Another sicko JW. I hope this one hits the national press - Daily Mail, Sun, Local TV or BBC.
Now I know this isn't definite but let's imagine his wife is a jw and unlike the silly wife of Michael Porter she decides she wants a divorce. Imagine the Judicial Committee.
Chairman: "Well Sister Perv's Wife we do empathise with you in this terrible situation, but we need to know exactly what happened to determine if pornea has taken place and whether you are free to divorce Bro. Perv scripturally."
SPW: " But he *** the old lady with a ***!!! Surely that counts?
Ch: "We'll have to consider carefully as Bro.Perv is in the slammer er um being detained at present and we cannot gain his testimony..."
Later: (Chairman is on blower to London UK beth-hell)
Ch: "... so that's our problem, what do we do?"
Service Desk Company man:- "Very difficult, do you have a tape measure? Well if you measure from the kneecap in an upward direction (in metric because of EU laws) and divide by 10% of the dill and the cummin (no pun intended) then you can determine whether this gross uncleanness with greediness or pornea thus allowing our sister to divorce."
Ch: "Ok, boss, whatever you say."
SDCM: " Absolutely right old boy, but you arrived at this conclusion yourself with no outside help didn't you?"
Ch: "Err... OK, but if we encourage her to take him back and be a better wife, attentive of his manly needds wouldn't that be better for the organisation errr Jehovah's name?"
SDCM: "Sounds good but don't get us in the papers or being sued whatever you do or we're all in the ****