I wonder what Tony will think about the really short, capri type men's pants that are now popular? They will definitely show those loud colored socks!
in this wt literature illustration from a german kingdom hall, one can see that the two nonwestern jw's on the right are featured as needing to improve on their choice of clothing and become more american like the gobo wishes them all to be.. .. .
I wonder what Tony will think about the really short, capri type men's pants that are now popular? They will definitely show those loud colored socks!
i have some tricks to play.
i know it may sound childish but i feel that creating havoc and forcing the memorial to be postponed will be the highlight of the night!
wish me luck!.
Feeding their persecution complex is not going to help anyone.
1. in bro sandersons latest video (in which he shows a very impressive skill with russian) he mentions two likely results of the imminent russian ban: the liquidation of the branch office and its assets, and the individual brothers capacity to worship freely.
no prizes for guessing which one gets mentioned first!.
2. why have the gb never attempted in the past, and are not interested in attempting now, such a letter writing campaign in other communist countries where the work is under similar restrictions, like china, or vietnam?
Follow the money . . .
just had a wild conspiracy theory.
get your tin hats everyone.
what if this mass letter writing is all a bethel conspiracy to increase declining service hours?
It feeds their Persecution Complex. It is exciting to the everyday JW to be a part of a campaign.
I remember the Malawi letter writing bullshit. SSDD.
are people taking this man seriously?
he looks genuinely mentally ill. .
Lett is a fucking joke. Even the "dubs" that like him compare him to Red Skelton! They like him in a sick fuck sort of way.
IDK, maybe we should bitchslap him with the joke he is? He really is a motherfucking joke!
He is such a "gay blade!' He reminds me of my brother-in-law who is so gay he would suck off anyone that had a hint of homosexuality. If you ever saw his wife you would understand why his gonads are so crushed. He is SO gay!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfo8-jqzscm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23y2cz40zs4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mysgxbdksus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wegha0xi4gu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=km5jgqjx_lk.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ervly-ltjhs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/chuck_berry.
Thank you Chuck, for giving us Rock N' Roll. And opening the door for Frank Zappa to knock the ball through the goalposts.
a local elder had the part this week on the "good news" brochure.
he said: "if the householder has any questions, direct them to jw.org, don't say, just look up jehovah's witnesses on the internet(an older sister said this at the door), if you do they will be directed to a site visited by apostates and weak witnesses!
" "this mistake, would cause the householder to never accept bible truth".. i thought to myself, wow, i'm sure some listening to this part, will get curious now(many in the hall are just being exposed to the internet, and practicing with their new tablets) and do, just what they were told not to do..
I still praise the almighty Jojoba, King of oils!
i'll start: stilton cheese.. (it was a toss up between that and sweet pickled beetroot).. thank you folks..
Polish dill pickles.
when i was in , i went on many vacations, ate out at restaurants a lot and drank alcohol.
loved music and dancing too.... do jws do anything but watch watchtower videos now?
Nothing! They have sucked the fun out of everything!.
11 march 2017. dear governing body of jehovah's witnesses,.
could you please introduce the phrase "spiritual generation" to replace the phrase "overlapping generation".
it would save us all a lot of confusion.. an online search of your publications dating back to 2000 showed that this term has never been used.. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/s/r1/lp-e?q="spiritual+generation"&p=par.
They are polishing the turd.