Just happened to notice. I have a 2 year old so I spent a lot of time in the halls.
LOL on the credit card comment....I just had a visual of the ladies swiping your card and putting the slip in the box.
not sure if this was the case elsewhere, but i noticed that the contribution boxes with the people attending them stayed out in the hall ways throughout the entire session.
they used to be set up only before and after sessions and during lunch......times are tough!
Just happened to notice. I have a 2 year old so I spent a lot of time in the halls.
LOL on the credit card comment....I just had a visual of the ladies swiping your card and putting the slip in the box.
not sure if this was the case elsewhere, but i noticed that the contribution boxes with the people attending them stayed out in the hall ways throughout the entire session.
they used to be set up only before and after sessions and during lunch......times are tough!
Not sure if this was the case elsewhere, but I noticed that the contribution boxes with the people attending them stayed out in the hall ways throughout the entire session. They used to be set up only before and after sessions and during lunch......times are tough!!
yes we saved and loaned and skrimped to build our own hall as we share with 6 other congs amd our area keeps growing bigger.
we even picked out the land....nice, perfect for a hall.
we had 147,000 so....then the advice comes from "above" that bethel advised us not to build since the bookstudy is cancelled our hall can take one more cong????
Finally Free, I remember that project. In our Italian cong they actually announced that if each publisher contributed $300 they should have enough to complete the project. My brother and I were unbaptized publishers at the time so my mom gave $900. My dad, who was extremely opposed to JWs, would've killed her if he found out she gave 1 cent to the society. When the project didn't go through she was fuming, but guess what, it didn't stop her from forking over more money on the next projects. But I sure am glad they don't use a collection plate, that's the sign of a true religion........what a joke.
do the elders try to advise members against using facebook for some reason??
Actually both Myspace and facebook were mentioned by name at our last circuit assembly when talking about the dangers of the internet.
We also had a local needs talk following the assembly on the same subject. Maybe there was an incident in the circuit.
i finally broke my silence yesterday in a discussion with my mom.
for months now i have been dropping hints here and there that i am not pleased with many things happening in the org, but i would always present it from a concerned jw prospective.
my wife wants us to remain closet jw's because she has bigger reservations of displeasing her family than i do, and wants to continue playing the game.. yesterday however my wife wasn't around, and for the 100th time my mom was ragging on me for attending one of my best friend's weddings because he was marrying a non jw, and the fact that his df'd brother was there.
I finally broke my silence yesterday in a discussion with my mom. For months now I have been dropping hints here and there that I am not pleased with many things happening in the org, but I would always present it from a concerned JW prospective. My wife wants us to remain closet JW's because she has bigger reservations of displeasing her family than I do, and wants to continue playing the game.
Yesterday however my wife wasn't around, and for the 100th time my mom was ragging on me for attending one of my best friend's weddings because he was marrying a non JW, and the fact that his DF'd brother was there. I finally snapped, and started pointing out many JW teachings that are absurd. However the shock of the day was when I told her that there is no chance in hell that I let my daughters die if a blood transfusion can save them. The look on her face was unforgettable, it was as if a doctor had just told her that her son was going to die.
I tried to use examples from the bible(Saul's army eating meat with blood, Jesus healing on the sabbath) to show that people's well being was more important to God than following laws, but everytime I started making sense she would interupt me. I asked her why she would never let me finnish my point, she replied because she didn't want me to put doubts in her head (typical). She actually said, "you are talking like an apostate".
Another shocking moment for her was when I told her that in one of the convention talks, that she hadn't had yet, the society blames the r&f witnesses for coming up with the failed dates of 1914, 1925 and 1975. She actually said," but the Watchtower magazine taught 1975". But then she quickly shrugged it off as one of those imperfect men moments.
When I got home and told my wife what had happened she was not impressed. I think she's afraid that one day I will lose it in a similar way in front of her family. She's right though, it is getting harder and harder to keep my mouth shut. At the district convention there were half a dozen times where I wanted to jump out of my seat and yell at the top of my lungs, "liars!!!".
I just want this to be over, it's like a bad dream that I can't wake up from.
i think most are not.
i think most do what they must simply to continue their social and family life..
Holding a blood card means not too much. For many JWs, it's not the reality. They don't even think about it.
I never once thought about the ramnifications of a blood card until I had kids.....boy was I blind.
i think most are not.
i think most do what they must simply to continue their social and family life..
Based on the 4 congs that I've been in I'd agree with Outlaw as well....15-20%. Although we do get a lot of flak for having a mortgage. We are just one of two families that own a home everyone else rents or lives with parents.
there have been a number of developments over the past few months and they paint an interesting picture.. witnesses can keep dragging themselves to meetings ad infinitum however, the future of the watchtower itself is another story.
the evidence of continuing cash flow problems is now overwhelming.
if you talk to well placed witnesses, most won't deny it but simply blame it on the publishers financial problems.. they have cut off loans to congregations many of whom genuinely need new kingdom halls.
I think what would hit the WTS the hardest is if government started treating them like the corporation they are and started taxing them. I thought I heard they were trying to do that in France, but if it were done in the US at headquarters it would cripple them. Not only that, but if someone can prove they are not and never were a non-profit organization, the government can collect back taxes for previous years as well. That would do it for sure.
i know of a few others.
There was an awake article that gave the experience of Tom Edur, a hockey player from the 70's. The article made it sound like he was a star and he left a prosperous hockey career to be a witness. He was quoted as saying he left because he didn't like the violence. I looked up his stats.......he sucked!!
hi, everyone, just wanted to say hi to y'all.
i've been lurking for a long time... .
i only wished i had visited sites like these before!
Oh forgot to mention that underground parking was off limits for the ordinary publishers like us.