Just remembered none of the stuff that I sudjested worked for me, seen it work for some, but own business seem to be the way for me anyways. Then remembered this video...
College Conspiracy
i'm in need of a career change, or at the very least a new job that i can make money at while i continue to work on computer related side-projects.
i'm burnt as hell at computer programming, and being that i am self-taught and have very little corporate experience i am not looking into doing this anymore as it's all i've done as a career for the last 10 years.. long story short, bad money crunch, no degree of any sort, a gamble to try and make my own business failed - so i need to find a new career or job.
searching the papers is somewhat dis-heartening so far.. any ideas, suggestions, or advice for this daunting task of trying to find some way to keep from going bankrupt with a new job.
Just remembered none of the stuff that I sudjested worked for me, seen it work for some, but own business seem to be the way for me anyways. Then remembered this video...
College Conspiracy
i'm in need of a career change, or at the very least a new job that i can make money at while i continue to work on computer related side-projects.
i'm burnt as hell at computer programming, and being that i am self-taught and have very little corporate experience i am not looking into doing this anymore as it's all i've done as a career for the last 10 years.. long story short, bad money crunch, no degree of any sort, a gamble to try and make my own business failed - so i need to find a new career or job.
searching the papers is somewhat dis-heartening so far.. any ideas, suggestions, or advice for this daunting task of trying to find some way to keep from going bankrupt with a new job.
I knew someone who went to the county (think it was general relief) they bought him clotheing, made resumes for him, paid for gas, etc. and they did find him a job, then he took the training from that job and went in business for himself and doing real well now. I was burnt out on my carrer because it was not doing well so I tried the general relief thing (big waste of time for me) just as well because my business has gotten better now and I have been buying equipment for something else in case hard times fall again.
I beleive maybe you could get a student loan and they will loan you enough to survive on while you go to school, and if you qualify you could even get a grant that you don't have to pay back. Could not hurt to check it out and go take the tests to see where your hidden talents lay...
it's 21 october and no rapture, no armaggeddon, no nothing.
camping and obves, where are you?.
Just thinking back when watch tower study was covering up their false prophecy... It said the deciples asked Jesus if the fulfilment is now, and Jesus stated "Not now" so the WT's arguement is sense them where God's people that asked that question and was wrong then it is okay for God's people to be wrong now. But my arguement is God's people that asked Jesus the question was not wrong because they were just asking a question because they were not sure so they just asked, it was not a prediction and they did not go around prphesying the date of the end before hand like the WT$ does. The bible says they are false prophets end of story, they should just go away with there tails stuck in their butts. By their fruits you will know them and they have not produced any good fruits, only rotten fruit.
If that the case to be alright to be wrong because you God's people then it does not matter what I beleive or anyone else beleives (wether one beleives they go to heaven or hell or what the hell) then...
why do we have to create meaning for our existence?
at what point in the evolutionary process did we develop this human condition and what purpose does it serve?.
I may have to do some upgrading to get video, see what happens...
what was the best joke you ever heard as you were growing up?.
in a psychiatrist's waiting room two patients are having a conversation.
the second answers, "i'm napoleon, so the doctor told me to come here.".
This guy getting off the train has two black eyes and his friend asks how he got the black eyes and the guy says "When I was getting on the train a lady in front of me had her dress stuck up her butt and I pulled it out and she hit me in the eye" and his friend asks "How did you get the other black eye?" and the guy says "Well I seen that she got so upset that I pulled it out, I pushed it back in"
nu-litetm: if youre in a wheel chair and have a speech impediment, you still have no excuse for not reporting field service hours every month.
so stop complaining, read the article below and start using your cell phone to send theocratic text messages.. .
from page 14 of the january 15, 2012 watchtower study edition.... .
This guy went to the doctor...
Doctor says "Please take off your shoes"
The guy takes off his shoes and says " I had toefoid"
Doctor says " You mean Tyfoid"
The guy says "No I mean tofoid, it was just in my toes"
Doctor says "Please take off your trousers"
The guy takes off his trousers and says "I had kneessiles"
Doctor says " you mean you had messles"
The guy says "No it was only in my knees, I had kneesiles"
Doctor says "Please take off your shorts"
The guy takes off his shorts and the doctor says "Let me guess, you had smallcox"
took mother to a meeting one time and this lady asks me "are you one of us?
" i looked at her like, i don't know man, i just come down from outer space, are you one of us... and she rephrased her guestion to "are you baptized?
" i said no... felt like saying no i wouldn't want to be one of you!
Telling someone they have to place leterature or else, to me is a threat and a form of persicution. I have always worked for myself, and never even use an alarm clock. I do as I felt sent to do, and I don't do anything until I am ready to do so. When ever I come to a gathering to go out in service I reply that I feel sent to go out in service and it a great honor to be doing something for our God, they act like they don't like that... hell they even want to tell you when to sit down.
Before I started going to meeting on a regular basess I was accused of a crime but the district attorney had the case thrown out of court, I got the feeling the JW's had made their minds up that I am a criminal. I am not a crimminal, in fact I am one of the hardest working people there is, I like working very hard and I get very irate when someone follows me to work as the JW's do. They follow me all over the place, so when I was about to be baptised I did something so they would not baptize me so they would think it was their idea and when they started follwing me again, I pretend to be remorseful and had them build a gate accross the front of my house and I closed it behind them and locked them out.
They split my famally when I was very young and had to raise myself. They never was there when I needed someone and never had a dad growing up and I aint going to start now.
took mother to a meeting one time and this lady asks me "are you one of us?
" i looked at her like, i don't know man, i just come down from outer space, are you one of us... and she rephrased her guestion to "are you baptized?
" i said no... felt like saying no i wouldn't want to be one of you!
Took Mother to a meeting one time and this lady asks me "are you one of us?" I looked at her like, I don't know man, I just come down from outer space, are you one of us... and she rephrased her guestion to "are you baptized?" I said no... felt like saying no I wouldn't want to be one of you! Later in a meeting she makes a comment about being baptized is cruicial to being saved, like have to be baptized...
Just thinking about the account when Jessus was put up on the stake (like it makes a dam bit of diff if he was on a stake or a cross) but anyway the two criminals that were executed next to Jessus, one of them asks Jessus "What do I need to do to be saved?" and Jessus said "I will see you in paradise"
The moral of the story "How the hell do you get baptized while being nailed to a tree"
i'm a sucker for dollar stores, discount stores and bargain outlets.
give me a tjx/ marshall's store over bloomingdales anyday!.
in regards to my other post regarding attending counselling as a jw, i was wondering what it was about being a jw that caused you to be anxious, stressed or depressed?.
for me, i knew that the person i wanted to be was constantly being supressed by the wt.
there was a battle going on in my head between who i wanted to be and who they wanted me to be.
mental scares are hard to detect but to say "can not beleive you because you a woman or can not beleive the neighbors because they worldly" but what about the physical evidnce like the scars on my pretty sisters legs?
Dam JW's for killing my sister and my brother and seperating the rest of my familly...
and the hatred you sense when they anounce someone DF'ed... is depressing. Where is the loving kindness, seems as though they should feel sorrow for someone leaving if they actually love them.