been pondering over this question for couple of weeks now...
in just a short time, I came to realize, the WTS is not Jehovahs channel, doubts I had many years ago already, but always considered it as something I may not understand fully or hoped, the "light gets brighter".....
but I came to see, that those doubts was not my failure, it is a deficit of some doctrines...
for now I found a solution: staying in for family/social reasons, while using whatever influence I have to prevent damage from harmful teachings, planting seeds whenever reasonable and possible, softening the load of the brothers, and avoiding to become "bloodguilty" .
In the end we have to render an account to our creator one way or the other...
Some compared it to Nazi, which is certainly exxagerated, however, even there we find people realizing the insanity of Hitler, and still pretending to cooperate, while trying to use their limited power to help others escape or survive (e.g. Schindler etc)
If they had oppenly opposed Hitler, they would not have been able to do good at all.
thas just my current approach, dont know what the future will bring in this regard...