I got removed from privileges. No microphone running for you Freddo.
Two months later - "ring ring, ring ring"
Me: Hello
Elder: Hi Freddo, I'm arranging a group to do a thorough clean of the kingdom hall and wondered if you could help?
Me: (Thinking - I've got a live one, let's play) When is it?
Elder: Saturday week after the ministry.
Me: And what would you like me to do?
Elder: Well I'm making a list of things can I talk to you at the meeting?
Me: Sure.
At the meeting
Elder: Here's a list that you and young Billy can do.
Me: What's this?
Elder: The hall maintenance on Saturday - if you and Billy can thoroughly clean the Gents toilets that'd be great.
Me: I've had a think and looked at 1st Corinthians 14 v 40 and I think I shall have to decline ...
Elder: Oh. But I thought ... remind me, what does it say
Me: 1 Cor 14 v 40 says all things should be done decently and by arrangement and if I am remove from privileges I don't see how I can help.
Elder: Well its not a "privilege" - anyone can help on hall cleaning.
Me: Sorry brother! If I can't hold a microphone, I can't hold a bog (toilet) brush can I?
Elder: Well ... err ...
Me: (Smiles) Thanks for thinking of me, gotta go.