Do I smell something?? Could it be bullshit by wanna be Jdubs. How can you defend a organization when in all actuality and technically you are NO PART off. YOU ARE ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKIN IN TRYING TO MAINTAIN YOUR BLINDERS TO TRUTH! It's like you are saying that the GB's home cooked meals are GOOd, but then sneak away and cook your own meals adding what you want, then you sneak back and eat the GB's for leftovers. COME on people be honest with yourselves! You know you could never go back to the Borg and sit your tush in those hard seats and listen to a "spirit-directed" always right even when wrong ever increasing light that always gets brighter never ending magazine and book publishing that erases the past Jesus Christ appointed 29 years after he initially came FAithful and Discreet Slave class! As a active JDub who wants out Please!!
JoinedPosts by whathehadas
JW Defenders- Is WTS Right to Insist You Stay Away From these Websites?
by OnTheWayOut ini read these threads and there are a few that bend over backwards to say why wts is correct on this issue or that issue.. they act like typical jw's that refuse to acknowledge points that may show that wts is not following the scriptures or that wts goes beyond the scriptures in a way that is not supported by others.. the point could be the blood issue or shunning or whether 1799 or 1914 was the start (or finish?
) of the last days or whether there is a faithful and discreet slave class or not.
i don't want to harp on each point.
My morbid fear of rejection ...
by The Berean init probably all began woth having no father or male influence during childhood to tell me how well i was doing.
as a youngster the most unpleasant task involved knocking as a jw on doors of people who didn't want you there and being told i was not welcome.. it went farther than that.
before conversion, mother had grown up as a salvation army disciplinarian and most everything i did was wrong or unhealthy according to her.
Yeah B, I have the same exact fear. A fear of rejection, correction, and failure. To this day I have never been able to get a girlfriend in the borg and out. Im tryin to get over it!
Does it Matter my friends?
by whathehadas inparadise paradise a new world with no pain and suffering.
everlasting enjoyment filled with sugarcoated wishes and chocolate dreams.
cut the crap man!
Paradise Paradise a new world with no pain and suffering. Everlasting enjoyment filled with sugarcoated wishes and chocolate dreams. Cut the crap man! I ask myself after a run in withe my family over challenging Jw beliefs. Does it matter if I get to the paradise? hey its not like someone will be waitin no to enjoy themselves before they see you anyway. Will families now spend forever together in one big tree house? If you dont see enough of them already now. What will be the significance of your blood relatives then? If we will all be young and servants of the true God, why would you need to be attached to a specific person(mother,father,brother,etc) anyway. Its just annoys me how JWs feel!
District Convention Drama Formula (modern day)
by AllTimeJeff inremember, the gb picks the theme, approves the script, etc...... so a modern day drama will start out typically with.
husband getting home from work,.
wife has meal ready, unless she is a bad wife, which will be noted throughout the drama.
You funny JeffB! Hey how about gettin up during the boring symposiums and goin on a men's restroom hunt. Thanks for the Brothers who take away ALL the restrooms and give them to the sisters. They manage to leave one but good luck in finding it!
It's Amazing!
by whathehadas init's amazing to me how many of the exjws no longer believe in god.
i know some of you have many reasons to believe in what you do now.
but this is a big testimony to what the wts does to people's concept of god.
I feel you on that J, that is strange how God is Bipolar in the the Bible. I think that since this was the first time he created man and since he chooses not to look into the future regarding mans choices, everything in life is not only a learning experience for us but for him also. The thing that gets me is if he intended the creation to be perfect. What would he, Jesus, and the rest of his Myriads and Myriads of spirit creatures be doin. Just watchin and twiddling their thumbs like a security guard watchin a empty lot at night, where the chances of anything bad happening are slim to none. Just a thought.
It's Amazing!
by whathehadas init's amazing to me how many of the exjws no longer believe in god.
i know some of you have many reasons to believe in what you do now.
but this is a big testimony to what the wts does to people's concept of god.
It's amazing to me how many of the ExJws no longer believe in God. I know some of you have many reasons to believe in what you do now. But this is a big testimony to what the WTS does to people's concept of God. A God that is always lookin for you to do your best, always bending over for others, and keeping your head forward when you have doubts. You can believe what you believe but don't you think that it's kind of odd, that you used to spend alot of time speakin about God. I still belive in God but I had times where I wondered if he/she exists. I'm not that smart and well verse like most of you. I haven't spent anytime in researching athiests views and concepts. But I know that we are physical and to look to something that we can't see, hear, touch, or smell for guidance is quite a challenge. The FDS wants us to put our trust in them, cause they been trusted by Jehovah and Jesus to lead us. When you figure out that this trust was misplaced you lose all faith. But hey you have the freedom to choose what you want to believe. If God doesn't like it and really wants you to believe in him. Why don't he come down and prove his existance? ooh wait a minute did he do it already? Never mind, Peace ExJws and wannaBJws(Reniaa, Spike Tassel, etc)
What Works Best on Exposing JW's? All of the above....
by AllTimeJeff inthere are some days when i log in here and because of my own views on governing body dogma (which is, its a big smelly stinky wet pile of shit), i find myself writing essays about subjects concerning how nutty their doctrines really are, how weak they are.
so i do these expose's and at the end of it, i feel better, because i know, (i know!
) that the governing body are cynical liars, and that their doctrine is total crap.. i know this is good for those who actually care enough to take up the gb on its offer to "study the deeper things", might question what they find, and want some other info... thats how it started with me.... lately however..... this other way, where you simply mock jw's.... when i first came here, i was pretty sensitive to that.
Man JeffB, the JW life is wretched! I'm stucked with these nuts until I can figure a way to get out. The pressure the GB puts you under by constantly promoting the field service, reaching out for positions, and meeting attendance, makes it hard for one to fade. I wish I go back in time("we gotta go back marty") and stop my @#$ from gettin in the water. I was a naive stupid shy 16yr old with no balls to say no! Why couldn't I wait till I developed critical thinking, maybe then things would be different. But No, with all the constant "reminders" to get baptize. I probably would not have made it till now. Can a Brotha shoot himself to make it end!!!!!!!
by whathehadas ini was at the kh today, and the brother giving the talk mention this.
that while he was in the church, a popular belief by the people.
was that god was "just walkin along, got lonely and decided to create".
Sacolton I have the Regular Pink Lady and the Brooke Skye Lotus. Satanus they can't shun me if they don't know about it. If I had a worldly girl, this would be a automatic red light by the Elders If they found out.
by whathehadas ini was at the kh today, and the brother giving the talk mention this.
that while he was in the church, a popular belief by the people.
was that god was "just walkin along, got lonely and decided to create".
I was at the KH today, and the Brother giving the talk mention this. That while he was in the church, a popular belief by the people. Was that God was "Just walkin along, got lonely and decided to create". These are not the exact words but they are along this line. He then said "as JWs who know the Truth, we know that God never gets lonely! He doesn't need us or anything to suffice him". This makes you think, IMHO that what would God be without his creation? What would Love be without something to give it to? What would Justice, Wisdom, and Power be without something to show it to? I can only conclude THAT HE NEEDED US to manifest himself/herself. But then again Why create a Spirit and Physical realm? Wouldn't either or be enough? Anyways I know I get lonely. Since I can't bring myself to find a WORDLY GIRLFRIEND and can't pay a prostitute for her services. In the mean time I will do with my Fleshlight( I'm not trying to emphasize a sexual loneliness but being the Fact that I now know the Truth about the Truth. I am no longer interested in JW women. Bottom line, I need to get my ass out of this prison. Please someone shoot me!
need help finding speech
by Watkins ini'm trying to find the bethel graduation speech given by - i think - fred franz, wherein he disassembles the wt ideology of a centralized 'governing body' in the first century.
i've tried the search function, but must not be wording it right.. i hope you know what i'm looking for - i'm sure i've read it here, or maybe by a link from here.. thanks in advance for your help!
Hey try going to his nephew's site, at The talk i think you're referring to is the "Tail walking the dog" speech. It's the "Governing Body" talk though on the site. You can get it in CD form or Mp3 from your computer.