I learned how to take a punch from my old man.
in proverbs there are several verses on the wisdom.
of using the rod for discipline.
the notion that children.
I learned how to take a punch from my old man.
just kidding, but wouldn't it be cool if she divorced tommy, and revealed the truth about this cult?
tal .
You little tease!
so far when i have seen the word 'betrayal' or 'betrayed' on these boards, it's in reference to how we feel betrayed by the watchtower society, family, or individuals within the organization.
we all understand this feeling well.
i can relate to many of the sentiments expressed.. but the other night with my therapist, towards the very end of the session, the word 'betrayal' came up in reference to myself.. the therapist noted that i seemed to be 'holding back' with her.
I found in therapy, it really helps to mention your cult background. When I finally did that, I received the help I needed.
Diest beat me, fogget about dis one and comment on his.
Watch the news if you want more. I am happy!
You will fit in well here dingo, we are all a littly dingy! Welcome.
( credit goes to average joe).
2011 school for congregation elders hand book.click the link in the blue box by the blue arrow.http://www.sendspace.com/file/82jdej.or use this site.1.
click the link and another page will open with the words "download file" in blue color, click on that link.
Thank you again, Atlantis.
this thread was inspired by the "a question for the ladies..." thread and anybody is welcome to post.. if you are now free and clear of the wts, how have your dress and grooming changed?
i'll start the ball rolling by saying that i made some changes that i really like.
i'm down to two suits and they are only for job interviews and perhaps some solemn occasion.
Here is a new look mixing some dress clothes with jeans:
i got this "privilege" thrust upon me for about 6 months many years ago.
i was a hubby, father of young children, service committee member, working 2 jobs and then this.
it truly is a thankless task.
Did you get stuck arranging the "hospitality" crap too?
i just had a realization looking at a website about the governing body.... in order to get there you no doubt have to have long service to the borg, but more importantly you have to be so deluded and out of touch that you think you're actually going to heaven!
these guys are so brain washed they believe everything so dearly that they actually think they are of the anointed.
no wonder they make such terrible decisions and policies, these guys are loons.. .
The reason that they are not adding new members to the GB is that they like the way the 2/3's majority is now, and don't want their boat rocked. They are yes men with no ideas, and running scared. I think the reason that the magazines are getting cut down in size is because THEY HAVE NO NEW IDEAS!