Double Vision, I found the scripture about wedding presents: 1 Kings 9: 16: " (Phar´aoh the king of Egypt himself had come up and then captured Ge´zer and burned it with fire, and the Ca´naan·ites dwelling in the city he had killed. So he gave it as a parting gift to his daughter, the wife of Sol´o·mon.)"
Interestingly, the NWT has changed it to say "parting gift." Whereas most other translations specifically call it a wedding gift. Of course, what else would a parting gift be in under the circumstances?
I forgot to mention before, the haircut refers to the disaster that befell Samson.
This is the post where I got the breakfast cereal thing.
As for drinking, I can't find the post but off the top of my head I think of the debacle that was the night of Babylon's conquering by Medo-Persia. And there's the time the Israelites got drunk off their asses and were seduced by the women of . . . someplace I can't remember (Midian?) David got Uriah drunk to try make him do his wife.
Look for yourself how the scriptures refer to dogs. Either it's an insult, or the dogs are associated with eating the villains. Like birthdays, they're always associated with something negative.
And just for fun, check out the reasoning on cats.