Preaching to quire, Jeff. I am an atheist. What I mean is not being sure of whether something is an established fact. Either the bit about the nephilim is included in the Bible or not. I don't mean whether or not it really happened.
After leaving the JWs, I question not only their doctrine but EVERYTHING I learned from them. The other day I was talking religion with my BF and he said something about how the angels can't procreate. I said, yeah they did when they saw the pretty women, had relations with them and created the nephilim before the flood. He didn't recall that. I'm left wondering if that was really in the Bible or if it was one of those JW things.
That's just one example. Do you find yourself questioning things that you took for granted before?
One of my teachers keeps trying to cajole me into going to graduate school. He said I've done some of the best writing he's ever seen from an undergraduate student (I'm a freshman). I eat that stuff up. I don't need to be beautiful, I don't need to be rich. I live to be smart.
ever since i saw a video of a crow feeding and nurturing a feral kitten, i've been fascinated by stories of animals who raise babies of another type of animal.
so here begins my official repository of these stories!
feel free to add any others you know of--humans raising house pets doesn't count!.
.....disfellowshipping, i think.. potential disfellowshipping, current disfellowshipping, disfellowshipping of people we love.. it's the most genius cult tool ever invented..
I think quillsky means that most of us are still hung up on the JWs because we've been affected by the disfellowshipping policy; either we're being shunned by family or afraid to be shunned and hence stuch in the b0rg.
Hi Butterfly! I'm not in your predicament, but my advice would be to put the burden of support on her. Tell her that you'd like to go to her baptism but that you need to know you can count on EQUAL support from her. Will she be willing to [go to your wedding; baby's baptism; etc] whatever life events you may have that JWs don't go to. She can't expect to get more than she's willing to give.
my aunt is self supportive...runs a self employed catering service...healthy and active...went to bed one night,,,,woke up with a sore chest....she thought she had pulled a it a few days to improvement.... went to the doctor,,,,,they ran some tests,,,,and found out she is full of is in her breast,,,lungs,,,liver....they told her she has about 4 to 6 months to live...nothing they can do for her..... she is just a wonderful person,,,,and i love her alot...i told her god loves her,,,and that heaven was a wonderful place...i said nothing about "earth"...i told her death is only hard on the living...and sent her big hugs...... this is really disturbing because she had no symptoms....none...she felt fine...i did not want this to happen to any of,,,guys and gals,,,check for lumps and bumps...get the yearly physicals,,,mamo-grams,,,pap smears...prostrate..etc etc.... we always think it would never happen to us or a loved so easily could....peaches .
Apart from an occasional pick-me-up I use it as a headache remedy. OTC medicines don't work for me and I don't like soda. With sugar-free hazelnut syrup it's delicious.
the content of the program presented at the circuit assembly: safeguard your spirituality served as a re-affirmation that the wt/gb is loosing the grip of rank & file.
they are becoming boulder and boulder in their blatant use of mind control techniques; in my opinion, their mind control techniques used to be more subtle.
but the content of the program in this past assembly clearly reflected that they are acting out of frustration and desperation.
poor places, they don't forbid all outside research--just anything that might reveal them to be a sham.
"In Jehovah's organization it is not necessary to spend a lot of time and energy in research, for there are brothers in the organization who are assigned to that very thing?" Watchtower 1967 Jun 1 p.338
"False religious propaganda from any source should be avoided like poison! Really, since our Lord has used "the faithful and discreet slave" to convey to us "sayings of everlasting life," why should we ever want to look anywhere else?" Watchtower 1987 Nov 1 p.20
"It would be a mistake to think that you need to listen to apostates or to read their writings to refute their arguments. Their twisted, poisonous reasoning can cause spiritual harm and can contaminate your faith like rapidly spreading gangrene." Watchtower 2004 Feb 15 p.28
Check out JW facts page on the trinity to see quotes that the WT took out of context. They don't want members to research because this kind of thing becomes apparent.