Me thinks the letter reader made some Freudian slips.
see, steven unthank's private blog site where he posted the following material.
i enlarged and put in bold the third paragraph of the wt's letter where the elder, an ex-bethelite, made some fascinating errors while reading the letter by using the words, "borg" and "perp.
" does this mean what i think it means?
Me thinks the letter reader made some Freudian slips.
i came across this artist in my internet travels .... his paintings are just,, well, you have to see them for yourself!
it's abstract expressionism at its finest, and easy to relate to the symbolism, especially as explained in the vid.
many of you, reading this, may find joy and release in expressing yourself in artistic mediums; here's what can happen if you 'go for it'.
I am glad he got his family back; many of us are not so lucky. A great video, and I would love to have one of his paintings.
i have been thinking about this for weeks!.
nothing short of death will be acceptable to my mother!.
i thought of saying i will go to another cong but my parents know people there so that won't work.. help!.
Tell them you caught a nasty STD.
Either that, or he is a Shawn Kemp wannabe.
i love this song, it fits with my thoughts right now:.
caught out running.
I love this song, it fits with my thoughts right now:
Caught out running
With just a little too much to hide
Maybe baby
Everything's gonna turn out fine
Please read the letter
I mailed it to your door
It's crazy how it all turned out
We needed so much more
Too late, too late
A fool could read the signs
Maybe baby
You'd better check between the lines
Please read the letter, I
Wrote it in my sleep
With help and consultation from
The angels of the deep
Once I stood beside a well of many words
My house was full of rings and
Charms and pretty birds
Please understand me, my
Walls come falling down
There's nothing here that's left for you
But check with lost and found
Please read the letter that I wrote
Please read the letter that I wrote
One more song just before we go
Remember baby
All the things
We used to know
Please read my letter
And promise you'll keep
The secrets and the memories and
Cherish in the deep
Please read the letter that I wrote
Please read the letter that I wrote
Please read the letter that I wrote
Please read the letter that I wrote
Please read the letter that I wrote
Please read the letter that I wrote
ok, so the mega millions jackpot is at half a billion dollars.
if you won and decided to take it in a lump sum, you automatically lose 40%, then there's state and federal taxes, so you'd actually get a 'meazly' $240,000,000.. what would you do if you won that kind of money?
other than donate a chunk to the world-wide-wit-lessing-work..........
I would be philanthropic with half of it. and live very nicely on the rest. I would buy a house in California and one in the Florida Keys, and enjoy the variety of both places. One of my charities would be to set up a halfway house for ex JW's kicked out on the street by their family, to help them restart their lives and have a safe place to stay.
i have a friend, she has been my friend for over 20 that 20 years i have seen her reasonably regularly.
i visit her, she visits me.. the thing that has started bugging me is this...... when i visit her it is normally in the daytime.
i stop in for a cuppa and a chat.
I have a trick for you that may work.
After she eats dinner with you next time, put the dishes on the floor and let the dogs lick them clean. Then put them directly into the cupboard. That may get her to quit coming for meals.
Just a thought.
i did!
most jws that i know of love to drink.. interestingly, i noticed the heaviest drinkers were bethelites..
I make the second that you know.
i did!
most jws that i know of love to drink.. interestingly, i noticed the heaviest drinkers were bethelites..
I didn't see a lot of drinking as a JW. I was too busy drinking.
as most of us know the wt society has always claimed that it's dissapproved in god's sight to marry a non-jw .
although they've never made it a disfellowshipping offense, any jw who marries outside the jw organization is looked at as " weak " or lacking " spirituality " and loses certain alleged " privileges " in the congregations.
they use scriptures in the old testament as support for this.
The reason that they keep regurgitating this crap is that THEY HAVE NO NEW IDEAS! That is probably why they are cutting the Watchtower down to 16 pages.