<< Lurker.
I rarely post mostly because I'm lazy. I'm not suspicious of lurkers.
The image verification to log on annoys me and sometimes the lack of features on the forum software puts me off... no quote button for example.
we all know they're here but we don't really know who they are.. they are people who sign up here and then never comment (or rarely ever do).. doesn't that make any of you regulars here at the very least a tiny bit suspicious?.
why would a person sign up to a forum like this and then never say a damn thing?
it seems to me that there is a primary reason why some folks sign up and then never comment on anything: to spy.
<< Lurker.
I rarely post mostly because I'm lazy. I'm not suspicious of lurkers.
The image verification to log on annoys me and sometimes the lack of features on the forum software puts me off... no quote button for example.
i think some want to be witnesses even if they know some of the teachings and views are questionable because they feel special!.
if they get a "privilege" or are allowed to pioneer or allowed to preach from house to house and be "ministers", they feel like they are somebody.. what do you think?
Pedo paradise. All those young boys and girls who are so innocent. A system that protects and tries to conseal when they are found out.
Wonderful organization for twisted b*sards.
how good and great it is, to see that the new elder instruction book can be downloaded from the internet in the same month of release.
an example that people inside the organization are changing.
And soon it will be on bit torrent and shared amongst thousands of individual users. :) If anyone has already uploaded it to bit torrent please send the link so I can start seeding.
if you step down, they are going to want to know why?
what do you say?.
Write a letter. Step down. Give bogus reasons or real ones, whatever you want. Then you will be deleted lol . They will come after you if you try and fade as an MS.
X (former MS who has since faded)
can someone send me a copy?
can we get it on bit torrent and start seeding.
once its there will be more difficult for it to be taken down.. .
Can someone send me a copy? Can we get it on bit torrent and start seeding. Once its there will be more difficult for it to be taken down.
okay, here's the story.
i have very recently been declared da'd publicly.
we all know what that means.
I don't really want to say hello to a former "friend" who would shun me. If they say Hi I will talk. I won't say hello to be ignored.
I am not DF/DA but I am clearly a fader who does evil things like gambling, celebrating birthdays and other pagan festivals. I even wished someone happy ganesha day (I work with indians and its one of their gods).
I haven't been to a meeting in years and missed the memorial and will never ever go back. If the suited "shepherds" appear on my door thats where they stay.
I detest this religion and their pompous arrogance. The world is filled with multitudes of people who are much nicer, kinder and self sacrificing than they ever could be. I would rather die than live in a "Paradise earth" filled with pompous pretend do gooders who stab each other in the back and engage in petty rivalry. "I DONT GIVE A DAMN THAT YOU ARE A PIONEER. I HAVE A JOB AND AN EDUCATION. JUST WAIT TILL YOU ARE OLD AND DON'T HAVE A PENSION"
I am always caught in between two trains of thought though.
1) Try and help them (which I have done and it turned into a "friend" stabbing me in the back.
2) Screw them because they have all the information openly available if they choose to live in la-la land let them
i found this video and it summarizes it very simple.
i hope you enjoy it.
life is too short to waste it on fairy tales.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0wwzc-vz7y&feature=related.
@ Joey Jo-jo
Please elaborate. Since I am curious about your experience.
I would make the point however, that because you can't explain something is not a good enough reason to subscribe to theism.
The romans worshipped the sun and moon for example,. because they couldn't explain them.
OUTLAW you are great lol you make me actually laugh out loud...
What a load of self important muppets. I am surprised they are not doing biometric readings and p*ss samples before letting people into this secret meeting.
Any spies that are still serving as MS / Elders that could get a recording of this special event? I think it will most likely be "control the flock more" "don't let them think for themslves its dangerous."
for the so-called conscious class, those of you who know it's all a disgusting lie, what is the real reason you stay in?
i find it hard to understand how ones who know what the org truly is would continue to be an active jw.
i'm not talking about the "faders"- those with an actual plan to get out as painlessly as possible.
We are here on this earth a fraction of time. To those who are in just for the sakes of others you are wasting the potential of your lifes. You are being untrue to yourself and you are lying to those you apparently love.
Yes its hard to leave, many have only friends in the "truth" but you can get new friends. Better friends. Friends that won't look down on your because you don't share their bullsh*t belief.
I suppose I am lucky most of my family woke up at the same time but I still have to tread carefully because not all my family are out yet.
To those of you with spouses, speak to them about your concerns/doubts. You maybe surprised that their true feelings are quite different from what they project. In my case I was a Ministerial servant giving instruction talks but hated the ministry with a passion and really detested the meetings.. (course I never admited this to anyone) Subtle questions and logic can be the first thread that is needed to unwrap the entire thing (the blood thing really made me start to question... then that led onto other things). Once one pillar of WT starts to crack its not long before the whole thing comes tumbling down.
I wish you all luck and hope that one day you can actually be yoursel and break free of the prison you are in. It's liberating.
I was the sound attendant many a meeting... was great you could walk around and use any old excuse. "Just checking the sound is ok in this corner of the hall..."
Microphones were good as well for spotting clevage but you couldn't drift off because the moment you do you dont hear what the speaker has said and then you are like "which hand to choose... emm emm emm " .
Our sound system was a hand me down from a richer hall and was frequently acting up... Funny when people sing without music or try to...