JoinedPosts by bluecanary
Is Believing in God Immoral?
by AK - Jeff ina recurrent theme thrust forward by many theists is that morality is unattainable without belief in god.
the idea seems to pervade that thinking, that without god-restraint, fear of lost eternity, man would run seriously amok, freely plundering, murdering, and bringing general havoc upon the innocent.
might there be some logical points to counter such thinking.
I'll try it again:
Two statements on religion I made recently in my sociology homework: (1) Religion reinforces superstition, leads people to make harmful decisions and allows them to justify the most abominable behaviors. (2) Attributing a false cause to a desired outcome is unhelpful at best and dangerous at worst.
Is Believing in God Immoral?
by AK - Jeff ina recurrent theme thrust forward by many theists is that morality is unattainable without belief in god.
the idea seems to pervade that thinking, that without god-restraint, fear of lost eternity, man would run seriously amok, freely plundering, murdering, and bringing general havoc upon the innocent.
might there be some logical points to counter such thinking.
Wow. Jeff, I usually enjoy your posts but this one was excellent enough to pull me out of lurk mode.
Two statements on religion I made recently in my sociology homework: (1) Religion reinforces superstition, leads people to make harmful decisions and allows them to justify the most abominable behaviors. (2) Attributing a false cause to a desired outcome is unhelpful at best and dangerous at worst.
Propaganda the JWs could borrow from
by bluecanary injust ran across this.
sharing for your enjoyment..
Just ran across this. Sharing for your enjoyment.
I think of myself as a sort of agnostic Buddhist. I believe in the psychology of it, not the mythology. I has a blog.
Have you recieved your Secret Santa gift yet?
by Lady Lee inmany were sent out early.
presumably some of them have or will be arriving soon.. many choose to wait to open their gift while others can't stand the excitement.. whether you open it immediately or not please let us know it has arrived..
I received my gift. Thank you Secret Santas, it looks lovely (my mother loves snowmen).
List of Prominent JW Urban Legends...
by Tuesday inhey folks,.
i'm wondering if you all could help me with my next video that i want to put up in the next couple of days (though i'm hoping for tonight), i want to come up with a list of the most prominent urban legends surrounding jws and then refute them whatever they may be.. i'm thinking there's the urban legend about the question on jeopardy that said the nwt was the most accurate would be a good one.
that one stems from an online powerpoint presentation named theological jeopardy and a book which was written comparing six different translations of the bible.
For Mickey Mouse, the OCD story may or may not be related to this guy or possibly this chick.
Merry Pantsmas Everyone!
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inokay, i posted this in a thread that got locked and buried.
since then i've been really busy and have overdosed on christmas music in the past week.
so, i'm resurrecting this "holy day" holiday that most people will unknowingly be celebrating tomorrow.
I love it.
Do Atheists Celebrate Christmas?
by believingxjw indo atheists celebrate christmas, the celebration of christ's birth?.
if so, why?.
Are you going to criticize people for painting eggs and hiding them for their kids when they don't believe in Jesus? Even thought it's associated with the celebration of Jesus' resurrection its actual connection to Christianity is tenuous at best. People adapt popular customs and impart the meaning to it they choose. If people want to have a tree and lights and exchange gifts and spend time with family, Christmas is a great opportunity to do it.
And unlike the JWs, we are not afraid of other religions. I respect the rights of people to believe and practice their religion however they choose as long as it doesn't hurt others (shunning, anyone?). And if someone I care about engages in religious activities, I'll participate to an extent to show my support even though I don't believe in it. I'm neither Christian nor Jewish but I'm giving a dreidel to a friend of mine for Christmas. He's pagan. But he wants a dreidel for Christmas.
You remind me of the people who say "My god is your god, even if you don't believe it." No. You may believe that your god created me but that doesn't make him my god. He wouldn't be my god unless I chose to worship him.
I enjoy the story of the Christ in the same way that I enjoy stories of the Greek/Roman deities. I don't have to believe it's true to have fun with it. Without having done much research on the subject (yet) I do believe in the existence of Jesus, just not his divinity. I respect and agree with many of his teachings. Not believing in God does not preclude celebrating the man.
What is your favorite poem? Here is mine
by HappyGuy inthou hast made me endless,.
such is thy pleasure.. this frail vessel thou emptiest again and again,.
and fillest it ever with fresh life.. this little flute of a reed thou hast carried over hills and dales,.
I see posts are getting cut off nowadays.
They're all busy elsewhere, "Hold me," she whispers. "Hold me."
I put my arm around her. "Hold me tighter."
I do, and she snuggles closer. I half-expect
someone in authority to grab her
of me: I can imagine this being remembered
for ever as the time the sex-crazed writer
publicly fondled the poor retarded girl.
"Hold me," she says again. What does it matter
what anybody thinks? I put my arm around her,
rest my chin in her hair, thinking of children,
real children, and of how they say it, "Hold me,"
and of a patient in a geriatric ward
I once heard crying out to his mother, dead
for half a century, "I'm frightened! Hold me!"
and of a boy-soldier screaming it on the beach
at Dieppe, of Nelson in Hardy's arms,
of Frieda gripping Lawrence's ankle
until he sailed off in his Ship of Death.
It's what we all want, in the end,
to be held, merely to be held,
to be kissed (not necessarily with the lips,
for every touching is a kind of kiss.)
Yet, it's what we all want, in the end,
not to be worshipped, not to be admired,
not to be famous, not to be feared,
not even to be loved, but simply to be held.
She hugs me now, this retarded woman, and I hug her.
We are brother and sister, father and daughter,
mother and son, husband and wife.
We are lovers. We are two human beings
huddled together for a little while by the fire
in the Ice Age, two thousand years ago.
Alden Nowlan