Alltimejim, unfortunately people get very worked up about religion, personal beliefs and convictions, which generally turn into emotional arguments. Which is normal considering religion and faith almost always rely on emotions to gather their followers. It seems that many have a difficult time balancing feelings with intelligence and logic.
Back to the discussion: The claim made by the GB “ nobody can REALLY love you unless they know and love Jehovah first” is a distorted view of the essence of love itself. Consider the following, how many humans have sacrificed their own lives so another person whom they love can live? A mother or father dies to save their child in an accident, A husband knowingly sacrifices his own well being to save his wife etc. Humans sacrifice themselves for others they claim to love in numerous manners that prove that they do not need a god to love. What’s even more interesting in this, they do this without knowledge of the “true god” as the GB would call him.
They have no heavenly hope, they have no hope in a resurrection etc. which in itself would be a powerful motivator in any action that leads to their demise. I can certainly understand someone saying “I love my god so much that I will lay down my life for him” Would you under the following condition, No resurrection, no heaven, no 70 virgins, no reincarnation etc?
One really has to question the motives of the GB when making such a bold and obviously inaccurate statement regarding love and it’s true meaning.