Apostasy: Apostasy is a standing away from
true worship, a falling away, defection, rebellion,
So now even people that fall away are considered apostates? LMAO
A good way to label more innocent people
apostasy: apostasy is a standing away from.
true worship, a falling away, defection, rebellion,.
so now even people that fall away are considered apostates?
Apostasy: Apostasy is a standing away from
true worship, a falling away, defection, rebellion,
So now even people that fall away are considered apostates? LMAO
A good way to label more innocent people
the only thing they are worried about is people stumbling across apostate websites....they could care less about porn!
they have to address the issue of pornography because they wont dare say the real reason...then peoples curiosity would be peaked and theyd go looking up information on the organization only to discover that they have been lied to and no on lives forever... .
the sad thing is the rank and file members who cant think for themselves will then start looking at their mates in a judgmental way wondering if they are secretly involved in pornography..probably will result in divorces.
The only thing they are worried about is people stumbling across apostate websites....they could care less about porn! They have to address the issue of pornography because they wont dare say the real reason...then peoples curiosity would be peaked and theyd go looking up information on the organization only to discover that they have been lied to and no on lives forever..
The sad thing is the rank and file members who cant think for themselves will then start looking at their mates in a judgmental way wondering if they are secretly involved in pornography..probably will result in divorces. What a tangled web an imperfect group of men weave. Gross if you ask me..
ok i was just blown away when i heard this today while driving, at first i thought it was the some old same old but then it went on and it seems like it is on a different level.. the subheading is "guard your heart by exercising self-control.
on page 27 par 17 it says "one way a person could wonder into the foolish course of the "young man in want of heart" is by aimlessly flipping though television channels or surfing the internet.
whether intentionally or not, he might chance upon sexually stimulating scenes.
The only thing they are worried about is people stumbling across apostate websites....they could care less about porn! They have to address the issue of pornography because they wont dare say the real reason...then peoples curiosity would be peaked and theyd go looking up information on the organization only to discover that they have been lied to and no on lives forever..
feel free to add anything so i can add it to my email before i send it.. .
hi mom,.
everyone here is fine.
feel free to add anything so i can add it to my email before i send it.. .
hi mom,.
everyone here is fine.
Feel free to add anything so I can add it to my email before I send it.
Hi Mom,
Everyone here is fine. I appreciate your concern with the email. Look I'll be honest with you, the thought of Armageddon coming doesn't scare me. I don't believe in it and I never have. Simple logic tells me that if there is a God who loves people he will not kill billions of humans because they are not Jehovahs Witnesses. God supposedly created a rainbow to remind us all he will never wipe out humans again with a flood. But he will kill the majority of humans by any other means? Thats like me murdering someone with a knife, promising not to do it and then taking out a machine gun and blowing them all to bits. It makes no sense. Jw's have said armageddon has been coming since the late 1870's. Then there was the stay alive till 1975 fiasco. Go on you tube and you can hear Fred Franz giving the district convention talk about armageddon coming in 1975. Have you read the July 2009 Awake article? "THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT"
"Is It Wrong to Change Your Religion?" Here is a brief excerpt: Since our Creator wants us to search for truth, it cannot be wrong to act on the evidence that we find-even if this means changing our religion. L oyalty to God may result in your making a decision that is unpopular with some family members."
"Although the Bible makes a clear distinction between true and false teachings, God allows each person the freedom to choose how he or she will respond. (Deuteronomy 30:19, 20) No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family. Does study of the Bible lead to family breakup? No. In fact, the Bible encourages a husband and wife who practice different religions to remain together as a family.-1 Corinthians 7:12, 13." This is nothing but a double standard and completley hypocritical. Jehovahs Witnesses are taught by their leaders to shun anyone who decides to leave and who stops believing what they teach because they can pull others away as well. Just like this years district convention teaches family members to do. Then they put out this hypocritical atricle. They are liars. People who stop believing and quit are now considered evil apostates controlled by satan and his demons. The word apostate does not even appear in the bible. The word hypocrite does. Jesus used it repeatedly when dealing with the pharisees but never once used the word apostate. The atricle says it can not be wrong to act on the evidence we find even if it means changing our religion. Are they kidding? They dont want JW's researching things outside of their own publications. Why is this? Because they don't want people knowing what a bunch of hypcrites they are. The society was a member of the United Nations for nearly 10 years. If you don't believe me go to the UN's website and look for yourself. This is not a made up apostate teaching. This is a fact that you can see for yourself. http://www.un.org/dpi/ngosection/pdfs/watchtower.pdf There is a Question from the readers in the watchtower 1979 1/1 pg 31. The reply the society gives is this "In joining the YMCA as a member a person accepts or endorses the general objectives and principals of the organization. He is not simply paying for something he recieves, such as when buying things being sold to the public at a store. (compare 1 Corinthians 8:10, 10:25) Nor is his membership merely an entrance pass, as when a person buys a theater ticket. Membership means that one has become an integral part of this organization founded with definite religious objectives, including the promotion of interfaith. Hence, for one of Jehovahs Witnesses to become a member of such a so called "Christian" association would amount to apostasy. So by the society becoming members of the United Nations, they themselves are guilty of apostasy, according to their own definition. Its okay for them to become members of a worldly organization that promotes interfaith and at the same time tell others that if they join the YMCA it is bad and amounts to apostasy. Complete hypocrisy. So in actuality all JW's are associating with known apostates or the Governing Body, which makes this religion nothing but a joke. This is the real reason the society does not want people researching their own religion or using the internet that is controlled by "Satan", because they will see facts that exposes all of the hypocrisy and double standards. There is nothing demonic or satanic about plain cold facts. They are trying to control people with fear by telling them that if they research things on their own Satans gonna get them and they will die at Armageddon. The reason they have to do this is because the more people who research things and find things out about their hypocrisy means less members and less money and the corporation runs out of financial means to stay alive. Other religions call former members apostates just as witnesses do. They want current members to be scared of people who think for themselves and who stop believing. Religions create hateful words like apostate or worldly to seperate individuals from family and friends who stop believing. They are called buzz words. If someone hears that so and so is now an apostate they instantly put up a a shield to protect themself from Satan, without even caring to hear the individuals story and what they have been through. It creates hatred and brings in money from current members to help the organization or corporation to stay alive. I think of you guys too. I feel sorry for you but know its not your fault. You have been indoctrinated for nearly 40 years. Trained to think only one way. I was the same way. The only reason I woke up is because of personal circumstances I went through that helped me to see what I was involved with. Just because you leave a religion doesnt mean you have to stop having morals or belief in a God. I am glad that my life circumstances helped me to really see what was going on around me. I am sad that the rest of my family thinks god will kill billions of people at Armageddon. I don't want to believe that anymore. That is how a God of love acts? That is very disturbing. If that is love then what is hate? Mom I will read the article you asked me to but only if you start researching your own religion and researching cults and mind control. Does this sound fair? This is not Satan speaking to you, this is your son. Listen to what I am telling you. I know this sounds scary to research something you have desperatly believed in for so long but you are all being duped and its not fair. These religious cults take away peoples god given free will to live their own lives. Imagine how I felt when I started researching the JW religion. The fall of Jerusalem happened in 587 and not 607. This is an actual fact where hundreds of sources are in agreement. The only one who believes in 607 are JW's. This is not an apostate lie. I am not lying to you. I am not a perfect person and dont claim to be one. If I remained a JW I would be a hypocrite too. My conscience won't allow that anymore. Do I get pissed off and mad that this organization who claims to be Gods channel of communication is duping everyone with their hypocrisy? Sure I do but you wont see me picketing in front of witness conventions. That would be a waste of my time. I do not care for organized religion and don't want to waste any more time in it. I dont believe in Armageddon, New System, Heaven or Hell. Until these fantasies become reality I cant listen to what people think is going to happen. Lets be honest, no one can fortell the future. I believe we are just here to live our life as long as we can, be a good person and thats it, there is nothing else. We are no different than animals, just one step up in the food chain. Animals never sinned and they have always died. Animals dont live forever. Do animals go to some sort of afterlife? I doubt it. Whole galaxies of stars die. Someday our sun will die just like every other star. If Jesus had to die then why would someone think they have a chance of living forever? Every living thing in this universe dies and thats the way it will always be.
no they havent..because they dont exsist.
who needs demons to do bad things on the earth when we have people doing horrible things to each other since the beginning of time.
demons are just an easy way to pass of the blame...pretty easy to do since no one has ever seen one.. its like telling people there are evil invisible tooth faries lurking around every corner.
Has anyone ever seen one? No they havent..because they dont exsist. Who needs demons to do bad things on the earth when we have people doing horrible things to each other since the beginning of time. Demons are just an easy way to pass of the blame...pretty easy to do since no one has ever seen one.
Its like telling people there are evil invisible tooth faries lurking around every corner. Craziness
from a jw friend:.
"a friend sent this cover for new w..... and said at bethel they have been working on it for months, long before haiti and chile..... isn't this great?!
funny, when i saw the cover, my first thought was "they finally got it right!
God was never with us because there is no god. If he were real then he killed everyone at the flood because of their wickedness...only to have it happen all over again....he then said Fuck It and left us to our own devices....I already wiped them out once I dont want to do it again..let them kill themselves so I dont have to!! 1 John 4:8 "God is Love"
according to witness theology when the cry of peace and security rings out then jehovah will destroy all the infidels etc...yawn....but going by their teachings...why would he intervene then?
when man finally gets it right, does he have to come in and whomp ass?
makes no frickin sense to me.
He intervenes then because in the bible he is a jealous god of war. Once peace and security is cried he lets them have it because he really doesnt want peace and security to happen. It will be to boring for him watching everyone be peaceable to one another. God loves violence...why else would there be so much of it? If God was real that is....
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