Topics Started by Juli
Please post all the little things that make no sense about the JWs
by Aussie Oz ini want to collect a bunch of things that i can use to help my son see that the wbts and being a jw makes no sense.. i have a few in mind already.
they have to be things that might matter to a teenager, so doctrine will probably be out!.
(if you have read my last post you will see why).
by VampireDCLXV incrystal water turns to dark .
where ere it's presence leaves it's mark .
and boiling currents pound like drums .
Cuppa, anyone?
by laverite inwhat kind of tea do you drink?
what is your favourite way to drink it?
personally, i've never even tried coffee.
Some christmas spirit, WT style!
by bohm inwell, i know its a bit self-serving since i allready posted this in jwfacts thread, but i think its quite funny and things have been kind of serious around here for the past couple of weeks.. it seem to me that when jahs chanel have desided (im kidding, they has been told) the one and true god really hate christmas and will kill you in nasty ways if you go ahead and celebrate it, it provide a pretty compelling case for not celebrating christmas.
but the governing body can make an even stronger case than that: not only will jesus cry and clice you up if you celebrate christmas, you will also have a really bad time.
We are not false prophets
by Cook My Socks UK inbelow is the outline for a talk on the service meeting this week, i guess to help ones to answer the objection / accusation - how would you refute, if this reasoning was used by a jw at your door?.
have not jehovahs witnesses made errors in their teachings?.
jehovahs witnesses do not claim to be inspired prophets.
Seeking medical treatment
by exwhyzee inyou can probably make any belief make sense if you know what scriptures to use.. what if the founding fathers of the wtbts, in conjunction with the blood issue, had decided that seeking medical treatment of any kind was unscriptural?
the logic might have looked something like this.. they could have said "jehovah intended old age, sickness and death to be a punishment to mankind because of adam and eve's disobedience.
like a parent who diciplines his child out of love, jehovah's purpose is to teach mankind once and for all time that he demands obedience.
Today is Our Special Day
by Yizuman in4 years ago today, we tied the knot and our love is stronger.
we love each other each and every day for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health.
we look forward to our 5th next year!
Justification, Sanctification, Substitutionary Atonement is Officially OUT Says WT
by Perry in'also, it is to the spirit-anointed christians who will rule in that kingdom that most of the christian greek scripture is directed.
' (watchtower.
june 15, 1974, pg.8, caps for emphasis).
My letter to my aunt.
by inmy grandparents are jehovah's witnesses and didn't raise their daughter to behave in such a manner.
i sent her this letter:.
g82 5/8 pp.