We are saving a chair for you, and have plenty of coffee. - URMA (Upper Room Ministries Anonymous)
just asking - i thought i saw something wrong....
We are saving a chair for you, and have plenty of coffee. - URMA (Upper Room Ministries Anonymous)
my big question is, how long will i have to wait for the check?.
You would have had to been there.
my big question is, how long will i have to wait for the check?.
If you would make the check certified, I have a friend close that can pick it up.
my big question is, how long will i have to wait for the check?.
My big question is, how long will I have to wait for the check?
now is a good time to start making preparations for the memorial night demonstration at your kingdom hall thursday, april 5, 2012, after sundown.. close to 20 million people will attend this annual global witness event including active witnesses, relatives and friends of witnesses, bible studies,return visits and still attached former witnesses.
the evils of the watchtower org.have to be exposed and this is an ideal time to do it.. many around the world have been adversely affected by their association with jehovah's witnesses and you can be an instrumental force by standing tall and courageously exposing the watchtower organization.. there is no better way to let the watchtower know your revulsion than to broadcast and present your view by standing fearlessly, demonstrating in front of a kingdom hall.. i am fully aware that a handful of the internet therapists who post on this forum will not agree with this method of unmasking the watchtower.. those intolerant, contemptuous critics who will comment on this thread making harsh judgements and finding fault with those who protest are perhaps deep-down wishing they had the backbone to stop hiding in cyber-space, step away from their computer and "get out of the bleachers and into the game" .
lets make this a global event!......
I will be under the bleachers if hot women are there.
you are all demonized apostates don't you know this, this is exactly what the slave was warning us about not to take apostate tracts and listen to apostates now you're all doing the same thing you were warned against and now you've corruspted my mind and made me mentally diseased and i hope jehovah destroys you all at armageddon!!!
You seem a little confused, but what the hey? Do a little research on various topics. Read Crisis Of Conscience and see if you still believe the JW's are the closest to the truth.
Enjoy your stay here.
now is a good time to start making preparations for the memorial night demonstration at your kingdom hall thursday, april 5, 2012, after sundown.. close to 20 million people will attend this annual global witness event including active witnesses, relatives and friends of witnesses, bible studies,return visits and still attached former witnesses.
the evils of the watchtower org.have to be exposed and this is an ideal time to do it.. many around the world have been adversely affected by their association with jehovah's witnesses and you can be an instrumental force by standing tall and courageously exposing the watchtower organization.. there is no better way to let the watchtower know your revulsion than to broadcast and present your view by standing fearlessly, demonstrating in front of a kingdom hall.. i am fully aware that a handful of the internet therapists who post on this forum will not agree with this method of unmasking the watchtower.. those intolerant, contemptuous critics who will comment on this thread making harsh judgements and finding fault with those who protest are perhaps deep-down wishing they had the backbone to stop hiding in cyber-space, step away from their computer and "get out of the bleachers and into the game" .
lets make this a global event!......
Rick bees yankin' again!
i think it has to be the way they treat disfellowshipped persons.
as another thread, they simply ignore the person as if they're dead!.
There was another elder (now removed) that loved telling young brothers "A stiff prick has no conscience." He also went after my ex-wife, while trying to "help us." He would have her meet him at his apartment alone to "counsel her."
i think it has to be the way they treat disfellowshipped persons.
as another thread, they simply ignore the person as if they're dead!.
The elders tried to cover it up, and it would have worked, but the two of them kept on keeping on. It came out, in an ugly way. The parents found out, and so did his wife. He was divorced, and married the girl when she turned 16. The old letch was around 50. She finally left him for a man closer to her own age a few years ago. Happy for her. Disgusting!