JoinedPosts by trueblue
Bible Prophecies are OBVIOUS like shooting ducks in a barrell...these things always happened!
by Witness 007 inyes the new thought is increased earthquakes shows the end is near!!!!!!!!
predicting "earthquakes, wars, pestilence, hunger" is like predicting the sun will rise tommorow!
by cameo-d in(originally posted on tsunami thread, but felt it deserved a discussion on its own.).
it is my contention that this physically destructive "armageddon" will be a contrived event.
the bible never says anything about any battle of armageddon where god kills off all non-church members.
Go ahead and tell me to put on my tin foil hat...but it is the skeptics who ask questions and dig for real answers. Look at some medieval paintings and you will see that the adepts always had shining heads, too. Those were not halos. It was (gold) tin foil.
Ihave run into other videos stating that the Nephilim (offspring of the fallen angels) still live with us to this day, it was stating that the Nephilim were before and after the flood but I always thought that the angels were not able to take on human form after the flood so I gathered some info about it just today and I will need to read it again but it is stating that they can not take on human form just as I thought and when it say they were here before and after the bible or writer is referring to when God said that he will be out of patience with them in 120 years. The Nephilim were here before and after that statement not before and after the food.
Also from reading the new info I have it stated that the spies that were sent come back with a false report stating that the enemies where giants and that they were as grass hoppers to them. That was a false report to cause fear amongst the Isrealites.
Yes I do believe that satan do use things to make us fear so that we have a hard time following the greatest comandments to love God and our Nieghbor(s)
I would not believe any thing just keep his comandments
Ecclesiastes 12: 12 As regards anything besides these, my son, take a warning: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion [to them] is wearisome to the flesh.
13 The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the [true] God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole [obligation] of man. 14 For the [true] God himself will bring every sort of work into the judgment in relation to every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad.
First time I have heard of e cigs.
the real question is, CAN YOU BE DF'ED FOR 'SMOKING' WATER VAPOR?....
Just a guess that they would use this scripture to DF you, Mathew 5: 28 But I say to YOU that everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
response from Ray Franz on generation change
by isaacaustin inthanks for your letter and the thoughts contained.
others had commented on the latest shift of the interpretation of this generation.
as you recognize this allows for an unending extension of time and likely stems from an awareness of the approach of the year 2014 marking 100 years since the date of 1914.. .
Yes ANOTHER song thread. What song best describes you?
by awildflower in
Would you accept a microchip implant?
by MarkSutter inassuming the governments would pass a law requiring everyone to have a microchip i.d.
implant with gps tracking capabilities, storing your personal and financial data but also record all your movements.. would you be for or against it?.
personally i don't have a problem with it but i'm just wondering , what would be the drawbacks for the normal, law abiding citizen?.
Will the 10th planet cause an "Armageddon"?
by HappyGuy ini hope this dude is wrong..
1 Corinthians 6: 10 nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom. 11 And yet that is what some of YOU were. But YOU have been washed clean, but YOU have been sanctified, but YOU have been declared righteous in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God.
Mathew 5: 5 “Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth.
Will the 10th planet cause an "Armageddon"?
by HappyGuy ini hope this dude is wrong..
Will the 10th planet cause an "Armageddon"?
by HappyGuy ini hope this dude is wrong..
Would you accept a microchip implant?
by MarkSutter inassuming the governments would pass a law requiring everyone to have a microchip i.d.
implant with gps tracking capabilities, storing your personal and financial data but also record all your movements.. would you be for or against it?.
personally i don't have a problem with it but i'm just wondering , what would be the drawbacks for the normal, law abiding citizen?.
Hi, Chalam (Stephen)
I wonder if that would be so bad to accept the mark physically because one had too? because the Isrealites where forced to serve the Egyptians for hundreds of years before Yawey freed them.
I know or think there is a scripture stating if you don't worship their statue or false god then they will throw you in the furnace.
Obviously that would be bad to worship a false god, that would make Yawey very jealous but what about just accepting a stupid phycsical mark, after all we are nearly forced to accept credit cards as it is or we can not buy and sell with out one.