I was contacted through the door to door to door work also, (wished now I hadn't been home).I never enjoyed doing but like you also I was fed the mantra that it makes onlookers speak Jehovah's name although mostly in a derogatory manner. I agree with Oz that it would have been maybe more effective to assist in charitable works, the homeless, mentoring young people, volunteering at hospitals, etc. It would have provided needed relief for people, still given a witness showing that we cared about others and we would've had some satisfaction for the efforts we put into it rather than feeling like we were spinning our tires.
JoinedPosts by its_my_life2001ca
From House to House, From Door to Door....
by individuals wife ini was in the town this morning and saw a little cluster of jws leaving the kingdom hall, clutching their ministry bags, eager to go out into the field service.... well, maybe eager isnt quite the right word.... anyway, i thought to myself - how many people will they convert today?
one, two, a whole family?
the more obvious answer is none at all.
most HATED thing about the meetings ...
by alliwannadoislive inhey ya'll ... ain't tuesdays, thursdays and sundays even better nowadays ?.
i was wondering what it is that you hated most about the meets ?.
the one thing that used to really rile me was the pressure to control the children - the frowns and the disapproving looks when they were just behaving like normal kids .... the worst of it all for me was seeing any little person being taken outside and hearing the loud slaps even when the door was closed .... what is it that you least miss ?
Unfortunately I disliked the kingdom songs. When I was a little girl I attended the Baptist church with my mother and they had lively songs with a beat and a tune you could carry. When I first came in the truth 30 yrs ago, the sister who studied with me loaned me her kingdom records with only piano accompaniment. She said if I was ever feeling down to listen to them. I tried it once, found them so depressing and thought they could drive someone to suicide so I gave them back. Unfortunately, the songs haven't improved much. Happy people should sing happy songs, right?
What a pretty summer so far!
by Bendrr ini don't know how the weather is everywhere else, but here in dixie, it's been the first bearable summer in as long as i can remember.. it seems as though mother nature took a rest this year, worn out from her years of relentlessly bombarding us with intense heat.
for so long, it seemed as though the spring and summer months, even october, would bring an onslaught of 100+ degree temperatures with record high humidity and only enough rain to turn our evenings into saunas.. then this year came.
so far, the temperature has topped out in the very low 90's and the humidity just hasn't had the enthusiasm of years past.
Wish I could say we were having a nice summer but we're under water restrictions. Our lawns are a glorious gold but unless I'm mistaken green is my colour of choice. We've had weeks of temperatures in the 30's which has contributed to lethargy on my part and I must say I'm looking forward to a cool fall.
Ugly Clothes is it a rule???
by tattoogrl333 inok last post before me and my pillow get together.
so what is the dress code of jw.
i notice a lot of long skirts, and dresses.
I don't know where you all live but here in Quebec, specifically Montreal and Quebec city, the sisters are very fashionable wearing the latest styles but no extremes. Maybe it's just the french flair.Some people just don't know how to dress at all whether in the truth or the world.
Witnesses are Starving Spiritually
by metatron ini happened upon an article in the most recent km that.
saddened me because its silence speaks volumes about.
the spiritual and emotional emptiness manifest in the.
I understand well how you feel. After leaving the congregation I realize how few long lasting relationships I had for 30 years of association and how easily they were severed on my leaving. I longed to go shopping and for lunch sometimes with another sister, for once in a blue moon, but OUR TIME would be put to better use in service. I would have liked company to go to the gym for moral support but bodily training is beneficial for little. Even the times we did get together for supper, conversation sometimes got around to those not doing as much in the truth, which always left me feeling bad after. I had moved many times due to pioneering and changed groups because of roommates getting married. Never together long enough to get close or establish roots anywhere.It's hard sometimes to do anything just for the fun of it which makes me realize how unbalanced we can become in the truth. Jehovah is a happy god but his 'people' don't do a very good job of reflecting it.
To Lauralisa
by OrangeBlossom inwelcome to the board, lauralisa.. you've been through so much and i'm glad you found us.
you mentioned that your husband got custody or your children.
did you get them back after you left the borg?
I too was a door to door baby and welcomed what I heard, I wanted to get into paradise and escape from an unhappy home life. The brotherhood appealed to me and filled the void. I also bought the line about putting up with one another's weaknesses and for the most part I could do so but many congregations are like dysfunctional families.Many times I longed to have just one good friend that I could open up to, do spur of the moment things with, someone to bounce ideas off. No one has time for anyone else and personal pursuits must always come after meetings, service, work and family, which of course left no time.When your book study conductor said they missed you at saturday field service, what they really meant was why weren't you out? Did you have a good reason? You'd feel like a pagan if you said you needed time for you.When things were going well for my husband and I, we were invited out often, as my hubby was very generous (maybe to a fault). However, due to some business dealings we lost much of what we had including association with some of the brothers and sisters as we no longer had anything to offer them. I began to feel more and more alienated from the congregation and dreaded going to meetings on my own, because I no longer felt The love that was supposed to bond us. A few years ago, I also went through a depression which is horrifying because you know it's there but feel helpless to fight it. The elders advice was service, study and meetings.Having done that for 30 years, I knew more was needed. The next thing you know, they'll claim it's the cure for cancer. My only comfort in these difficult times besides my husband has been the knowledge that Jehovah understands my circumstances ans where I'm coming from, I will leave my fate in his hands and will now allow "his appointed servants" to destroy my faith in him in spite of their adhering to the rules but missing the spirit of his laws just as the religious leaders of Jesus' day did. Leaving has been been difficult in that it takes time to make new friends to fill the void and to pursue interests in other things without the guilt.
I took the truth in 1970, the same year I graduated. I had previously made plans to attend university for a 4 year nursing course. The sister studying with me said that I probably wouldn't finish the course before the new system arrived, that doctors and nurses wouldn't be needed there, and that by going to uni. I would probably let my studies go and fall out of the truth. Being naive and trusting, I forfeited my future. Since then I have worked at menial office jobs and cleaning, mostly for brothers ( who I found to take unfair advantage of their workers sometimes. When I meet people and they tell me how much they enjoy their work, I have nothing to say. Afterall, how inspiring is finding new cleaning products. I do feel a certain amount of bitterness for my loss of education because I feel a void inside me that hungers for knowledge. Being close to 50 now, I run into ageism, that even if I trained for a career now, I would have little chance of being hired. I pioneered for many years, at times in difficult circumstances, barely able to afford the necessities of life, let alone any luxuries. It was difficult to put money aside for retirement ( but then I never thought I would see it in this system). The society feels that higher education can cost you your spirituality, but so can working long hours at low paying jobs that make one too tired to attend meetings. Thanks for the rant, needed to get that off my chest.
PS> Why are JWs referred to as "Dubs" here? What does the term mean?
Dateline program?
by MoeJoJoJo inbefore i became a registered poster here, i was reading someone's post that mentioned an upcoming dateline program that was possibly dealing with the org.
can someone tell me if this is true and if it is when does it air, or did i already miss it?.
"plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
If you go to the "Dateline" web site you can subscribe to their newsletter which is automatically e-mailed to you. It let's you know what the upcoming shows will be about and when aired. Hope this helps.
testing the waters
by its_my_life2001ca inmy husband has been disfellowshipped for 2 yrs.
and i have been inactive as long.
i don't want to bash the brothers and sisters because most of them are sincere.
Thanks for the welcome. I found the sight by visiting jw sites.
testing the waters
by its_my_life2001ca inmy husband has been disfellowshipped for 2 yrs.
and i have been inactive as long.
i don't want to bash the brothers and sisters because most of them are sincere.
My husband has been disfellowshipped for 2 yrs. and I have been inactive as long. I don't want to bash the brothers and sisters because most of them are sincere. Even doctrinally, I accept much of what I was taught but i take issue with men's opinions taught as policy. When my husband was DF I almost left him but realized I had no way to support myself, having spent a good many years pioneering by doing menial jobs. I had taken the truth out of high school in early 70's and was discouraged from going onto university because the "end" was only a few years away and besides, there was no need for doctors and nurses in new system. I also had delayed marrying until the new system (almost) and did put off having children which is my second biggest regret.Now that I am close to 50, worry about retirement (actually lack of it) and all the years I wasted because I was afraid to be viewed as weak by pursuing such things. Happily hubby and I have resolved our problems. We don't intend to pursue any other religion as they have nothing to offer nor do we intend to take up religious holidays.We are simply trying to overcome the guilt and build a new life. Unfortunately, this whole debacle had put me into a depression which I thankfully am overcoming because I have found a friend outside the truth that I can pour my heart out to without my words being reported back to someone else or being judged unfairly.Being in the truth was not entirely a bad experience but I do realize that when those taking the lead are rigid and impose their ideas, the whole congregation suffers but is powerless to do something. Anyway, those are some of my thoughts.