JoinedTopics Started by NINfan05
Elders wife says being upset with pedophiles in the hall being the same as having to eat sauerkraut and wieners.
by life is to short inthis couple in our hall an elder and his wife gave us a anniversary gift.
it is a wall hanging that says "as for me and my household sister life is to short and hubby will worship jehovah forever.".
i felt i should send her a thank you card even though i hate the gift.
Favorite catch phrases from movies, the ones you actually use.
by John Doe inthe old wierd guy on "princess bride" who says "have fun storming the castle!
" i've used that line more than once.
Found my new look! avatar new personality
by cyberjesus ini just realized we can change our avatar at duh!
i am happy now!.
JW's and home schooling?
by semelcred ini don't wish to offend any that are teaching their kids at home, but today i was again confronted by a situation where a jw family were home schooling.
the kids had little structure to their routine and without putting the mum down, she was no teacher in an academic sense.. the subject is close to my heart because my parents who are witnesses, took my younger brothers out of school and home tutored them.
the were subjected to below standard education and limited in social skills, particularly as my parents are crap at these skills themselves.. i have grown to hate home schooling except in the situation of medical or logistical situations.. what are your comments good or bad and do you think the option to home school is abused by the witness community?.
Finished Ex-Jehovah's Witness Survey (Please fill out for help with project)...
by Tuesday inhey everyone!.
) did you feel the religion was a cult before leaving?:.
) do you feel the religion is a cult now after leaving?:.
Jevovah's Witnesses and mental health
by bubba flavel indoes anyone know if the society has specific policies on the handling of members with mental health problems?.
my grandfather, a brother in good standing since moses developed paranoid schizophrenia in his later years.
he got to the stage where he would knock people over in the street, place his hand on thier head and cast out evil spirits in the name of jehovah.. he was disfellowshiped and not long after he passed away.. this was related to me by a friend years later as i was unaware due to the shunning, i didn't even know he died.
"Clinton in North Korea" Conspiracy
by daniel-p inin the spirit of wac, african gb member, and lovable wack-jobs everywhere, wtf is up with the image below?
as of 7:20am pacific time, this image was on the front page of
look at "clinton's" body, then look at his head.
Post a U-tube of your Favorite Songs from Music groups or Singers
by flipper in.
Make August 2009 the dawn of the "mass exodus"...the beginning of the end of the Watchtower org!
by koolaid-man inthe watchtower organization is without doubt doing everything they can to keep their business afloat.
they are at a critical point in their ever so blemished present condition.
there is simply too much genuine criticism from not only those on the outside but, also from those on the inside.