Sort of like PacMan Jones ended up here in Dallas. Finally Jerry Jones gave up on him and pulled his 24 hour "security" watchdogs and let the inevitable happen. He got two good draft picks out of the deal.
Posts by JWoods
Seems Michael Vick Can't Dodge Trouble
by snowbird in
i know; i've defended him on this forum.. i'm beginning to rethink my position.. syl.
Seems Michael Vick Can't Dodge Trouble
by snowbird in
i know; i've defended him on this forum.. i'm beginning to rethink my position.. syl.
What did he do this time?
More Society cutbacks - Society says "screw you" to the publishers yet again
by sir82 inat our service meeting it was announced that there is a change in the manner in which magazines are now to be delivered to the congregations.. up until now, magazines were sent to each kingdom hall via ups.
in years past magazines were sent to each congregation po's home address via ups.. going forward, magazines will be sent only as far as the assembly hall.
it is the responsibility of each kingdom hall to send brother(s) twice a month to drive out there, pick up the magazines, and return.. this of course saves a little bit of money for the society - shipping larger packages to fewer addresses will cost less.. however, what about the expense to the local congregations?.
I have been watching this thread with increasing disbelief - except that I do believe it. May I just say:
There is no logical reason not to mail or ship this literature to the locality in question.
I have to wonder if this is not just another unreasonable Watchtower control freaking obsession to keep their people in submission.
What parts of the BIBLE seem like GREEK MYTHOLOGY and stories to you?
by foolsparadise inplease share your thoughts.
there are many things in the bible that sound like greek mythologies.
i will start and you can add to the list.. a talking walking snake.. immaculate conception.. angels having sex with women creating nephilim.. a dove descending upon jesus after he was babtized.. the transfiguration.. some dude wrestling with an angel all night.. jonah being swallowed by a whale and living inside for three days.. a talking burning bush.
The book of revelation -
3 Things You Should Know About Islam
by onemore the video, what if we were to substitute the word islam (in the video) for watchtowerism..
It is hard to constantly apologize for a political religion that has stoned women to death for imagined affairs, or thrown battery acid in the face of young girls for attending school.
Volunteer Injured While Working On A Kingdom Hall Construction Site
by Bangalore in
Nut post.
If the WTBTS suddenly dissappeared
by exwhyzee ini think most of those that are not talking to disfellowshipped friends and relatives would continue with the shunning practice out of pride and spite.
over the years, it seems to me that most jw's are less concerned about jehovah's will or how he feels than they are about their own feelings of personal superiority or righteous indignation toward the disfellowshipped one.
i call it the "how dare you!
Maybe the closest "real world" example of such a scenario was the dissolution of the WorldWide church of God - which of course did not really "dissappear" but was pretty much taken down in a reform effort.
Apparantly about half to two thirds just went off to something else, maybe a quarter went along with the reformed doctrine.
But without Armstrong Sr. to keep beating the drum, probably only a very tiny fraction of the true believers still keep the faith.
If the WTBTS suddenly dissappeared
by exwhyzee ini think most of those that are not talking to disfellowshipped friends and relatives would continue with the shunning practice out of pride and spite.
over the years, it seems to me that most jw's are less concerned about jehovah's will or how he feels than they are about their own feelings of personal superiority or righteous indignation toward the disfellowshipped one.
i call it the "how dare you!
How long would this board last after WTBTS dissappeared?
IRAN-Deja vu all over again?
by JWdaughter inany of the rhetoric, demands, conciliation, etc., etc., remind you of anything?
wasn't this all how this war started in iraq?
(or the justification for it, anyway?
Several Arab nations have already made it quietly clear that an Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear sites would be welcome.
Plausible deniability. They likely feel nearly as much danger from Iran as does Israel. I still doubt Israel can stop the Iran nuke on it's own.
IRAN-Deja vu all over again?
by JWdaughter inany of the rhetoric, demands, conciliation, etc., etc., remind you of anything?
wasn't this all how this war started in iraq?
(or the justification for it, anyway?
where are wikileaks when you need them?
If there is not a way to damage the U.S. war effort, there is no interest from wikileaks.
No one is saying that Iran is not trying to gain Nuclear weapons, just what response, if any is appropriate. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are not going to well either.
Not now, of course. But years ago, back on the old board, the poster Hillary Step argued with me for weeks that Iran was a peaceful nation, had every right to enrich uranium, and had no intent of making a bomb or harming Israel.
It is important to remember that much of what goes wrong in Iraq and Afghanistan is at the hands of Iran.
But nothing except talk is going to take place (as far as the U.S. is concerned) about Iran - Obama does not have the political capital or the will to do anything. So, that leaves it up to Israel - who is probably not capable of making an effective strike against Iran on its own.