I work at a college. One of the big goals of higher learning is to teach critical thinking and analysis, the knowledge of history and world cultures and views to understand the bigger picture, and the skills to research and find answers with one's own resources. I can't think of any skills that would be more important to JWs, ex-JWs, etc. No wonder higher education is bashed repeatedly in the magazines. Cults can't operate with members that think.
Posts by Juli
uni is not all its cracked up to be me dears, sorry
by highdose ini've noticed on this forum the big regret of alot of people seems to be that they didn't go to collage or university.. speaking as someone whose done the whole shebang, i can tell you that while yes i learnt alot at collage, uni taught me very little at all.
in fact anything i learnt i taught myself by spending hours apon hours in the uni libary, which i could have done by just getting a day pass.. my degree has not helped me in my career, i already knew how to do what i do before going to uni.
i run my own business now but i am sure that if i ever went for an employee postion my years of experiance would count far more than the bit of paper i have proving i have a degree.. getting a degree is pretty much down to knowing how to work the academic system.
Is the Governing Body Really the Faithful Slave?
by wannabe inso, how well hidden, is the exact meaning of this parable?
let's look at that parable now!.
45 "who then is a faithful and sensible slave,whom his master has put in charge of his household, to give them food at the proper time?
Agonus I agree with you. The parable of the faithful and discreet slave is no different than any other parable. To build a religion around it is ludicrous. I think I'll start a mustard seed religion. I am the viable mustard seed!
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 12-27-09 WT Study (LOVELESS WORLD)
by blondie in--read 1 john 3:16.. comments.
q 18, 19. how should we view any counsel that we receive from a christian friend, and what example did the ephesus.
why not the david example here...david's servants and family had to know.. q 21. what will all of us do at times, but why is it vital that we maintain strong friendships in the congregation?.
I can hardly believe that this is the sort of thing the Watchtower puts out as a "study" article. Just unbelievable to think of grown adults the world over sitting in halls going over this tripe paragraph by paragraph like they are a bunch of socially stunted morons incapable of understanding the most elemental things of life, like friendship, without the sage guidance of the Watchtower. Boy, this is truly "meat" for a mature Christian, isn't it????
Santa Claus
by Joshnaz ini was thinking about if i should start telling my 2 year old about santa claus.
after realizing that i've been lied to my whole life from all the jw bullcrap should i lie to my child about santa claus?
do you think its ok to say, "be good or santa wont bring you any toys this christmas.
Sounds very good. After raising a child ( my stepson) who was raised as a JW for the first 11 years of his life, I can attest to how important it is that children be allowed to be children - with all of the magic, fantasy, and make believe that goes along with it. It took him a long time to learn to enjoy the simple joys of childhood, including birthdays, Christmas, etc.
Santa Claus
by Joshnaz ini was thinking about if i should start telling my 2 year old about santa claus.
after realizing that i've been lied to my whole life from all the jw bullcrap should i lie to my child about santa claus?
do you think its ok to say, "be good or santa wont bring you any toys this christmas.
Santa isn't a lie. He was a real person, evolving into a legend based on Nicholas, Bishop of Myra centuries ago. Parents now emulate St Nicholas and give him the credit ( as Santa Claus) for gifts until the child is old enough to also participate in the tradition for the younger kids in the family.
Check out: stnicholascenter.org
" I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year." Ebenezer Scrooge
in the JW new system will there be...
by highdose inthe following are questions that i've heard jw's ask, normaly they ask nobody in particualr, which is just as well because nobody in particualar ever answers back!....
will we have seasons in the new system?
if so how will we keep warm in winter etc?
I've never met a JW who believes God can do anything.
in the JW new system will there be...
by highdose inthe following are questions that i've heard jw's ask, normaly they ask nobody in particualr, which is just as well because nobody in particualar ever answers back!....
will we have seasons in the new system?
if so how will we keep warm in winter etc?
No electricity? How many caged hamsters will it take to overcome gravity and accomplish interplanetary travel??
Brilliant Talk Yesterday
by Violet injust thought i would share this.........a brother who used to be a mercenary before he came into the truth gave the talk at the hall yesterday and he said that the bible was like jehovah's cv.....it told us everything about him.....so we can really know him.. he also said with all the governments and all the rules and regulations in the world, and nothing working at the moment, we should appreciate that jehovah only has 2 laws.............love him above all other things, and love our neighbours..........if only the whole world obeyed those 2 laws there would be peace without the need for armageddon................so its all down to humans why things are going wrong.. if we abandoned the planet tomorrow the earth would repair itself and there would be peace and harmony in nature.......... man has really messed up.. thank goodness we have had the chance to know jehivah and have a hope for the future!!.
There would still be earthquakes, droughts, tsunamis, devastating fires, floods, etc in which millions of creatures die. The natural world is one filled with energy, turmoil, destruction and from it, rebirth.
man's buildings and other infrastructure would disappear in a few centuries perhaps, but that would not make one whit of difference to the earth, just as a great city built on a fault line cannot keep an earthquake from occuring.
How can you post this stuff without thinking it though?
JW School K-12 I went
by outofservice inthe jw academy post brought back my memories of going to a school run by jw's in the late 70's in hollywood fla. i went for 4 and 5 th grade.
i t was quite odd and i do believe i have suppressed most of my memories of it.
has anybody else ever heard of such a thing ?
Hi Baba - thanks for the welcome! I've read here ( and the former baord ) for years. Finally decided to post after registering a short while ago.
JW School K-12 I went
by outofservice inthe jw academy post brought back my memories of going to a school run by jw's in the late 70's in hollywood fla. i went for 4 and 5 th grade.
i t was quite odd and i do believe i have suppressed most of my memories of it.
has anybody else ever heard of such a thing ?
My stepson attended the New World Education Center in Phoenix in the late 1980's. By the time we got custody of him ( seventh grade ) his education was a shambles. He was being "groomed" to go to Bethel, and his mother and stepfather planned to pull him out of school in 9th grade and finish his education with corespondence courses ( this was before the internet and on-line schools).
When we unexpectedly got custody ( due to his mother's disfellowshipping ) he saw absolutely no need for an education. I had many go-rounds with him, trying at that late date to instill in him a love of reading and learning. He finally "got it" and to this day is always taking classes at universities in his area.
The New World Education Center was a complete sham. The sisters that taught had so little grasp of their subject matter that our son truly had to "unlearn" things in order to learn them properly. For example, he didn't even know the names of the states vs large cities in the US. He tested so poorly the local school district put him in a basic skills level curriculum, which further impeded his ability to catch up. But eventually with time, he did but it took him until his 10th grade year for the disastrous effects of his "schooling" to be undone.