Welcome Codeblue
We're glad to have you here!
hello to everyone of you on this forum.
i am new here...have been reading this site since january of this year.
i have been raised in the truth and published for 36 years...(yes, i have been very timid about posting...because i am new and because i feel i must have something of value to contribute).. since feb. i have seriously been reconsidering this org.
Welcome Codeblue
We're glad to have you here!
i knew i had a bright mind, i had been told that my whole life.
she hated going out in service but since i hated it myself we didn't go do the door to door work much.
i look back now and i can't believe how controlling and un-loving that religion had made me.
((((Dave))))... thanks so much for sharing that with all of us..... you make yourself very well understood, and your wonderful sense of humour and your intelligence shines right through... thanks again...
Panda... I think you've got your knickers in a knot over nothing... when I read Dave's account... Twice... I didn't see what you thought you saw... I saw the price both Dave and his second wife paid for having "faith" in the WT, being ill equipped as partners and miserable together... Dave did tell both sides of that story... I think most of us got that point... It is interesting to note that Dave answered you rather nicely... explained himself and you came at him again.... Why would you be so interested in grandstanding on this? Dave's story is about Dave... not about what you think about Dave, his ex... or anything... it's not about you... at all...What would you do if you found out his description of his ex is perfectly accurate? I hope your just having a bad day... but really... have you heard the saying "Thou doest protest too much"?
how does your internet persona differ from your face-to-face personality?
do you interact with people differently on the internet than you would face to face?
yes...i know.....the second and third questions are a re-phrasing of the first...that's in case someone doesn't "get the drift" of the first question.... frannie b
LOL @ Frannie... you crack me up woman... (alligator mouth overloading my hummingbird behind... lol)
I'm pretty much the same... I let myself be a little more vulnerable online than in person... that's because we all share in a common experience... people who haven't had much to do with JWs don't seem to get it...
i'm in a bit of a state at the moment, my wife has just left me about 30 mins ago and took the kids...i don't know where.... ok, some of you long-timers may remember the problems i had with my son ben, who decided that the jw religion wasn't for him about a year ago.
i supported him as best i could through that and he's developed into a fine young man with a more healthy spiritual attitude, investigationg a number of christian churches in the area and finally settled on church of england, which he really likes now.. although no longer a christian myself i have no objection to them pursuing whatever religious path they choose (obviously within reason).
that has been the case with all of my children: ben, 15, charlotte, 14 and chloe, 12. i have never attempted to stop my wife taking them to the meetings although i have voiced to them privately my concerns about the religion.
OOPS... didn't read all of the posts... but here's my two cents worth... I think you should take the opportunity to get advice ASAP! Don't delay Dean... it will cost you big time.. your wife has already declared her intentions... and if you don't do something soon, she's gonna screw you over big time...
I'll leave my comments below... in case there's something of value there...
*** My wife got really angry. She was screaming and shouting at Charlotte, physically forcing her to get changed for the meeting, and shouting at me for 'killing the children' and how much of a bad father I was and she hated me. ***
Well, this is abuse... it's abuse of the children and of you in front of the children... she is the one who is unreasonable.. and it's my guess that she's getting advice on the matter outside of the home....
***Eventually I could see that Charlotte was getting really distressed so I stepped in and told my wife that it was OK to take Cahrlotte to the meetings if she could be pursuaded through normal means but I was not going to allow her to be bullied, either through emotional blackmail or physical intervention. ***
You were protecting your children, and you need to make sure that someone in a position of authority outside of your marriage knows this and soon (I suggest child protection services)... you are already behind the 8 ball in WT terms... which means... your wife and her elders have been working on this problem already.
***My wife went ballistic and told me that if I didn't back down she would take legel action against me! She told me she had been recording things, writing them down!! (I don't know what). She was going to get me kicked out of the house.***
I don't want to sound alarmist... but, you are way behind in protecting your interests and the interests of your children... Your wife is practicing "theocratic warfare".. and it's obvious she has the society already behind her... she's already following instructions.. .and you... are out in left field still... have no doubt... you need to protect yourself and your children, or you are going to lose, big time.... talk to a lawyer as soon as possible... this is way past where you think it is...beleive me... I've seen this sooo many times...
***I stayed as calm as I could for the kids, I didn't even raise my voice even though my wife was screaming at me. ***
Record every detail of this incident and others you can remember clearly... Detail abuse at the hands of the elders, and any interference they have had with you, your wife and your children... Concentrate on threats to your family stability, your marriage and you as an individual.
***But I stuck to my guns and said that I would not let her force the children to go to a place they hated day after day week after week.***
Make sure child protective services is aware of that... the children will confirm this for you...
***So she grabbed the girls, who were sobbing, and left in the car. Charlotte didn't even have any shoes on... ***
***She has gone over the deep end here.. she has lost the ability to provide for the basic needs of her children... child protective services needs to know this...***
Please don't delay in helping yourself here... too many people have left it too long, thinking there's no way their spouse would ever betray them that way and they lost big time... you don't have to lose... do something and do it fast... I hope it all works out for you and your kids...but it won't if you don't do something now...
Just my two...
edited because I didn't read all the posts first...
......when you wake up sad and annoyed, and it just goes downhill fast from there?
when all of your clothes make you feel fat, and you want breakfast but you've rummaged through the fridge and all of the cupboards and nothing sounds good, and your cheerful s/o is just making you feel worse with their attempts to make you feel better, and you can't find your favorite book anywhere, and the littlest things get on your nerves for no reason, which just makes you even more irritable because you know you're being childish but can't help it, and everything just plain sucks?
any suggestions for the terminally cranky?.
LOL @ ttt... (tiny tart tink)
Hope your feeling better... I have those days too... they are rare.. but they happen... I just let my son know, he usually goes out with friends... and I do my own thing...I usually feel better the next day... I call them my personal health days... lol....
Toodles for now tink...
well i am just waiting for my ride and then i will be off.
hope the results are good of the biopsy although i might not find out today.
and yesterday i bought myself two canes - one sleek brass colored folding cane and the other a standard purple floral number weehoo.
((((((Lady Lee))))))
I hope it all goes well for you... take vrey good care of yourself....
in the world today (especially in america) we believe that we can do what ever we want or will to do, but god still rules the universe, and according to his word there are some things that we can not do.
unless god wills!
i thought i might list a few things that (unaided by or apart from god) we can not do.
Hi Deputy Dog.. and welcome...
The point about people not being able to do good without God is an interesting one. Obviously, people do good, despite the bible's claim that they can't without God. People of all sorts of religious and non religious backgrounds do good, to others, in the community, nationally and globally. So what sort of solution do you offer for the dilemma? Is the bible true, or not? Or, is it possible, that if there is a God, maybe it's not important to him/her/it why someone does good... could it be that religion or religious adherents to the "infallible" bible might have it wrong?
Think about it, I am very interested in your comments on that.
Again, welcome DD!
edited because I can't spell tonight!
the next day was going to be tough.
i had to do kind of a portfolio check session with the illustrators and work on some photo retouching for an up coming italian awake magazine and work with someone from the graphics department on the miniaturization issue.
as i walked around a little bit i noticed a large hell scanner sitting in a room with a plastic tarp over it.
Wow Dave... what an eye opener! I can't wait for the next part... I'm still shaking my head and I've been out for 6 years! Holy crap batman...
See ya for part 5!
as we entered a door of the administration building we did not head to the elevator to take us up the eight floors to the main administration floor.
i looked around the room and asked, "what's up with her?
i was going to work with the elder from hell who ran the photography department.
Oh my God!!!!! I am loving this story!!!!!! I haven't been so caught up in something since star wars!!!!! hahahahahaha
Thanks Dave.. this is soooo awesome!
Frannie... a Frog Strangler of a storm???????? ROFLMAO!!!!! You better send me some depends woman.. I am running out!!!! LOL
Killin myself laughing here...
i wish i knew the original source of this article.
it appears to be written by an american.
thought i would share it, as i am proud of canada.. it's not just the weather that's cooler in canada.
As I've said before here, I am an American, living in Canada, and I enjoy the diversity here... I think the main difference between Canada and the States is that Canada really does encourage diversity...it's okay to be different. America encourages assimilation....be an American... show your stripes, kinda thing. I love my country, but I do prefer Canadian liberalism. I think it allows for resources to be used for more useful purposes instead of trying to get everyone to be the same about issues. I don't think that will ever really work. Don't get me wrong... Same sex marriage does have it's detractors here, and the marijuana issue, medical use and otherwise, is still far from being what it should be, but at least there is progress, and a resistance to leaning on old, and terribly abused rhetoric politically about the subjects. Canadians hash these things out in the press, which I find incredibly interesting. The relationship the Canadians have for the media is very different from the relationship Americans have. Canadians are a very informed people and most aren't satisfied with headlines, or sound bites....
Most Canadians don't mind the idea of same sex marriages, and they don't mind the idea of marijuana use, though statistically many people don't use or don't say they use... Canadians don't trumpet what they do for the most part.
I read that article before and I thought it was quite good.
Thanks for posting it