~bumped for unc bruce~
Circuit Overseer Explains How The Internet Is A Trap!
by minimus 63 Replies latest jw friends
Justitia Themis
Anyway, I'd like to point out that several hundred years ago, they could have said the same thing about those nasty new devices they called "books", with their pages that go flip, flip and the glue that binds the Satanic pages together, and the hard cover that protects the Satanic words inside. Evil... Evil I tell you!
Interesting observation. Religious leaders DID despise that nasty new device called the Gutenberg Press. And, it lead to the Reformation. Could it be that the internet is leading to yet another Reformation?
In the scriptures we are to test "every inspired expression." Also, we should have the mind of the noble Beroeans at Acts 17:11.
We need to listen to what Jehovah says. (Acts 5:29) There has become too much fear of "displeasing the organization" rather than displeasing Jehovah.
The organization tells us not to go to spend so much time on the Internet and stay away from apostates and their literature. An apostate, according to "the organization" is anyone who disagrees with the "the organization." That I find is very convenient.
The Internet is not a trap. One could go to a library and pick up books of all types and get bad information.
There is a subtle intimidation-factor that has crept into the congregations. In other words, if a Brother gives a talk, like the CO mentioned above and whatever he said does not sit right with you, you are expected to blindly agree with it because it came from the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" or "The Society."
Yet, these are imperfect men who make mistakes. Plus, we know that in the final part of the days, an evil slave will be present and enter right in among them as weeds and mature along with them until the harvest. (Matthew 13:24-43)
For the organization to discourage any Brother or Sister from using the Internet or any other resource for information raises a red flag in my mind and is rather suspect.
It flies in the face of what is written at John 4:1 "do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God." So as individuals who were give a mind to think and reason and conclude matters on our own, we should test an expression even coming out of the mouth of a servant of Jehovah, if it doesn't sound right. Even what is written in the publications (anyone's publications), we should apply this test. This is scriptural. This is also in harmony with Acts 17:11.
But to restrain the Brothers and Sisters from using the Internet and reading literature from those who they conveniently define as apostates is unscriptural.
I can tell you, all who they say are apostates are not apostates. Obviously, there are former members of the organization who are disgrunted and have now come to despise everything the organization stands for.
But on the other hand there are many who truly love Jehovah and have a love for "his truth" but have been wrongly labeled apostate only because "the organization" labeled them as such. Like I said earlier, these ones simply applied John 4:1 and Acts 17:1 and discovered all that has been taught is not correct. This thinking got them disfellowshipped. But they still champion the truth.
I have been a baptized JW for over 20 years. yet, it was the Internet that helped me uncover the truth about the WT Bible and Tract Societies 10 years political NGO status with the United Nations.
Many try to spin this off as a plot. It was not a plot. It was probably an unwitting undersight by the Brothers. But they did revoke their membership only after it came to light. A vast majority of the Brothers and Sisters had no idea that this 10 year relationship existed. The Organization never admitted to the mistake; never informed the body of worshippers.
This is serious because by Bible standards and teaching, we were in bed with the very one we call "The Digusting Thing" and "The Scarlet Colored Wild Beast." Our Awake magazines, at that time, featured many favorable articles about the UN. The was a requirement to maintain NGO status.
Brothers, this is not a lie spun pranksters. I have seen some Brothers and Sisters cleverly attempt to dismiss and discredit this NGO relationship by attaching absurd stories to the factual NGO status to make it look unlikely and unbelievable. But the NGO relationship was true and you were not told about it. How do you think Jehovah feels about that relationship? Do you really think he views it as nothing?
So, it stands to reason why "The Organization" does not want any of us to venture out to find things out on our own and to use our God-given faculties to reason and apply scriptures such as Acts 17:11, John 4:1, and Aact 5:29.
We had better wake up and listen to Jehovah and be in fear of him foremost; and not men. Even those appointed over us and not be intimidated by men.
Bible prophecy does strongly indicate that Jehovah's House will be undermined by Satan's Evil Slave (weeds). Jehovah's House will become something that was not formerly. Revelation 18:2 says,
"And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: “She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, and she has become a dwelling place of demons and a lurking place of every unclean exhalation and a lurking place of every unclean and hated bird!"
This implies that Babylon the Great used to be in a clean condition were demons were unable to lurk. Well, this could not have possibly been Christendom, because Satan already has them under is control and influence. Plus, Christendom has never been clean in Jehovah's eyes.
The only organization that would fit Rev 18:2 had to be a clean organization where pure and clean worship was conducted: The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Jehovah's people.
But we see her become something different. That is why the angel gives the warning at Rev 18:4,
"Get out of her, my people, if YOU do not want to share with her in her sins, and if YOU do not want to receive part of her plague."
In the Organizations clean and undefiled state, the angel did not have to sound such a warning to his people, But now that she has become something she was not formerly, Jehovah tells his people (who were in her when she was clean) to now get out of her.
This scripture has been applied to Satans empire of false religion. But it is not. Babylon the Great is Jehovahs once clean Organization that has become defiled and unclean. The call goes out to get out of her.
If the Organization has been undermined by Satan, and an evil slave is present, it is understandable why one is discouraged from looking outside the organization for information. You certainly are not going to be told this within the organization.
A shocking and unexpected event is to beset Jehovah's people (Not the world as we have been taught. The world wil get theirs later) as Jesus said it would at Matthew 24:15-21.
We must use reason and be in continual prayer to Jehovah because interpretations belong only to him - not imperfect men - not elders or COs. (Gen 40:8)
Many of these Brothers, such as the CO mentioned above, may be well intentioned, but it is almost as if they are afraid you might find something out on your own.
It makes no sense to aggressively restrain followers from seeking insite from others and then applying the rules I mentioned above to accept or discard it.
What they are really saying "Listen to us and no one else. If we catch you reading apostate literature or speaking to an apostate (who they define as an apostate), you will get disfellowshipped." This means ones life or death.
The organization has become god-like in stature issuing forth judgments of life and death by disfellowshipping ones over this kind of nonsense. Rather than treating the flock tenderly. This is the subtle work of an Evil Slave. It stands firm in a place it should not be.
The internet is killing them. I think we're going to see a clamp down on it soon a complete ban more than likely.