Just who the F**k do they think they are? They are taking it upon themselves to be judge and jury over an individuals' eternal salvation. They're arrogance is breathtaking .
JoinedPosts by BorgHater
Michael Jackson is going to GEHENNA!!!!
by whathehadas inthis was stated by a over zealous pioneer to another witness in my congregation.
what a self righteous stament.
being the fact that jesus has been given the right to judge(matthew 25:31-33).
Committee Meeting Wants Details, oh BS
by Leprechaun ini remember when i like a real stupid ass went to a committee meeting for enjoying committing so called immorality, when in my view i was making love and i enjoyed every dam minute of it.
well any way those stupid elders whom i knew personally for many years wanted to know every juicy (no pun intended) tid bit of what went on between me and this good friend of mine, a long time sister in good standing, i told them what the hell, you guys dont know what sex is!
you stupid asss!
Nicely done, Leprechaun
If only more people told those perverts where to go. In fact, it's probably got more to do with them enjoying the power they have in JC meetings and the humiliation they enjoy putting the 'sinner' through. Either way, it's perverted and there is no need for it .
Your sex life as a j-dub (not sure if this is the correct forum for this)
by Psychotic Parrot inif it isn't then i'm sure a mod will move it for me .
but yeah, for those of you who were married as j-dubs, did you find that being a j-dub somewhat soured things in the saucy department?
I hated the way the Borg was always there, lurking under your bed covers and looking up your skirt. Never took any notice of what they said when it came to that kind of thing, but it still riled me that they thought they had a right to control everyone's sex life! It's the ultimate intrusion .
lonliness and the very real temptation
by ryan12 ini studied with the witnesses when i was in high school, 1984 my father didn't care at all but my mother was against it.
about a 4 month book study with the paradise book.
we met at a nearby jw's house once a week for a couple of hours.. since i was only exposed to the teachings and the very kind people for a short time i have very good memories of my experience with book study and the jw's.. i'm alone and lonely and they knock and i talk.
Hello ryan12 and welcome,
i completely agree with Billy, you can be in a room full of witnesses but still be as lonely as you ever were. Once they have got you in and signed up, the attention and love they first show you will start to wane and eventually fade completely. I know it must be very tempting when you are feeling alone and craving friendship, looking for answers. But please don't rush into anything and do as much research on the internet as you can. Good luck with whatever decision you make.
BorgHater xx
Guys I've been browsing other ex sites (Ex-Mormons, Ex-Scientologist) to see if they have anything near our experience and look what I found
by StoneWall inbeing born and raised a jw i didn't think any other religion or group of people could come close to having to deal.
with what we do as far as loosing family,friends, workmates etc.
because of beliefs.. when i read on ex-mormon and ex-scientologist sites it makes me sad that they too are going thru some horrendous.
Thanks for that, it was so interesting. If you take away some of the terminology they use in reference to scientology, it's just like reading an ex-jw forum - amazing
ATJeff Answers Letters from JW Readers
by AllTimeJeff ini didn't want to hijack billy x's attempt at hijacking another thread directed to our apostate terrorist, reinna.
this is a parady that only ex jw's could possibly appreciate.
whether you appreciate my macabre sense of humor is entirely another matter.
Dear Wise and All-knowing Gibbering Body of Jehovah's Witlesses,
Thank you so much for the recent Watchtower article 'Can you do more in Jehovah's Service? Why your best just isn't good enough.' I was feeling quite happy with the amount i was doing in the service, but as the article wisley pointed out, unless i am spending so much time in the ministry that my children are neglected and i have almost lost the will to live, it just isn't enough. I am now in a much more self-hating, anxious, exhausted, less dangerous state of mind. Thank you o mighty GB for making me see the error of my ways.
Yours, B.R. Ainwashed
Btw Jeff, these posts made me laugh so hard - especially the 'spanking the monkey' one, lol.
Name Things JWs Believe That Are Not Actually Biblically Provable
by minimus inhere's one example: being a congregation publisher.
nowhere in the bible does it say you should be a "publisher" and turn in your time if you preach.
they try to twist the scriptures by saying that numbers are constantly being recorded in the bible so then conforming to the rules of being a publisher is from the scriptures.. yeah, right..
That you are displeasing God and putting your salvation in jepoardy if you do not attend every meeting.
Awake 1974 = Artifical Insimination with donor sperm is Adultery and leads to mental problems!
by Witness 007 inawake 85 7/22 p.30 "buisness man nearly marries own daugter...donor sperm fathered 806 babies..he was the father of his intended bride..."
watch 84 8/15 p.26 the bible lev.
18:20 is clear...artifical insimination of a woman...makes her guilty of adultery..."
And just to add insult to injury the WT suggests they could use their childless state to do more preaching work!
Hi Everyone
by BorgHater ini recently found an ex-jw site and have been posting there.
i came across this site also and have been enjoying reading your posts and the discussions you have.
you're a fiesty lot on these boards and i love it!
Thanks for the warm welcome, guys xxx
Hi Everyone
by BorgHater ini recently found an ex-jw site and have been posting there.
i came across this site also and have been enjoying reading your posts and the discussions you have.
you're a fiesty lot on these boards and i love it!
Hi there
i recently found an ex-jw site and have been posting there. I came across this site also and have been enjoying reading your posts and the discussions you have. You're a fiesty lot on these boards and i love it! I'm a successful fader (about 5 years). Leaving the Borganisation was the best thing i've ever done and sites like these have been tremendously helpful.
So, just wanted to say hello to you all at last.
Much love
BorgHater x