Another great post from Mr. Flipper
JoinedPosts by bluecanary
You are Still Special After Exiting the Witnesses-You Have a Purpose in Life
by flipper ini wanted to post this as we have so many new ones on the board here - i thought they might benefit from some uplifting words from steve hassan's book " releasing the bonds " .
many newly exiting the jw 's feel lost , like they don't know what to do , or where to turn, what causes that ?
notice these quotes from steve hassan .. on pg.
On my way out of the "organization" and feeling very lost...
by 2pink infirstly, thank god i found this forum!
i've spent the better part of today while my kids were in school reading many threads.. some background...i am in my mid 30s, married, 2 kids.
i was born and raised a jw...came from "good" stock...elders, pioneers, etc.
We have a Muslim on the board? Cool. I love the diversity. Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself PTV81.
How Long Before JWs Alienate all Professional Career Counsellors?
by lifelong humanist inplease stop for a moment and think about it - i understand that most 'modern' jws pride themselves that they don't waste any time studying, in favour of doing any mundane job that's available to non-qualified people - they'd probably go so far as to say that this is even a wise decision.
for those with some ability, i'd say, wrong, wrong, wrong!
while i totally disagree with this stance in the present context, i have to concede that in a world of full employment, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with that, unless you have greater skills and abilities to offer.
I'm out of the cult and in this economy I'm back to being friggin' pizza delivery girl. Mega ouch. I can't wait to go to school this winter. There are no jobs out there. There is competition for the lowliest of positions. The only way JWs can keep getting window washing jobs is because they have more experience at it.
Did I get through to the Dubs ?Did they LISTEN ?
by wobble ini have just had a couple of hours talking to my bro in law and some of the time my sister (she had to go and do an errand for a half hour or so).
the other day my b.i.l gave me the "i hope one day your sons will come back to the truth" bilge.
my sons are grown men with university educations so i don't think so.. but i used it as a springboard to say "i may be able to convince them there is a god (i don't believe i could do that, in truth) but then they will say to me ,"which church should we go to, which is god's organization ?".
I like the way you handled that wobble. Telling him the things your sons would probably say, rather than making it about convincing you.
Is it me or are kingdome halls butt ugly?
by bluecanary inthe past several kingdom halls i've beein in (in the us) were all decorated the same way.
one wallpaper below the wainscoting.
a clashing wallpaper above the wainscoting.
I loved Stanley Theater as well. I've got a set of the post cards in my collection. I also associate it with New York because we visited ST on our trip to Bethel.
There's a gorgeous KH in Chicago, I believe in Arlington Heights. If I even half remember the story, it was designed by some non-Dub architect who wanted a project to do something artistic with so he did it for free. It was quite lovely. Wish I had a picture.
I've only been in one church so I can't really compare.
by BorgHater ini always think about the thousands of jw's who have lost thier lives over the years by refusing blood transfusions, but sometimes i forget about all those poor witnesses who died in concentration camps during ww2.
when i was a jw i would comfort myself with the thought that although those brothers suffered, they were doing it for jehovah.
now i realise what a needless, tragic waste of precious human life that really was it makes me so sad.
Sorry, my post got cut off. The following passage is from the point of view of a Christian man who was captured in the 18th century, to be head eunich of the Emperor of Morocco's Harem. All such persons must take a vow renouncing their faith, and accepting Islam.
"Faced four years ago with the selfsame dilemma, I spoke my denial of Our Good Lord without a second's hesitation, comfortable in the knowledge of His Almighty capacity for Empathy. Thus did I avoid a most uncomfortable grilling, tied to a spit and rotisseried like a marinated grouse.
"An act of cowardice, you say? Yet the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven are brandished by just such a yellow-belly as I. For wasn't Saint Peter the most abject of all cowards, who, when mildly questioned by a Roman thug, divorced his Lord not once, but three times?
"I have been likewise rewarded for my cowardice. For is not the Harem a veritable micro-Heaven? And do I not carry the keys to this Heaven on my belt? So when we meet, Saint Peter and I, on some soft future cloud, he will wink and invite me in for a game of whist, to the vexation of those fools who suffered more for their Faith. For I feel sure our Good Shepherd does not take kindly to martyrs and looks on their sacrifice as a mockery of His gift of Life. Thus to choose Death is not evidence of brave Faith but none other than overweening Obstinacy."
by BorgHater ini always think about the thousands of jw's who have lost thier lives over the years by refusing blood transfusions, but sometimes i forget about all those poor witnesses who died in concentration camps during ww2.
when i was a jw i would comfort myself with the thought that although those brothers suffered, they were doing it for jehovah.
now i realise what a needless, tragic waste of precious human life that really was it makes me so sad.
Eunuch. Grr, the edit feature is NOT working.
by BorgHater ini always think about the thousands of jw's who have lost thier lives over the years by refusing blood transfusions, but sometimes i forget about all those poor witnesses who died in concentration camps during ww2.
when i was a jw i would comfort myself with the thought that although those brothers suffered, they were doing it for jehovah.
now i realise what a needless, tragic waste of precious human life that really was it makes me so sad.
I was going to begin a new thread to post something I read last night, but this is the perfect place for it. I'm reading The Fourth Queen by Debbie Taylor.
Words of Wisdom from Stephen Colbert
by bluecanary in"i'm not a fan of facts.
you see, facts can change, but my opinion will never change, no matter what the facts are.".
i love this quote.
Jeff, you mean you're not Stephen Colbert? I question the truthiness of your avatar.
Words of Wisdom from Stephen Colbert
by bluecanary in"i'm not a fan of facts.
you see, facts can change, but my opinion will never change, no matter what the facts are.".
i love this quote.
"I'm not a fan of facts. You see, facts can change, but my opinion will never change, no matter what the facts are."
I love this quote. Sounds like the mantra of certain apologists we've seen lately.
Here's some more wit:
"Do you know you have more nerve endings in your gut than you have in your head? You can look it up. Now, I know some of you are going to say, 'I did look it up, and it's not true.' That's because you looked it up in a book. Next time, look it up in your gut."
"I believe democracy is our greatest export. At least until China figures out a way to stamp it out of plastic for three cents a unit."
"All God's creatures have a soul. Except bears. Bears are godless killing machines."
"It's never okay for men to cry. Man holds it in until his eyeballs swell to the size of baseballs, his throat feels like it's going to explode, and his gut just aches like there's a snake wrapped around his heart. That's why we die earlier, but it's worth it. At least we don't look weak while we're alive."
"I've never been a fan of amphibians. They are nature's fence-sitters. Come on, amphibians, which is it? Water or land? Pick one!"
"Like any good newsman, I believe that if you're not scared, I'm not doing my job."
"Just because the Pope is infallible, doesn't mean he can't make mistakes."
"If these foreign newspapers have nothing to hide, how come they don't print them in English?"
"Why do we have to wait for elections? Why not have every elected official have electrodes implanted in their chest? If they don't please us, every morning, we stop their hearts."
"America has a simple deal with the wealthy: we cut their taxes and in return they inspire us with their golden toilets and trophy wives."
"There's nothing wrong with stretching the truth. We stretch taffy and that just makes it more delicious."