I did a butterfly/fairy thing last year:
This year I've got a gypsy costume.
i'm looking for ideas.
four years running and dressing like a monk is wearing off.
my wife as the witch wants to change as well.. she won't do elvira, oh rumplestilskin!!.
I did a butterfly/fairy thing last year:
This year I've got a gypsy costume.
the truth is that exposure to pornography leads to disinterest in the varied forms and representations of the human body.
only the learning disabled can maintain a fascination with something as basic as "protuberance 'a' fits into "slot b (or c or d)" [x rinse repeat].. the two page letter we had to deal with from the society was a piece of shit.. i had a mind to create a theocratic pornography calculator online such that one could enter such variables represented in this letter such as a. type of porn, b. times of exposure, c. duration of exposure, e. masturbation?
(y/n) and after entering the data it would yield a verdict - uncleanness or aselgia (loose conduct)=judicial.. what a hassle.
Every man I've ever known who was into it, had lousy relationships with women.
My boyfriend likes porn. I like porn. We like two different types of porn, so we don't really get into it together but we have shared some of what we like with each other. Knowing what turns him on brings me closer to him, while having the freedom to entertain fantasies of my own brings me closer to orgasm. Some couples watch it together.
Porn itself is never a problem. It's the individual's attitude toward it. Some men are more interested in watching porn than having sex with their chosen partner. That's a problem. Some women believe that all porn is evil and harangue their chosen partner for watching it at all. That's a problem. My ex watched a lot of porn and got the wrong idea about what sex would be like. Once we married and actually tried it, it turned out he didn't care for sex. That was a problem.
That's absolutely right, Blue. Nothing of porn is natural. It's just all fake and plastic.
There are many different kinds of porn, not all of it visual. I've heard that amateur porn is the best because you're more likely to see real people who are actually enjoying themselves. But then, watching people have sex is not the type of porn I'm into. And sometimes the fakeness is intentional, like with animated porn or certain fetishes.
Yeah, we all know you ain't a porn star.
Not yet, Doe. Not yet.
the truth is that exposure to pornography leads to disinterest in the varied forms and representations of the human body.
only the learning disabled can maintain a fascination with something as basic as "protuberance 'a' fits into "slot b (or c or d)" [x rinse repeat].. the two page letter we had to deal with from the society was a piece of shit.. i had a mind to create a theocratic pornography calculator online such that one could enter such variables represented in this letter such as a. type of porn, b. times of exposure, c. duration of exposure, e. masturbation?
(y/n) and after entering the data it would yield a verdict - uncleanness or aselgia (loose conduct)=judicial.. what a hassle.
Pornography is an excellent diversion for people who understand that it is a form of entertainment, not a primer or a documentary. It is unfortunate in the hands of one who has no other experience with sex and therefore assumes that the material in question constitutes an accurate portrayal of the subject in its natural form.
i was disfellowshipped when i was going through my first bipolar episode.
several months before being disfellowshipped, i started to develop the symptoms of bipolar disorder: rapid thoughts, sleepless nights, etc., until i finally started having delusions.
i began to think i was jesus (literally) so i was disfellowshipped for apostasy.
My friend's mother was bipolar. She was disfellowshipped regularly (I don't know the particulars, but it was due to her condition) until they decided she just wouldn't be allowed to get reinstated anymore.
It’s simply that ‘everything looks good on paper’, but just doesn’t always work in real life.
This realization is what prompted me to leave. If the JWs lived up to the "spiritual paradise" hype they might be worth staying with even if they got the doctrines wrong. But without "love among themselves" they have absolutely nothing to offer.
i was trying to catch a football and somehow landed on my car and crashed in the front window.
there was a little boy in the back seat that was about 8 years old.
i was now a ghost.
In addition to what NMKA said about the boy, a child can symbolize your own vulnerability or innosence. I've read a few dream dictionaries. I've never believed that dreams are portentious, but I do think that sometimes they are a way to get in touch with feelings we may not otherwise understand or realize we have.
one of the books from the bible i still value is proverbs.
it's a collection of wise observations of life.
it causes me to think, which is a good thing.. however, i also know that among us former jw's are life lessons that can be reduced to that of a proverb.
One of my favorite quotes from a They Might Be Giants song: There's only one thing that I know how to do well and I've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well and that's be you. Be what you're like. Be like yourself.
i was trying to catch a football and somehow landed on my car and crashed in the front window.
there was a little boy in the back seat that was about 8 years old.
i was now a ghost.
The interactions with your parents are self-explanatory. You want to open their eyes, they are unwilling to see; just like waking life. You see your sister as a potential ally in this endeavor. The car and the shoes are the equipment you use to reach your parents. You are trying to reach them but feel like the methods you use aren't working very well. The snow is beyond your control. You feel like outside sources (WTS control and indoctrination) are preventing them from seeing the truth. You can't impede this influence any more than you can stop it snowing. Your death (and subsequent afterlife) are your death to and waking from the org.
one of the books from the bible i still value is proverbs.
it's a collection of wise observations of life.
it causes me to think, which is a good thing.. however, i also know that among us former jw's are life lessons that can be reduced to that of a proverb.
Our perennial favorite: It's better to have questions you can't answer than answers you can't question.
Another classic: To have a friend, you must be a friend.
I would also say: The only person you can control is YOU. If you are unhappy, either change the situation or change your attitude toward it.
hi guys...oompa here.
was i in rehab for alcohol addiction or jwd addiction!?!?
!......no computers or cellphones allowed so i have been awol awhile..... ya, i finally made my self sick enough on booze to realize i was really sick and tired of being sick and tired....so checked myself into rehab without any planning at all and while wife was out of town on a family retreat...it was a a very desperate moment in my life, and i was extremely physically and emotionally sick....i was so desperate i took zero time to reseach where to go, but called an old school friend who said rehab had saved his life and he made the calls and actually took me and helped me check in to the place he went to 5 years ago.
((((((oopma)))))) Glad you're back, but glad you had good reason to be away. Good luck to you in your recovery. We're here for you!
i'm just curious here.. as i am exiting currently and trying to find my new place (and belief system) in this world, i am wondering what the experience was like for other xjws.
did you go onto a new faith?
i'd love to read your responses.
I ceased believing in God, though I keep an open mind and enjoying learning about different faiths. When I left the JWs I had a very stressful job and in an effort to find some peace, I started looking into Buddhism. In the Buddhist religion there is no God (the Buddha is not actually a god). It has more in common with psychology than religion. It mostly deals with getting to know yourself and having control of yourself through meditation, which can be compatible with other faiths. If it interests you, I suggest picking up a copy of this book or another by that author.