Victoria, Australia: A MUST READ-Transcript of audio recording of WT letter read to all Victoria congs Oct/Nov. 2011 re: Working With Children Act

by AndersonsInfo 101 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • AndersonsInfo

    See , Steven Unthank's private blog site where he posted the following material. I enlarged and put in bold the third paragraph of the WT's letter where the elder, an ex-Bethelite, made some fascinating errors while reading the letter by using the words, "Borg" and "perp." Does this mean what I think it means? (This is not an April Fool's Day joke - it's for real.) Also, notice the sentence I underlined. How extraordinary!


    The Latrobe Valley Express newspaper, February 27, 2012, while covering the discontinuing of the prosecution of the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses, reported that the Watchtower claimed “unclarity” in relation to the Working with Children laws. The newspaper, reported that

    the Watchtower Society had been in discussions with the Department of Public Prosecutions, but would not comment on whether it was ordered to conform with the legislation, or had voluntarily accepted it.

    The newspaper also reported that

    …an audio recording of a letter from the Watchtower Society, read to a local congregation in late 2011 and heard by The Express, it was stated door-to-door activities were part of a member’s “personal ministry”, and ‘publishers’ were not representatives or volunteers of the Watchtower Society.

    However the letter reading went on to state, “nevertheless, an individual may volunteer to apply (for WWC)”, which Mr Unthank said was the religion absolving itself of responsibility, and putting the onus on individuals.

    Watchtower Society senior elder Alan Wood, confirmed a letter had been sent out to Victorian congregations “about November” last year, informing elders of their requirement to apply for WWC.

    JW News has obtained an audio copy of the above referred to letter being read out in the Traralgon Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses by Elder Chris Thompson.

    Transcript of an audio recording of the public reading of a letter, issued by the ‘Committee of Management for the Religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses’, over the need to comply with child protection laws, which became compulsory for “religious organisations” and “ministers of religion” from July 2008 onward in the State of Victoria, Australia.



    DATE: publicly read out October / November 2011 in all congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the State of Victoria, Australia


    “… [Introduction missing] … children are protected from harm. We certainly share their concern for the welfare of children. In Victoria, laws have been implemented which require persons who have regular and direct contact with children to have their suitability for such activity checked by a government authority. This is known as a Working with Children Check.

    “Unlike many religious organisations, congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses do not sponsor any activities that separate, or isolate, children from their parents. For example, we do not organise Sunday Schools, camps, excursions, religious instructions at schools, or any other activities for children.

    “Nevertheless, an adult publisher may, as part of their own personal ministry, have regular contact with a minor, that is a person under 18 years of age who is not a family member, such as when conducting a regular Bible study. Such Bible study activity is part of a publisher’s personal ministry … I’ll read that again, again … Such Bible study activity is part of a perp … publisher’s personal ministry and the publisher is not a representative of the Borg … (whistle) … Sorry, I’ll start that sentence again. Such Bible study activity is part of a publisher’s personal ministry and the publisher is not a representative or a volunteer of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia.

    “Nevertheless, the individual publisher may individually be required by Victorian law to obtain a Working with Children Check. Therefore, if you think that you need to apply for a Working with Children Check, because of your spiritual activities, please speak to the coordinator of the Body of Elders who will provide you with further information.

    “It is a pleasure to be working with you in holding high Jehovah’s great name in these momentous last days. We send you our warm Christian love and greetings.

    “So brothers, the purpose of this letter is to serve as a reminder to all in the congregation of two facts; first of all, when we share in our field service we are not serving in the capacity of a volunteer or a representative of Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. However, this is the second point, if we are in regular contact with a minor, someone under the age of 18, we may still be required by law to have a Working with Children Check. Therefore, if we find ourselves meeting that criteria could you please come and have a talk with myself, as per the direction in the letter there to speak to the coordinator of the Body of Elders, and I will provide you with further direction regarding that.

    “Thank you for your attention brothers, we’ll hand over to Brother Van Der Sluis who will be handling our part the ‘Question Box’.”


  • arwen

    Thank you for this very important info.

  • JRK

    Me thinks the letter reader made some Freudian slips.


  • cofty
    Such Bible study activity is part of a publisher’s personal ministry and the publisher is not a representative or a volunteer of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia.

    This is astonishing. I wonder what JWs in other countries would think if they knew they were no longer representing the Watchtower.

    Thanks for posting.

  • mP

    imagine how bad the pedophilia would be if it was not gods org. ? jehovah is really fighting for his witnesses like he defended the jews against the babylonians, assyrians, greeks and romans.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    That struck me too. if they don't represent the WTS or JWs then why all the rules about how to dress or conduct themselves. Why must they never bring shame on the JW or WTS name? Why carry no blood cards or wear badges when they are at conventions? Every thing they do is about making the WTS and JWs look better then everyone else.

    Now on to actually reading the transcript

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    we do not organise Sunday Schools, camps, excursions, religious instructions at schools, or any other activities for children

    That's for sure. Talk to the little kids as if they are adults. That should make them understand

    we may still be required by law to have a Working with Children Check. Therefore, if we find ourselves meeting that criteria could you please come and have a talk with myself, as per the direction in the letter there to speak to the coordinator of the Body of Elders,

    OK I don't know about the laws there but here a person would have to have an abuse registry check. If you are not on the list you are cleared to work with children. But the only way for someone to get on the list is that he has to be found guilty of a criminal act against a child. But the WTS/JWs hide accused perps so there would be no record. They would get their check and it would be clear and that would be the end of it. They would be able to work with kids.

    So basically any JWs who is accused by a child or the child's parents who goes to the elders with the report, would be asked to provide the required 2 witnesses. Failure to bring forth 2 witnesses and the accused denies the allegations the matter drops. It is not reported to the authorities. It is never investigated. There would be no charges laid. No court case. No guilty charge even with all the legally required evidence. He never goes to jail and never gets put on the registry as an offender.

    Yup WTS policy to protect children at its finest.

  • metatron

    Ah, examine the legal boilerplate carefully and ask yourself - where might this go eventually?

    They claim that publishers are not volunteers or representatives of the Watchtower. Really? Not even volunteers?

    At some point, a court might say, "Oh, yes they are" and after that big trouble. Can you imagine a situation in which they become liable for all publishers?

    Now, that would be the real end of the preaching work.


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    So if publishers are not representatives of the WTBTS, why do the send monthly reports in to them?

  • lisaBObeesa
    “Nevertheless, an adult publisher may, as part of their own personal ministry, have regular contact with a minor, that is a person under 18 years of age who is not a family member, such as when conducting a regular Bible study. Such Bible study activity is part of a publisher’s personal ministry … I’ll read that again, again … Such Bible study activity is part of a perp … publisher’s personal ministry and the publisher is not a representative of the Borg … (whistle) … Sorry, I’ll start that sentence again. Such Bible study activity is part of a publisher’s personal ministry and the publisher is not a representative or a volunteer of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia.

    Is this for real?? or an April fools joke? He actually said "perp" and "Borg"? Seriously?

    Ok, I see you are saying this is not a joke.



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