Wow talk about food at the proper time Yes how totaly right... all the good enjoyable stuff in life is down to the devil!
It is only God that provides the mean nasty stuff... and how privialged we are to serve him(!)
this is just a small part of it but i wonder if this person thought out what they were saying.
are they not inferring that going to the hall and assemblies fails to help gain a relationship with jehovah, so why go then?
Wow talk about food at the proper time Yes how totaly right... all the good enjoyable stuff in life is down to the devil!
It is only God that provides the mean nasty stuff... and how privialged we are to serve him(!)
what they've said in the past;.
"...mark the words of jesus, which definitely seem to discourage the bearing of children immediately before or during armageddon: "and woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days" - matt.
24:19... it would therefore appear that there is no reasonable or scriptural injunction to bring children into the world immediately before armageddon, where we now are.
free2beme: This is true, but what is also true is that the WT is very good at shooting themselves in the foot!
i know they love to crow about the dwindling christindom churches but hey what about the muslim or buddist religons?
now these are growing alot and far more than the jw's.... how does that fulfill their profecies hey?.
I have actualy asked a JW this very question, their responce after a long pause was " yeah but they arn't christindom so they don't count"... WTF?!!!
i am once again trying really hard to come off the pills ( anti depressants) i've been off them for 3 days, am having the most awful withdrawal symtoms.
inculding terrible vertigo!
i just looked up the offical symtoms of coming off my brand of meds... this is the list.
hi i have done some cutting down, i was on a half dose for a while and now nothing. But still i was not prepared for the awfullness of coming off them altogether
i am once again trying really hard to come off the pills ( anti depressants) i've been off them for 3 days, am having the most awful withdrawal symtoms.
inculding terrible vertigo!
i just looked up the offical symtoms of coming off my brand of meds... this is the list.
I am once again trying really hard to come off the pills ( anti depressants) I've been off them for 3 days, am having the most awful withdrawal symtoms. Inculding terrible vertigo! I just looked up the offical symtoms of coming off my brand of meds... this is the list
aggression, anxiety, balance issues , blurred vision , brain zaps, concentration impairment, constipation, crying spells, depersonalization, diarrhea, dizziness. electric shock sensations, fatigue, flatulence, flu-like symptoms, hallucinations, hostility, highly emotional, indigestion, irritability, impaired speech, insomnia, jumpy nerves, lack of coordination, lethargy, migraine headaches / increased headaches, nausea, nervousness, over-reacting to situations, paranoia, repetitive thoughts or songs, sensory & sleep disturbances, severe internal restlessness (akathasia), stomach cramps, tremors, tinnitus (ear ringing or buzzing), tingling sensations, troubling thoughts, visual hallucinations / illusions, vivid dreams, speech visual changes, worsened depression
.... hahahahahahahaaaa I have to laugh or i'd cry! And of course this isn't helped because i've been on these pills for more than 3 years...
I just hope it passes soon! apart from the hallucinations/ paranoia... i've got pretty much all of the above symtoms, the vertigo is awfull!
it is so strange how once you distance yourself from your kingdom hall and friends, that they find it necesary to discuss and contemplate your departure and put out all kinds of statements that simply are not true.. i am licking my wounds today because some kind of nasty things were said about me to a friend of mine who is df, from her ubber righteous sister.
it was via text, so it was there to read.
the thing i can't figure out is i have nothing to do with this woman.
I dissagree that JW's are like everyone else when they gossip. They are not, they are far far worse. It also hurts far more because after all you are cut off from any other community as a JW, and when your so called "loving brothers and sisters" start lying and gossiping about you it destorys your whole world.
From their point of view, when you have left they have to say nasty things about you... what else are they going to say? THey would never say " she left because she realised this so called "truth" is a lie" etc etc. It frightens them when you leave, makes them think maybe just maybe your right? SO they defend themselves by ripping you apart.
Was i was in and a "fine example" i was the vitim of gossip. The most awful lies were told about me. The story went around the whole congo... all of which belived the story without question, even though what i was being accussed of was completely out of charater for me. Not one person came to me for my story, not one of my "loving brothers and sisters" even gave me the benifit of the doubt, not one of them stopped for a mintue and thought " hang on i've known highdose for years and she would never do somthing like that". I'd spent my whole life in that congo... and this was how much i was "loved". Instead i was shunned, not DF'd mind but still shunned by the congo, when they did speak to me it was to tell me off for the awful things i was meant to have done. Everytime i put the person right, but then they would hear the story again and come and tell me off again.
Eventually ( talking a good year here) it was proved that i was innocent... not one of my brothers and sisters came to apologise to me, some of them even continued to shun me.
I'd be lying if i didn't admit that was the begining of the end for me... i know the WTBS like to bang on about apostates making people leave... but i tell you now, never mind apostates, the biggest threat JW's face is the "loving treatment" from their own kind. I'd be willing to bet that this takes far more out of the cult per year than any apostates do.
i went to both collage and uni when i was a jw, i got marked and shunned as a result.
it seemed like every week there would be some dig made from the platform about " those that chose higher education" , my so called "freinds" were constandly on at me " why don't you pioneer highdose?!!".
i even had the ciruit overseer denounce me from the platform as being "spirtualy weak" never mind that most of the peers i grew up with had got themselves reproved or disfellowed and that i was the only who had been good!.
I went to both collage and uni when i was a JW, i got marked and shunned as a result. It seemed like every week there would be some dig made from the platform about " those that chose higher education" , my so called "freinds" were constandly on at me " why don't you pioneer highdose?!!". I even had the ciruit overseer denounce me from the platform as being "spirtualy weak" never mind that most of the peers i grew up with had got themselves reproved or disfellowed and that i was the only who had been good!
When i graduated and got a job that gave me a very nice wage, One that was way above my "freinds" who window cleaned and cleaned houses. I was hated by my peers, totaly hated, every time i mentioned work they would ask how much i earned for that, how much did those shoes cost?!!
I was given the impression that they deeply resented my earning power and also hated that i did not give most of it to the pioneers. Don't get me wrong i always paid my way for petrol etc but i think they wanted a big percentage of my pay check per month.
There were several JW's i grew up with who were naturaly bright, but who chose not to do anything with their brains, but instead left school with the minium education to window clean and pioneer. To this day they have to work all the hours in all weathers just to scrape together enough to pay the bills. THey have no pension, no health insurance, no savings and no future. Their future is a bleak one, one were armargeddon will never come, they will never get to move into that nice house when god kills its owners, they will get sick... old and still be just scrapping by.
or what are the forces of inertia that keep jehovers witnesses from changing?.
i'm afarid i disagree about the shunning idea. We know that WTBS just LOVE courts and goverments telling them not to do things. If this happened the shunning issue would become one of those "unwritten" laws that they are so fond of. And no i can't see WTBS giving up shunning on their own... its the one hold they have over their flock.
I am of the opinion that the WTBS is already in a crisis that will continue. But it will be a slow burn and will come from the inside. 1) armargeddon just not coming at all... 2) the fact that they are not allowing their members to educate themselves or their children, this will ultimatly create a R&F that are uneducated and unable to sell as a result, and also a R&F that do not earn enough money to keep the WTBS going. The R&F who disobey and get an education will very likely leave, and it is also highly unlikely that educated outsiders will want to join.
This is happening already as the main people who are joining are: poor people from the third world and those mentaly unstable misfits of the community normaly on welfare.
It will be a slow burn, one that has already started and it will take many generations ( over lapping or otherwise)
do nice guys lose to bad boys?.
[see advert.
i'm afraid to look ...].
me too! what broken promises said
it was normal in my cong for people to blame bad things in their lives on the devil, things like the car breaking down, people at work giving you hassle, householders not wanting the mags etc etc.
did no one ever think how stupid and werid this sounded??
It was normal in my cong for people to blame bad things in their lives on the devil, things like the car breaking down, people at work giving you hassle, Householders not wanting the mags etc etc
Did no one ever think how stupid and werid this sounded???