Hi Dannybear..
Thank you for your response.
*****I think your expanding Bradley's commentary further than required. I do agree that generalizing watchtower malfeasance is counter productive in some situations, but in the context of jwd, individuals are more inclined to reveal personal observations/experiences, having little to do with the corporate survival or public relations.*****
I expanded on Bradley's commentary for a reason. I agree that it's fine and well to reveal personal observations and experiences, and I don't disagree that JWD is a forum for just that. It is also more. People use the forum to inform us about what is happening practically and legally with the WT, lawsuits and their results, promoting television shows, books and programs that discuss pros and cons of the WT, critiquing literature, supporting participants with suggestions for treatment and support, and educating participants about critical thinking, amongst a host of other things. JWD wonderfully serves many purposes and does so well. It's also representative of a community, one that has little cohesive representation outside of this forum or others like it. I don't think it's going too much further on Bradleys suggestion of credibility to point out the benefits of that credibility and I wanted to show how it can apply here, not that it has to, just that it can.
It's also true that if some are serious about wanting to change the WT status quo, then there's still a long way to go. This site also serves considerable discussion about just that topic, and Bradley's commentary and my response seem to fit that very well. Establishing credibility and using it are important steps in that process. And this forum, be it deliberate or not, coheses a group of people with similar interests, not the least of which is bringing about that change or remedy to a troubling and frustrating situation.
*****What you say is a fact of business life. But the WTBS is far more than a business empire/conglomerate, it is and proclaims itself to be, the vessel Jehovah god uses to instruct, nurture, protect, those who dedicate their lives to Jehovah, Jesus, and the Organization.*****
I'm of the opinion that the WT can switch between it's claims of being God's organisation and just an organisation as easily as we change our underwear. It can do so any time it's inclined to. It's just a claim, and could be viewed as a suggestion from the outside, notwithstanding probably has been viewed as a suggestion legally. That some of us (me included) took it seriously and were damaged (some of us seriously damaged) because of it, doesn't mean that the WT will be made to be responsible. If your laundry soap doesn't clean your clothes as it claims it can.... how would you propose to persue the company. They can tell you it's a problem with your water... a problem with your machine.. .etc... The WT is the same. If someone has a problem with them, they usually put it down to a problem with that individual. That's one of the ways this organisation acts just like any business. If it can act this way, then we must be prepared to deal with it on that basis.
My response to the last part of the comment is, on the dollar bill, the US mint makes the suggestion, "Trust In God". Do you think that's fully true, does that mean all americans trust in God or that even all of the employees that work for the mint trust in God? It is the naive (and I was one of those naive) that trusted the proclamations of the WT. If the WT is found wanting in those areas, let that be the problem of the WT, Those of us that fell for it need to find credible ways to help others from falling for it. And help those that already have. It's a big job and a lot of the little pieces of it have already started here. I hope, through this DB, and others like it, and through the efforts of it's participants that the WT find it harder and harder to defend themselves against the fallout from making such audatious and fallacious claims, and one day I hope that they are taught a lesson for misleading and harming so many because of making those claims.
*****This fact alone sets the bar considerably higher than those managers at General Motors who are responsible for 'the corporate philosophy'. So what you have postulated may be correct technically, but in the reality, peoples very hopes, dreams, aspirations, and spritual well being are all wrapped up in the package.*****
The WT at it's core is an organisation not unlike General Motors and it protects and defends itself accordingly. It's a publishing company. IMO If anyone truly wants to have any effect whatsoever on the WT, they have to treat it like one. It's an important distinction. One that is not made often in discussion. The distinction you make above is a moral one, not necessarily a legal one. IMO we have little hope of changing the moral climate inside the WT. The WT itself, as an organisation is not moral, it's a business, and I'm quite sure the WT is aware of that. We should be too. The term "package" is one I find most appropriate. IMO Religion is a product the WT sells through books, magazines, video tapes, etc. It's a commodity and it's followers are it's consumers. The bar that some set for the WT might be in reality be quite a bit lower than it's thought to be. That is a matter of opinion. Also, I beleive that if people's hopes, dreams, aspirations and spiritual well being are wrapped up in this, then we ought to see that we are technically correct if we wish to make any difference.
Thanks again DannyBear,
edited to remove a straggler... :)