Wow. I didn't think this thread could be any worse than ridiculous assertions about atheism. Then it devolved into the sexual objectification of women.
JoinedPosts by bluecanary
Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Atheist
by BurnTheShips inplease note that this list is intended to apply to the fundies alone.
not to all nonbelievers.
so let's turn the mirror and grab some popcorn:.
“People don’t get disfellowshipped for nothing,” said University of Washington sociology professor Rodney Stark. “It seems far more likely that, rather than disfellowshipping being a cause, it was just one more symptom of someone with serious problems.”
Community Mental Health Selects Kingdom Hall for meeting ???
by Gayle in
may is mental health month; community mental health to remove stigmaposted by admin on 5/03/10 categorized as health.
members of the community mental health staff at the jehovah witness kingdom hall on sunday, 2nd may 2010.. by bvihsa.
Being a mother in the US
by InquiryMan ini found this interesting news on motherhood in the us vs other countries.. a woman in the us has a pregnancy death risk that is five times h igher than a woman living in bosnia, greece or italy, and ten times as big as an irishi woman, states the report on motherhood in various countries.. on child mortality_ eight in a thousand children in the us dies before the age of five, placing us on the same level as slovakia and montenegro.. an american child has twice the chance of daying before it is five than a child in finland, iceland, sweden or singapore.. only 61 per cent of children in the usa attend a kindergarten, making the united states number seven among developing countries, counting from the bottom that is.
no other industrialialised country has such a bad mother maternity arrangement as the us (considing both the length and salary).
norway is the country which has the honor of being number 1 on being a mother.. the maternity leave is currently at at 44 weeks with full salary (based on your job before the pregnancy.
Where did you find this information?
I need your help please...Where is it where the Society is referencing...
by Lady Liberty indoes anyone know where is it where the society is referencing how if you were to find your religon wasn't being truthful would you trust them with other beliefs?
of course they were reffering to other religions..i cannot recall where that is..anyone remember??.
thank you in advanced,.
This is in reference to holidays, but it fits:
Suppose you saw a piece of candy lying in the gutter. Would you pick up that candy and eat it? Of course not! That candy is unclean. Like that candy, holidays may seem sweet, but they have been picked up from unclean places. To take a stand for true worship, we need to have a viewpoint like that of the prophet Isaiah, who told true worshipers: “Touch nothing unclean.”—Isaiah 52:11.
What does the Bible Really Teach? chapter 16, par 12
What's The Worst Thing You Know Of That A JW Did?
by minimus inwitnesses are supposed to be "exemplary" and not like the "world".
yet some jws are pretty notorious.. did you know of any jws that did some real bad things?.
i knew a pious witness who got caught twice trying to solicit prostitutes.
I've got two from Wisconsin. In one hall a pioneer sister (age 20) carried on an affair with a brother in his mid-late thirities. This guy's wife was already DF'd and living in the basement with her boyfriend, while the hubby and new GF moved in upstairs with the teenage kids in the house, too. Hubby and GF were DF'd but kept coming to meetings, sitting together and giggling the whole time. As a dub, I couldn't understand why, if their lifestyle conflicted with the JW beliefs, they would want to keep coming. Now that I'm out, I'm still wondering why.
In another hall, a sister was discovered to be boinking a brother in one room, while her husband snorted cocaine in the next room.
Down in NC, I had a friend who had carried on an 'emotional affair' with a brother while she was 15 and he was 50. They broke it off for a while but she never got over him and they married seven years later.
Jehovah and the Munchausen Syndrome
by Terry inwhat is munchausen by proxy syndrome?.
one of the most harmful forms of child abuse, munchausen by proxy syndrome was named after baron von munchausen, an eighteenth-century german dignitary known for telling outlandish stories.
a parent will induce illness or injury in their own child and then take the victim in to the hospital to be seen as the heroic savior.. typically, the perpetrator feels satisfied when he or she has the attention and sympathy of doctors, nurses, and others who come into contact with him or her and the child.. because the parent or caregiver appears to be so caring and attentive, often no one suspects any wrongdoing.. .
How Many 18-35 year old JW's have Exited the Cult in Your Family ?
by flipper injust wanted to start this to get a pulse on how many young jw's are exiting percentage wise recently in the witness organization.
in my family i have 8 young people aged 21 through 35 .
these are my son and two daughters and my older siblings 5 adult children.
I exited all at once at age 25. My brother faded between ages 19-22.
Jehovah and the Munchausen Syndrome
by Terry inwhat is munchausen by proxy syndrome?.
one of the most harmful forms of child abuse, munchausen by proxy syndrome was named after baron von munchausen, an eighteenth-century german dignitary known for telling outlandish stories.
a parent will induce illness or injury in their own child and then take the victim in to the hospital to be seen as the heroic savior.. typically, the perpetrator feels satisfied when he or she has the attention and sympathy of doctors, nurses, and others who come into contact with him or her and the child.. because the parent or caregiver appears to be so caring and attentive, often no one suspects any wrongdoing.. .
You've never done anything that goes against Jesus' teaching? Nothing?
This does not work as an argument. The story is that God created man with the ability to follow his commands (i.e. perfection). When one man disobeyed he was unable to pass that ability on to his offspring, resulting in mankind being 'born into sin.' If you believe this, then those of us born post Eden were never given a fair shake. You can't condemn a thing for acting only within it's capabilities. That's like condemning a dog for walking on four legs when it wasn't born with the ability to walk on two.
As Captain Jack Sparrow says, there's what a man can do and what a man can't do. For a god to condemn people on the basis of what they can't do is definitively cruel and makes him unworthy of worship.