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Posts by JWoods
What Do You Think About Tattoos?
by minimus indo you have any?.
i know a lot of women, not just younger women, that have tats.
i wouldn't have one but that's because i don't need the pain..
Where do you get your economic news from?
by bohm ini have recently become interested in macro economics, particular in the current crisis.
i wonder if you guys have some links to informative and educational blogs, columns or other resources?.
i am personally reading paul krugmans blog on nyt:
Also: Das Kapital by Karl Marx has some interesting ideas.*
*I threw that in for JWoods.
JWoods appreciates it. I have a copy of Marx here on my desk.
Should Muslims Have to Register in the USA?
by sammielee24 inthat was the question being asked on right wing radio - things are getting strange out there.
wednesday, september 1st, 2010 -- 6:32 pm.
Do you really have to ask?
6000 Years doctrine has a flaw... duh
by ex-witness inlet's see... .the sumerians existed 10000 years ago.. archaeologists have found a settlement in china with evidence of tools and agriculture that is over 1.36 million years old.
hmmm.. that's a big difference between 6000 and 1.36 million.... .
Edgar Cayce told us we were Atlanteans, but I don't think he saw all the way back.
LOL. Somehow, I don't think so either.
Should Muslims Have to Register in the USA?
by sammielee24 inthat was the question being asked on right wing radio - things are getting strange out there.
wednesday, september 1st, 2010 -- 6:32 pm.
Come on people - surely we all realize that at least 90% of Americans reject such an idea?
6000 Years doctrine has a flaw... duh
by ex-witness inlet's see... .the sumerians existed 10000 years ago.. archaeologists have found a settlement in china with evidence of tools and agriculture that is over 1.36 million years old.
hmmm.. that's a big difference between 6000 and 1.36 million.... .
Where does the bible say the world is only 6000 years old?
It doesn't - but, if you add up all the ages of the bible patriarchs and set it to a known historical date, like Irish Archbishop James Ussher did, you would come up with something fairly close to 6000 years ago for the creation of Adam. Ussher came up with 4004 BC for the creation of Adam - the JWs have their own slightly different date.
Both of which, of course, violate commonly known scientific discoveries.
6000 Years doctrine has a flaw... duh
by ex-witness inlet's see... .the sumerians existed 10000 years ago.. archaeologists have found a settlement in china with evidence of tools and agriculture that is over 1.36 million years old.
hmmm.. that's a big difference between 6000 and 1.36 million.... .
Of course, we have to remember that the fundamentalists who believe the 6000 years of human existence also believe that the first humans lived for nearly 1000 years.
New book by Stephen Hawking
by Dagney in
i wonder if the wtbs ever quoted from him based on his prior belief.
What Hawking is suggesting is essentially a self-creating series of universes to eternity without an external source of power.
It violates the laws of thermodynamics and the concept of entropy.
The theologist would say the universe requires the outside influence of a God-Creator.
The conventional cosmologist would say that there was an unknown outside source of order prior to the big bang, and that the universe is slowly winding down, and the entropy (disorder) of the universe is slowly increasing.
Hawking has been getting further and further outside established science for some time now. He is tolerated more as a celebrity than as a contributing physicist these days.
Discovery Channel shooter link to JW's?
by tenyearsafter in
The sad thing is that the JW world actually offers absolutely no support at all for mental issues. The blanket JW answer is that "you are demonized", so you need to "pray to Jehovah" and read the watchtower more, come to meetings more regularly, go out more hours in service, etc. etc. etc. If that doesn't work, (and it really never does), and the disturbed person becomes too much trouble, they will usually find a reason to disfellowship the person and leave them even more alone and helpless.
I am really surprised that there are not more depressed JWs shooting up post offices or McDonalds restaurants.
Discovery Channel shooter link to JW's?
by tenyearsafter in
Whether true or not, it does serve to remind us that the JW religion really does seem to attract some very disturbed people.
Certainly, the JW religion itself did not cause this nut case to snap and cause this incident.
It is also true that, if in fact he was a JW, they did nothing to notice his condition or effectively get him any help.