If you have not turned in your time for several months then you're so close to home you can hear your old dog snoring on the front porch.
As the Fall Guy says - if it ain't broke then don't fix it.
If and only if you are asked again then just say politely and firmly say "I have no report."
This may shut up the person asking or they may ask for details of why not etc. Just say "Well I appreciate your concern but like I said - I have no report."
If they ask if you are going to report again just say "I haven't thought that far ahead but for the time being I have no report."
If they ask a fourth time I believe you are perfectly entitled to say "I don't believe you are respecting my boundaries and I will not continue to discuss this point with you."
End with "Thanks, bye! Gotta go now." And walk away or put the phone down.