My two cents.
Gary, that was no red herring your wife threw at you. She was clever. First, she put you on the defensive, by implying that you would irrationally refuse to believe the most evident things even if they were right before your eyes. Next she spoke about the Watchtower's blood policy. She conceded "defeat" in the first issue only to "win" in the second. She wanted you to think you were irrational because you won't accept the bloody blood policy.
She also tried to convince you NOT to do your research and be credulous.
I would suggest that you see these kind of comments by your wife as an opportunity to learn. She is providing you with more and more insight into what she thinks. Use that to reflect on your own beliefs.
I am deeply convinced that you can't have true faith unless you also use your intellect. Blind faith is not the mark of the true believer, but the mark of the submissive, the one who wants everthing spelled out. The one who is willing to give up his independence in exchange for "safety".
I think most people who follow a religion do so because they were born in it. In this, I am including the Jehova's witnesses. Parents impose their beliefs on children under the assumption that it is a good thing. Children believe what they are told to believe. Someone who never questions the faith he or she received this way has never really had faith, but has limited himself to going with the crowd.
To have faith, you need to take the proverbial "leap". That means that, at some point, intellect alone won't be enough. Many religious people act out of bad faith when they question someone who can't take that leap. If someone can't believe as they do, it's not that they refuse to believe. It's that they don't believe, simply. What you believe shouldn't be under your control. If I can control my mind and make believe that I believe that something that looks green is red, only because my organization says so, what kind of a faith is that, really? If true belief isn't something you control, but something you just feel, why should they hold it against you?
And then, the more you do research into the evil that religious fanaticism has brought into this world, the more you feel like not being religious. The Watchtower is a good example of that. So many people hurting and dying in vain. If the Governing Body really thought that evil ones will be killed at Armageddon, would they do what they do?
I can call it faith after you have done all of your research and independent thinking, yet you decide that something they tell you is true, even though no tangible proof of it exists. If you can believe that the hick son of a carpenter who hung out with prostitutes and lowlives, had twelve bums with him all the time, did not follow the law and was crucified did indeed rise from the grave, then you have faith.
If your faith is true, it will withstand any analysis of it.
Keep going, Gary.