"3 hours streaming" in 30 degrees C?
3 hours steaming perhaps?
we had a special talk (streaming) today from g. jackson, announcing the new revised bible in dutch.
there are many many changes, even some of the the dutch 'jw-language' will change because bible verses changed.
also brother jackson admitted (be it in a joking way ) that whole talks in the past (until now) had been based on wrong translated bible verses.
"3 hours streaming" in 30 degrees C?
3 hours steaming perhaps?
hi its been on the bbc website that in the uk they got 25% of the power that the whole country needed for friday just from solar power alone.
Friday May 26th was a warm day in the UK about 22/26 degrees with "long daylight hours".
Not so hot that air conditioning would be switched on especially as most homes don't have it or might just have a portable air conditioner at most. (maybe southern business offices might switch it on)
Only getting dark between 9 pm and 4 am so less street lighting and home lighting used.
No heating switched on. Cool drinks and not so many hot ones. Fresh salads and less cooking.
You catch my drift? The perfect day for reduced energy consumption.
But good nevertheless.
i pretty much did it all.
vacation pioneered as a youngster and became a regular pioneer out of school.
i became a ms then an elder.....the organization pushes you to be somebody within the confines of their realm.
MS then Elder with a few auxiliary pioneer months when it was 60 hours.
PO/Coordinator whatever they call it now for about 3 years at one point. Only chosen and only agreed to do it because the other option was an alpha male wannabe that no one wanted. Secretary for about 8 years before that.
Occasionally did appeal committees.
Did Circuit assembly parts and occasional demos on District conventions.
Did enjoy RBC stuff because I had no responsibility other than to use a paint brush and fill holes in plaster.
Utter utter waste of time. (but I can whitewash a wall and fill holes with filler)
does anyone out there know of any jws that have talked about what their personal relationship with jehovah was like?
for example, hearing his voice, a certain feeling?
an intellectual understanding?
One way.
this latest attack in manchester u.k. targeting a venue attended by mainly children and teenagers who go to a concert by their favorite singer and then to be attacked by a terroist has to be the last straw... surely ?
22 dead at last count mainly young girls enjoying a concert of their favourite singer ?
and at least 50 others suffering injuries ?.
I wish the non bombing Muslim community would stand up loud and long and condemn the terrorist and bombing Muslim extremists. And remove their own hate preachers from their mosques.
Some of course silently sympathise but maybe the majority are too frightened of being on the receiving end themselves.
so a week or so ago we received an invitation for a jw friend's wedding anniversary party in the mail.it was addressed to 'the andersen family' (and not just mrs. andersen & baby andersen) which was pleasant of course, but not a huge surprise given the type of person who said friend is.. however, i already prepared myself to be uninvited after all.
some time ago, there was a congregation farewell party/get-together.to my surprise, i was invited too!
an elder specifically came over to my house to tell me.then some weeks later, he visited again, being terribly sorry but the invitation was revoked as the congregation got concerned over my possible presence.. with that debacle in mind, i wasn't surprised to receive a message from my friend 'hey are you at home?
*Your experience may differ
However - round our way when this sort of thing rarely arose the elder on the body with lots of opinions and usually with his family all in will make waves about successful faders and waffle on about what the GB really want us to do even if it's not in print. (roll eyes).
If there are enough of them they will lean on the party giver or the party giver will be so conditioned that they will ask the advice of the elders either before or after inviting a fader.
When there is a "conscience decision" to be made - they (most JW elders) are a bunch of tight-knickered assholes looking to maintain control to look good in the eyes of the CO or Branch. Nothing to see here ...
in view of the terrorist attacks going on in the world right now, as well as the high degree of animosity towards jehovah's witnesses as a result of their shuning practices, etc., i think it would be wise for the wts to discontinue meeting for large conventions and use live streaming and broadcasts instead.
even with the increased security measures being put in place this year, it would not be surprising if some incidents take place.
has anyone heard any talk in this regard?.
Hear Hear!
Except instead of this -
I think it would be wise for the WTS to discontinue meeting for large conventions and use live streaming and broadcasts instead.
I would say this -
I think it would be wise for the WTS to discontinue meeting for large conventions and lay on trips to the beach with ice creams and/or cool beers all round.
within the organization, jehovah's witnesses know that they must be dutiful and set an example for "worldly ones" as well as for their own brotherhood.
if a witness fails in setting the proper example, they may lose some 'privileges"..... what privileges did you look to have and what privileges did you lose?
I got removed from privileges. No microphone running for you Freddo.
Two months later - "ring ring, ring ring"
Me: Hello
Elder: Hi Freddo, I'm arranging a group to do a thorough clean of the kingdom hall and wondered if you could help?
Me: (Thinking - I've got a live one, let's play) When is it?
Elder: Saturday week after the ministry.
Me: And what would you like me to do?
Elder: Well I'm making a list of things can I talk to you at the meeting?
Me: Sure.
At the meeting
Elder: Here's a list that you and young Billy can do.
Me: What's this?
Elder: The hall maintenance on Saturday - if you and Billy can thoroughly clean the Gents toilets that'd be great.
Me: I've had a think and looked at 1st Corinthians 14 v 40 and I think I shall have to decline ...
Elder: Oh. But I thought ... remind me, what does it say
Me: 1 Cor 14 v 40 says all things should be done decently and by arrangement and if I am remove from privileges I don't see how I can help.
Elder: Well its not a "privilege" - anyone can help on hall cleaning.
Me: Sorry brother! If I can't hold a microphone, I can't hold a bog (toilet) brush can I?
Elder: Well ... err ...
Me: (Smiles) Thanks for thinking of me, gotta go.
a little girl sat on the edge of a dock in canada, and watched a sea lion who popped his head out of the water to take a look at the tourists.
seconds later, the sea lion pulled her into the water.
As the French might say.
i forgot my wallet and went back home to get it.
i see 25 yr old jws working the door next to me.
i attack shaking my head at them.
Brilliant job JYD.
Sat here in the early UK morning reading this thread - I love the way you called out the older JW and used him to warn the younger ones.
If it doesn't wake them up now it'll wake them up later ...