Hardly. Untold millions have been adopted into God's eternal loving family since then and avoided the GWT judgment.
But nobody avoids disease and eventual death.
terry, since you have long proclaimed your inability to comprehend the greatest expression of love in the universe, substitutionary atonement; perhaps this scene from the last of the mohicans will help you to understand.. the chief has just handed down a death sentence to the brunette daughter of the captured english general.
the english officer in this scene can speak both english and french.
since daniel day lewis can only speak mohican and english, and the cheif can only speak huron and french, the captured english officer must translate to the chief in french.
Hardly. Untold millions have been adopted into God's eternal loving family since then and avoided the GWT judgment.
But nobody avoids disease and eventual death.
terry, since you have long proclaimed your inability to comprehend the greatest expression of love in the universe, substitutionary atonement; perhaps this scene from the last of the mohicans will help you to understand.. the chief has just handed down a death sentence to the brunette daughter of the captured english general.
the english officer in this scene can speak both english and french.
since daniel day lewis can only speak mohican and english, and the cheif can only speak huron and french, the captured english officer must translate to the chief in french.
Au contrair. The more so. For, if God refuses to judge evil then that in fact makes him evil for having the ability but refusing to exercise it.
Exactly. And thus we still find ourselves in exactly the same condition, 2000 years after the ransom.
terry, since you have long proclaimed your inability to comprehend the greatest expression of love in the universe, substitutionary atonement; perhaps this scene from the last of the mohicans will help you to understand.. the chief has just handed down a death sentence to the brunette daughter of the captured english general.
the english officer in this scene can speak both english and french.
since daniel day lewis can only speak mohican and english, and the cheif can only speak huron and french, the captured english officer must translate to the chief in french.
So Terry,
Would you trade your life so that your daughter could live?
You would not have to if you were God. And that is exactly the point - the legalistic and nonsensical circumstances of a ransom.
It is irrelevant though because the Vatican is a stand alone entity and if people don't like their rules they are free to go somewhere else.
So is Sharia Law, for that matter. WAIT - No, you can't just go somewhere else from Sharia Law, can you?
And yes, I did notice that this was started by an Islamic apologist.
I detest all hyper-controlling religious orders.
well, do you?.
sometimes, i like them -other times, i'm not so sure.. syl.
Not really. I like cars better. And the beer fairy.
Great, TTWSYF. I guess that also explains why priests and nuns cannot marry.
imagine that!.
invisible persons!.
from ancient times some of us have imagined there to be living persons that can't be seen but that are more than real!.
Dark Side - do you ever use the force to jiggle the toilet valve when it won't quit running at night?
i do think about that and i realize that i should've gotten out sooner.
( i stayed in longer for various reasons).
but the last few years i knew it was bullsh*t!
Yes, JWoods, but where were we supposed to go?
I guess there wasn't anywhere when everybody else on earth was on death row. Doubly ridiculous when you think that they were rigidly anti-war and would go to prison or worse to avoid killing - when at the same time they believed their god was going to kill everybody anyway.
i do think about that and i realize that i should've gotten out sooner.
( i stayed in longer for various reasons).
but the last few years i knew it was bullsh*t!
I think what embarrasses me the most is giving tacit approval to the idea that god was shortly going to come down to earth and KILL billions of people simply because they were not JWs.
That is really the core doctrine of the JWs, and it is quite simply mad dog serial killer crazy.
I am ashamed that I even went along with it (while not really believing it for a fact) for the last 10 years I was in.
i got one shoved under my door and i even have a "no trespassing" sign on my door what the heck???.
i thought they couldn't leave literature if there was a no trespassing sign posted???
am i wrong?.
stop wasting time here
Not bad advice for you to take yourself, BANE.