Gosh, Perry.
We find ourselves in Eden just after the breezy part of the day. Look! Over there, invisible God is taking His evening stroll through Paradise.
But, heck, something is awry!
Where are those lovely human creatures, Adam and Eve? Golly, how strange they don't seem to be sexlessly frolicking with their nakedness right out in the open where all-knowing God can ascertain their location!
Oops! The man and his wife are hiding from the most powerful and ominiscient being who could not possibly see them over there behind those bushes!
"Why are you hiding?" the clueless all-knowing deity inquires of the cowering humans.
"Cuz we're naked!" they reply artlessly.
"Who TOLD you--you were naked?" The suddenly bushwacked omnipresent overlord roars indignantly.
And so the fun begins!
No human had ever been born by impregnation at this point. No person had died. No wars, disease, suffering or starvation had ever occured.
The entire species of human being consisted of two ashamed naked people who had munched a bite of fruit under the illusion they would become like God "knowing good and bad."
What a devastating crime! KNOWING GOOD AND BAD!!
How can Almighty God allow such a state of affairs to continue without sharp and severe punishment???
.........and so on......
Silly business.
Are we to swallow that God was surprised?
That he was out walking during the breezy part of the day?
That only a "curse" on mankind would serve as justice for the crime of eating off-limits fruit?
Did God improvise all this? Or, was it planned ahead of time?
And what was this______plan_____to set this infinitesimal species back on track?
Humans would dally, gather, pluck and shine for 1500 years until God got around to giving a small tribe of Semites a perfect Law.
Another 500 years and God's "son" would come along and preach to a small portion of that ethnic community and be put to death.
Another 2000+ years and millions of persons who disagree about the details of all this would call themselves "Christian".
And, finally----sooner or later (nobody knows----not even the angels.....) the son who was put to death would return and so forth.
More tests, judgements, dying etc. which no two people can agree upon the details of.....
Is this what you want me to believe so that I can participate in the song that doesn't end......?
(It just goes on and on my friends..
some people started singing it not knowing what it was
and they'll go right on singing it forever just because it is the
song that doesn't end
It just goes on and on my friends.
some people started singing it.............(repeat and never fade)
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