I didn't see a lot of drinking as a JW. I was too busy drinking.
i did!
most jws that i know of love to drink.. interestingly, i noticed the heaviest drinkers were bethelites..
I didn't see a lot of drinking as a JW. I was too busy drinking.
as most of us know the wt society has always claimed that it's dissapproved in god's sight to marry a non-jw .
although they've never made it a disfellowshipping offense, any jw who marries outside the jw organization is looked at as " weak " or lacking " spirituality " and loses certain alleged " privileges " in the congregations.
they use scriptures in the old testament as support for this.
The reason that they keep regurgitating this crap is that THEY HAVE NO NEW IDEAS! That is probably why they are cutting the Watchtower down to 16 pages.
i dont know where to begin.
i do know it might get lengthy so i'm sorry for that.
and also many thanks to all who read the whole thing.
It looks like you may have a "yo-yo girl" on your hands. The kind that can never make up their mind about anything. If so, you are setting yourself up for a lot of pain and heartache.
They will get real close and tell you that they love you, then back off and leave you hanging. Then you are crushed and getting better, and all of a sudden they come back into your life like a tornado and do even worse damage. I would leave it alone.
My yo-yo really messed my mind up in a 4 year relationship/non-relationship. I am going to counseling to help me get over some of the issues of abandonment stemming from that.
Run Forrest, Run!
i've been considering it for awhile strictly for just general overall health.
i don't take any meds, and would like to keep it that way for as long as i can.
i am a "all things in moderation " type of person but the more i read about excluding dairy and meat, the more i think about doing it.
"Where are clams and oysters on the food chain."
They don't have butts, so they should count as a vegetable.
group photo.
from l to r: ripley, ronin, gus.. .
gus helping pack home groceries on a snow day.. .
Rusty in his winter sweater:
i use usualusername as i am not creative enough to think of anything sexier.... .
what significance is there behind your profile name?.
My initials.
Fight Club.
once when i was profoundly sad for too many days, my brother in law sent us a mix tape.
he named each song after a person in our family.
this is the one he named heather.
lets's go!!.
"there was no doubt in my mind that he was talking directly to me.
he said being assertive isn't a luxury, it's our inalienable right.
we don't have to feel quilty about it.
Never more true than this year:
" Politics is the entertainment branch of industry." - Frank Zappa