Can you prove that Noah's ark actually happened
Ye of little faith. Have you not seen the movie trailer? "Maximus and the Ark"? It's all explained right there in High Def movie making. Geez...
so funny....
i have a number of problems with the noah's ark story that i could never find the answer to in the bible and so i thought i could ask here:. did noah get animals that are indigenous to areas he could not get to (e,g penguins, koalas, kangaroos, moose etc) .
2.the flood supposedly happened around 4000 years ago but there is evidence of civilisation dating back a lot further.
Can you prove that Noah's ark actually happened
Ye of little faith. Have you not seen the movie trailer? "Maximus and the Ark"? It's all explained right there in High Def movie making. Geez...
so funny....
my wife told me today that during a conversation with a relative on the phone recently, the relative said that someone in their congregation had been invited to take part in a branch extension in a foreign country.
this young woman who had been asked to take part is a solid witness, though not a pioneer, but guess what?
she is an architect!
i remmeber the talk of a (former) missionary about some countries in south america, and how he bashed higher education. The talk continued showing the physicians working at bethel there.
Sometime sI wonder, whether he was really that blind to not recognize the double standard, or he was doing it on purpose...
this is a follow up to my previous thread.
so we had our co visit and we were quizzed about the "problem" of higher education as well.
no mention during our last visit either,
we have some going to University in our hall, nobody really cares much about it though, as long as they report their time regularly...
if you and a fellow jehovah's witness went to a house where the homeowner brought up a watchtower doctrine which you secretly disagree with, would you defend it or tell them what it is you really believe?.
either way you are at a loss.. defending something you disagree with is living a lie and telling a lie.
not defending it and telling the home owner what you really believe makes you an apostate by watchtower society standards.
heavensgate1, welcome from me too..
I used to think this way also, but please consider:
US citzens, British people and even Catholic church (at least most of them all) recognize the wrong course their forefathers/predecessors took, they usually admit their error, and do not claim, they were the only poeple on earth guided by Gods spirit, when this crimes happened (this not sure regarding Catholics though...).
The point is, that they claim of the WTS for unquestioning obedience has to be put under the closest scrutiny. Since the GB already existed in Rutherfords time (according to their own doctrine), their reputation is in strong connection with what he did or not did.
recently, i met an old friend for a coffee, he is a jw in good standing.. he does not know of my "awakening", but he knows, that i m pretty open with things.. so he came up with some thoughts, that, if somebody listened, would be enough for a jc on basis of apostasy.. since his english is not so good, i suppose he did not read this on the internet.. i just paraphrase some of his thoughts:.
the creation account in genesis is not accurate and in line with science.
a global flood was not possible.
"I think it's interesting that he verbalized all those thoughts and has NOT awakened!"
yes, but I remember years ago talking with him quite open, particularly about the demand of unquestionable obedience, which disturbed us both. And at this time, even I was not awaken.
I also had doubts and questions before, but only through the internet, I realized, my doubts and questions are perfectly justified, since soo many others have them too.
I know his family well, very nice people, but the world would collaps, if he would leave, and I´m not sure, whether this would be something he or his family could really bear.
recently, i met an old friend for a coffee, he is a jw in good standing.. he does not know of my "awakening", but he knows, that i m pretty open with things.. so he came up with some thoughts, that, if somebody listened, would be enough for a jc on basis of apostasy.. since his english is not so good, i suppose he did not read this on the internet.. i just paraphrase some of his thoughts:.
the creation account in genesis is not accurate and in line with science.
a global flood was not possible.
recently, I met an old friend for a coffee, he is a JW in good standing.
He does not know of my "awakening", but he knows, that I´m pretty open with things.
So he came up with some thoughts, that, if somebody listened, would be enough for a JC on basis of apostasy.
Since his English is not so good, I suppose he did not read this on the internet.
I just paraphrase some of his thoughts:
The creation account in Genesis is not accurate and in line with science
A global flood was not possible
The God of the old Testament accepts colateral damage, he did not care about the individual (example: punishment of People after Davids census)
the Disfellowshipping policy is a form of extortion and has no basis in the bible
JW need a major reform
If you have sex with your future wife, and end up marrying her, don`t tell the elders
We (jw) sometimes behave like a sect
he also told me, that a friend , another JW in good standing, expressed some similar ideas.
Of course, he still believes, we are Gods org, but he admits, thinking about these topics weakens his faith.
I got the feeling, he stays also only because of family in, and he said, he cannot even mention something like this to them, they would overreact. One time he shared some of his thoughts with his wife, she almost had a breakdown. He will keep quite in future.
Anyway, I think, there are many like him in the org, and the org knows it too, thats why there are increasingly articles about obedience and blind loyalty.
(disclaimer- i know this is all fairy tales but i like to pick genesis apart since many millions still take it literally and is the foundtion of jw doctrine.
without genesis being real, the whole thing collpses).
i was just reading through genesis yesterday, and it really hit me.
this all may prompt a new WT-article:
"What we can learn from - Adam"
subtitle : Do not procrastinate following Gods commands
After God created a wife for Adam, what was his first command ? Genesis 1:28 "be fruitful and become many "
Now did Adam right away follow this pointed direction from the former GB (at this time called Jehovah or Yahwe) ?
Evidently he already developed a wicked heart of disobedience, since he did not appreciate the kind provision to produce offspring, he rather looked after his garden. Maybe he was thinking about building a big house in this system of things, making a career as gardener or even pursuing higher education by studying too much the animals around him. Even worse, in order to avoid producing offspring he must have evidently masterbated.
If he would have followed the example of his offspring Noah, who "did just so", he would have right away intercourse and made proper use of his given sexual organs. Then all the mess we have now would not have happened, and we as GB would not have to teach you dumbasses always the same things....
Now, at least, learn from his bad example, and listen to us, obey and be blessed.
Maybe, you will be able to wipe our ass in the coming paradise....
a single member of the governing body, for example david splane, i find it helps me to understand things a little better.. they have changed the meaning of 'faithful and discreet slave' to basically just 'the governing body'.. but that still allows them to print nice friendly 'we' and 'they' when giving directions (orders).. "we need to obey david splane to have jehovahs approval.
"[a mature christian] does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to bible understanding.
rather, he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by jehovah god through his son, jesus christ, and david splane.
try it with Anthony Morris III, it gets even creepier...
does anyone know what going on with ajwrb's website?.
"this domain maybe for sale!
buy it now!
this site helped me to wake up, I would have never looked at any "apostate" site, even such great ones like jwfacts, but for some reason I stumbled on AJWRB, thinking initially it is from the LiasonC, but even as I realised, it is not official, the well written arguments caught my attention and convinced me how false the whole blood doctrine really is.
After that I slowly allowed other ideas to come in and started to question and explore the freedom of the mind...
actually in theory, the article was not so bad, but just in theory....
elders should adhere to the scriptures, well does it count for the elders who compromise the GB too ?
and where are the scriptures for beard, higher education, blood fractions, monthly report, etc ?