That sucks, but not in a good way.
yes thats my situation.
some where along the path of life the wt guilt trip was dumped on our marriage and we havent had sex for years.. anyone else?
the hearts and flowers and gifts and doing the cleaning, the house work and paying the daily accounts never being drunk on drugs playing the horses or screwing others yep its all there but nothing coming back due to the wt guilt trip.. they made so much of 'oral sex' and 'pornea' incorrectly quoted at that and ventured thereby into areas they were patently very ill equipped to comment on.
That sucks, but not in a good way.
not jesus, but my saab.
and i looked around, and it is good.
i resurrected him after 7 months in gehenna, and he is now at my right hand, ruling the roadways.
Electrical gremlins. Fixed some wires and a new battery, and she runs like a top. Last year I had to buy a new ignition cassette, I had to sputter home from an apostafest. She may be old, but not that hard to troubleshoot.
Now I have to see what is up (pun) with the convertible top that will not go down, probably a prox switch.
Believe it or not, the car is not drafty in the winter. The top is well insulated.
not jesus, but my saab.
and i looked around, and it is good.
i resurrected him after 7 months in gehenna, and he is now at my right hand, ruling the roadways.
Maybe that is why they went to 2 cycle engines after that experience. Those were real smokers.
not jesus, but my saab.
and i looked around, and it is good.
i resurrected him after 7 months in gehenna, and he is now at my right hand, ruling the roadways.
Tell me about the wheel arches.
not jesus, but my saab.
and i looked around, and it is good.
i resurrected him after 7 months in gehenna, and he is now at my right hand, ruling the roadways.
A 9 3 SE Convertible. Long may he run.
not jesus, but my saab.
and i looked around, and it is good.
i resurrected him after 7 months in gehenna, and he is now at my right hand, ruling the roadways.
Not Jesus, but my Saab. And I looked around, and it is good. I resurrected him after 7 months in Gehenna, and he is now at my right hand, ruling the roadways. His headlights are a lamp to your foot and a light to your roadway. And their came to be evening, and their came to be morning, a new day; and it is good, sayeth Lord JK.
do cos (and dos) have a cushy life in comparison with other jws, or others in fulltime service?.
it could be said that they do, since they have an apartment provided for them, meals out, green handshakes, and invites to social gatherings.
it could also be said that they do not, since they may have to live in a different house every week, accept whatever food they're given, and they have a lot more meetings than the average jw.. .
You almost made me do a spittake.
Circuit Overseer's Wives=COWs! Moo.
my husband is gravely ill sedated and on a ventilator.
he most likely isn't going to survive.
we are not disfellowshipped.
You and your husband are in my thoughts, and am sending my best wishes and positive vibes for both of you.
if armageddon struck right now.... would you rather be:.
the only jw passenger on a transatlantic jet that now has no pilot and will be crashing into the ocean or,.
the only jw person on a high rise elevator that is now stalled on the 110th floor without any food, power, a/c or communication or,.
I would rather not dwell on any of those scenarios, since the "Big A" is never going to come.
well, i went along to the memorial with mrs cedars.
it was my first since my "awakening" just less than a year ago.
apparently i made a lot of people happy by being there (even if it was only building up false hopes), the most important of which were my family.
One year, I was one of the dorks assigned to pass the emblems. That year some jackass filed the glasses to the rim with wine. That made things interesting and messy.