offer up more sacrfices on the watchtower's alter, your going to get less attention and eventually if your kingdom hall is big enough, they won't come looking for you.. .
I think the feelings are hurt when it's their loved ones that are shunning them....kids, parents, fleshly brothers and sisters. Who wouldn't be hurt??
by jwstruggle.com.
Great interview.
just got a visit from two jw's and i mentioned the literature stands they have now.. i mentioned i walk past their stand they set up in my town every thursday on my way to work.
last week the stand was smaller and i asked why was it smaller.
no answer..... i then said you guys usually go door to door dont you?
Funny, we just spent the afternoon walking the Pier at a local beach. The moment we stepped on the pier on each side there was the little literature stands with their owners just sitting in some comfortable chairs chit chatting away. I just couldn't resist telling the how easy they got it :)