PSacramento - you nailed it! Bravo on all points.
Posts by Juli
Christmas & JW objection
by Luo bou to injw's reject christmas because of its pagan origins.
it's not what it meant to people in the distant past that matters but what it means to us living today.
does anyone today visit a person's house see a christmas tree and think oooh he must be a pagan.
Christmas & JW objection
by Luo bou to injw's reject christmas because of its pagan origins.
it's not what it meant to people in the distant past that matters but what it means to us living today.
does anyone today visit a person's house see a christmas tree and think oooh he must be a pagan.
jdhf, troubled, and winston - good posts. Winston, I would only say that no one knows what day Christ was born. In my family ( non jw's ) we often have to wait months before having a family celebration for a family member's birthday because we can't all get together or the kid's are away at college. To us it is not when someone was born, it is that they WERE born, and we can't imagine our lives or the world without them. We celebrate life. The Watchtower seems to hate life and all of the joys that go along with being human.
On Christmas Eve in my family, all of us gather around a big table ( there are usually about 20 if the kids bring a friend). The youngest grandchild, who is now 18, traditionally says grace. We then thank Jesus for his human existence and what he brought to us. We then lift our glasses to the family members who are no longer with us and remember how we love and cherish them. After we wipe a tear or two we dig in to a great feast, followed by presents and much merry making. We celebrate Christ's entrance into the world, which we believe changed the history of humanity forever. It really has nothing to do with what day Christ was born; rather, just like our children, it was that he WAS born.
Christmas & JW objection
by Luo bou to injw's reject christmas because of its pagan origins.
it's not what it meant to people in the distant past that matters but what it means to us living today.
does anyone today visit a person's house see a christmas tree and think oooh he must be a pagan.
I hope any Witness that feels this way about the birth of a child gets sterilized as quickly as possible. NO child deserves to be born into a situation where from infancy they are looked upon as the devil's property. Shades of the movie 'Carrie"!
The only reason the Watchtower eschews celebrating birthdays is that it is one more isolationist tactic to destroy a child's sense of himself and having nothing to look forward to in life but the death of anyone not just like his parents. It is an "initiation rite" into the cult to learn to swallow such claptrap and attribute it to God's will. By blaming the desire to celebrate life and joy on "pride" and being a part of 'Satan's World" they effectively further destroy the ability to experience happiness and a love of God based on anything but fear and self loathing. The Watchtower repalces nattural love and affection with the most unwholesome, insidious sort of conditional false "love". Sickens me to even contemplate it.
No Rap, PLEASE don't reproduce - your views should end with you.
uni is not all its cracked up to be me dears, sorry
by highdose ini've noticed on this forum the big regret of alot of people seems to be that they didn't go to collage or university.. speaking as someone whose done the whole shebang, i can tell you that while yes i learnt alot at collage, uni taught me very little at all.
in fact anything i learnt i taught myself by spending hours apon hours in the uni libary, which i could have done by just getting a day pass.. my degree has not helped me in my career, i already knew how to do what i do before going to uni.
i run my own business now but i am sure that if i ever went for an employee postion my years of experiance would count far more than the bit of paper i have proving i have a degree.. getting a degree is pretty much down to knowing how to work the academic system.
I work at a college. One of the big goals of higher learning is to teach critical thinking and analysis, the knowledge of history and world cultures and views to understand the bigger picture, and the skills to research and find answers with one's own resources. I can't think of any skills that would be more important to JWs, ex-JWs, etc. No wonder higher education is bashed repeatedly in the magazines. Cults can't operate with members that think.
Is the Governing Body Really the Faithful Slave?
by wannabe inso, how well hidden, is the exact meaning of this parable?
let's look at that parable now!.
45 "who then is a faithful and sensible slave,whom his master has put in charge of his household, to give them food at the proper time?
Agonus I agree with you. The parable of the faithful and discreet slave is no different than any other parable. To build a religion around it is ludicrous. I think I'll start a mustard seed religion. I am the viable mustard seed!
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 12-27-09 WT Study (LOVELESS WORLD)
by blondie in--read 1 john 3:16.. comments.
q 18, 19. how should we view any counsel that we receive from a christian friend, and what example did the ephesus.
why not the david example here...david's servants and family had to know.. q 21. what will all of us do at times, but why is it vital that we maintain strong friendships in the congregation?.
I can hardly believe that this is the sort of thing the Watchtower puts out as a "study" article. Just unbelievable to think of grown adults the world over sitting in halls going over this tripe paragraph by paragraph like they are a bunch of socially stunted morons incapable of understanding the most elemental things of life, like friendship, without the sage guidance of the Watchtower. Boy, this is truly "meat" for a mature Christian, isn't it????
Santa Claus
by Joshnaz ini was thinking about if i should start telling my 2 year old about santa claus.
after realizing that i've been lied to my whole life from all the jw bullcrap should i lie to my child about santa claus?
do you think its ok to say, "be good or santa wont bring you any toys this christmas.
Sounds very good. After raising a child ( my stepson) who was raised as a JW for the first 11 years of his life, I can attest to how important it is that children be allowed to be children - with all of the magic, fantasy, and make believe that goes along with it. It took him a long time to learn to enjoy the simple joys of childhood, including birthdays, Christmas, etc.
Santa Claus
by Joshnaz ini was thinking about if i should start telling my 2 year old about santa claus.
after realizing that i've been lied to my whole life from all the jw bullcrap should i lie to my child about santa claus?
do you think its ok to say, "be good or santa wont bring you any toys this christmas.
Santa isn't a lie. He was a real person, evolving into a legend based on Nicholas, Bishop of Myra centuries ago. Parents now emulate St Nicholas and give him the credit ( as Santa Claus) for gifts until the child is old enough to also participate in the tradition for the younger kids in the family.
Check out:
" I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year." Ebenezer Scrooge
in the JW new system will there be...
by highdose inthe following are questions that i've heard jw's ask, normaly they ask nobody in particualr, which is just as well because nobody in particualar ever answers back!....
will we have seasons in the new system?
if so how will we keep warm in winter etc?
I've never met a JW who believes God can do anything.
in the JW new system will there be...
by highdose inthe following are questions that i've heard jw's ask, normaly they ask nobody in particualr, which is just as well because nobody in particualar ever answers back!....
will we have seasons in the new system?
if so how will we keep warm in winter etc?
No electricity? How many caged hamsters will it take to overcome gravity and accomplish interplanetary travel??