JoinedTopics Started by sunrising
How much apostate is in each JW ?
by inbetween inrecently i talked to some jw, even so called strong ones in the truth:.
i noticed, they do not believe everything from the wts, for example:.
one older sister, a close relative of mine, she has been pioneering for years, babtizes over 40 years ago, mentioned, that sometimes she wonders about certain teaching, but she can not say anything, because somebody would say, she speaks against jehovah himself..further she said, she remmebers 1975, and that the society tried to blame the brothers, but was clearly responsible itself... i was quit shocked to hear that from her, and i added some careful comments in the same direction.... other brothers do not agree with certain teachings, like resurrected ones will not marry, or animals will not eat each other etc.... maybe those are "minor" issues, but if you doubt one teaching of gods channel, doesnt that mean, you doubt the whole thing ?.
What do you think....can they???
by Heartbreaker incan the elders disfellowship a person for using their own literature and scriptures in a way that makes them look bad to discipline a person?
i am getting ready to send an email to my torn and tortured sister who is df'd regarding the practice of it, how the wtbts adopted it, and scriptural reasoning that show its a harmful practice at best.
she is still convinced that she should try to be reinstated, and i am partially afraid she could print it and show it to the brothers.
by cameo-d inwill this perhaps only "appear" as destruction of religion?.
could it be that religion will simply go through a reformation?.
hasn't the political and religious element always been bedfellows?.
Circuit Overseer Explains How The Internet Is A Trap!
by minimus inmy mother told me that the co gave a talk on how a spider spins his web and it can take a very long time for the web to be made but just like that--- before you know it---it can catch its prey and devour it.
it's the same with the world wide web, the internet.
there are reports, according to the co, that in new york, a very prominent "anointed" man was disfellowshipped and he has his owm website where he has answered many jws questions.