Seen on TV once a dog that had just lost a leg and a day or so later the dog jumping all around just as happy as could be. Wow to se a human do that...
JoinedPosts by trueblue
Question about unbaptized publishers
by camicia inmy daughter has been an unbaptized publisher for several months and has decided this religion is not for her.
i tried to tell her before she got involved that it isn't but she had to learn this on her own.
she doesn't want to be an unbaptized publisher anymore, but hasn't committed any sin to be removed.
Question about unbaptized publishers
by camicia inmy daughter has been an unbaptized publisher for several months and has decided this religion is not for her.
i tried to tell her before she got involved that it isn't but she had to learn this on her own.
she doesn't want to be an unbaptized publisher anymore, but hasn't committed any sin to be removed.
JW's are only man, so why fear man Psalms 49:5. They are only punks under that suit and tie...
Question about unbaptized publishers
by camicia inmy daughter has been an unbaptized publisher for several months and has decided this religion is not for her.
i tried to tell her before she got involved that it isn't but she had to learn this on her own.
she doesn't want to be an unbaptized publisher anymore, but hasn't committed any sin to be removed.
Just thinking just woke up to but wether DA, DF or not interested or what ever they really have no control over you... everyone has problems especially if you let the problems bother you.
I was telling someone about how split up our familly was because of JW's and he said his familly the same way without a JW in his whole familly.
I have worked for people were most work on commissions and when times are slow and everyone going broke boy a lot of them are bears to work around, and I want to tell them that geez if you are afraid you'll starve or something it doesn't do any good to be so upset about it, in fact it only make things worse, and slows bussiness down (a man acting out of anger is a foolish man) I usually find somewhere else to work because there attitude slows me down from making money. (bad association spoil useful habbits)
It kinda like this (F'em if they can't take a joke)
Question about unbaptized publishers
by camicia inmy daughter has been an unbaptized publisher for several months and has decided this religion is not for her.
i tried to tell her before she got involved that it isn't but she had to learn this on her own.
she doesn't want to be an unbaptized publisher anymore, but hasn't committed any sin to be removed.
I was unbaptized publisher when I got in a car accident going to work (nearly killed) and missed some meetings and they started that shunning crapp with me. (what a bunch of idiots)
But any ways I think I read in the book that if an unbaptized member sins that the elders are to talk to the unbaptized member and if the elders have to tell them again they are not to DF them for they may not know they are doing wrong and to give them another bible study.
I don't know really because they were always making up something to have me do another bible study. Like I wasn't making enough comments at the meetings when I noticed someone else never ever makes comments and sits next to his spiritual wife but he has lots of money.
They can do what ever they want depending on how important you are to selling literatrash I think.
They will try following an unbaptized publisher if they try leaving though, they followed me to another town and to my employment. I made a misstake and let one person know where I went to work. Caused more problems for me for complaining they followed me to work. Best thing to do if you want to leave is leave and don't pay any attention to them.
Chemicals buried at WT Farms (WT ruining the earth)
by doinmypart init seems that the wt is guilty of illegally dumping printing chemicals (or as they like to say "ruining the earth") in upstate new york.
read the full articles from the news sites below.. "state officials are investigating chemical pollution found buried at an upstate new york property owned by the jehovah's witnesses organization.
Remembered something it may not sound like much but my dad said he used to smoke and a public talk or a publication come out about smoking and it said something about people smoking and throwing out a cigarette but is ruining God's creation so he quit smoking right then.
Just thinking of the scripture, faithful in least also faithful in much and unfaithful in least also unfaithjul in much.
Chemicals buried at WT Farms (WT ruining the earth)
by doinmypart init seems that the wt is guilty of illegally dumping printing chemicals (or as they like to say "ruining the earth") in upstate new york.
read the full articles from the news sites below.. "state officials are investigating chemical pollution found buried at an upstate new york property owned by the jehovah's witnesses organization.
undercover said: they will have to pay for the clean up... They will probably have some brainwashed dub(s) clean it up for free.
Rebel8: why couldn't jehoopla publish his ragazines without toxins?... and so much for saving the rainforests with all there literatrash, poluting the air with their automobiles selling the literatrash, and all the famillies they have destroyed along the way.
Where in the BIble does it say Adultery Must involve Penetration?
by BrendaRob inokay,i have been there and believe me it wasn't easy.
you're "happily married" in the truth.
husband's an elder (coordinator these days), and long story short, boom!
It is a bunch of garbage this JW's think they devorce court or something draging on for eternety, always talking about things from long ago when they haven't a clue what it is all about... I wish my Mother had stayed with my father and one of us boys would have took care of him, and my sister and brother would still be alive too, not to mention it being worse than death for my Mother, but who cares, they just want to sell magazines...
What did the motorcycle rider say when his wheel fell off? You picked a fine time to leave me loose wheel. remember the song you picked a fine time to leave me Lucel, by Kenny Rogers?
what should I say: Niece going into rehab 3rd time
by WhereWasI inso my 35 year old niece is going into rehab for the third time now.
this time it's a long stint, two and a half months.
she got gov't help since she is techinically homeless.
Where is that scripture I am thinking? They will deliver you up to the supreme courts but not to worry about what to say for the holy spirit will tell you what to say when it is time.
In other words I don't know what to tell you to tell her, but speak to her from the heart and remember that the one that says they are born without sin decieves themselves and Jesus said the one without sin cast the first stone,
All the Swear Words in American Sign Language - YouTube
March 15, 2012 Watchtower gives good advice to apostates ...
by wannabefree inpage 13, paragraph 15. do you like to be awakened from a deep sleep?
many do not react well when awakened suddenly.
a gentle approach is usually preferred.
WTS, you mien you woke me up to sell a magazine after what you did to my familly. you piss me offf with lyrics - YouTube
March 15, 2012 Watchtower gives good advice to apostates ...
by wannabefree inpage 13, paragraph 15. do you like to be awakened from a deep sleep?
many do not react well when awakened suddenly.
a gentle approach is usually preferred.
If you beat around the bush you catch no birds... HotForWords - Beat around the Bush! - YouTube