I'll pray to it tomorrow, i have online porn to look at and beer to drink. Man I love being single.
JoinedPosts by dudeson
I finally found Jesus...
by dudeson in.
turns out he's been hiding in a nitric acid drum here in ny..
'Giving Attention to the Needs of the Circuit.' Sooo uplifting...
by whereami inthese people just love instiling guilt on these poor souls.. .
at a recent circuit assembly a circuit overseer gave an awesome talk during the portion, 'giving attention to the needs of the circuit.
and with such a high pricetag, please don't let it be empty.
I'm with Shamus.
I finally found Jesus...
by dudeson in.
turns out he's been hiding in a nitric acid drum here in ny..
I did and all I got was this nasty burn on my hand. Stupid saviour.
I finally found Jesus...
by dudeson in.
turns out he's been hiding in a nitric acid drum here in ny..
Turns out he's been hiding in a nitric acid drum here in NY.
swearing-foul language
by megaflower inas a good dub i never used any four letter words (i just thought them).
its not that way anymore.
if you no longer consider yourselve a witness do you swear, curse.
Swearing was part of my vocab. since 2nd or 3rd grade. Being a dubbie trained me well at keeping it under control in certain situations.
Religious people are funny
by sinis in... how you can take a book written centurys ago, and vague at that, and try to decern what the writers "really" meant and how the doomsday prophecys "really" indicated our times.
doesn't feel like your chasing your tail?
why not, eat and drink for tomorrow you may die?
I noticed somebody brought up Dawkins. I'm curently reading 'The God Delusion'and thought this might be of some interest.
He shows a belief system based on the numbers 1 through 7. If you are a '1' you are a "Strong theist. 100 per cent probability of God. In the words of C. G. Jung, 'I do not believe, I know'."
Skip 2 through 5, we have 6, "Very low probability, but short of zero. De facto atheist. 'I cannot know for certain but I think God is very improbable, and I live my life on the assumption that he is not there'."
Number 7, "Strong atheist. 'I know there is no God, with the same conviction as Jung "knows" there is one."
He even goes on to say that he'd be surprised to meet very many who are in group 7.
Dawkins counts himself in category 6 where he says, "I am agnostic only to the extent that I am agnostic about fairies at the bottom of the garden."
It seems that a lot of people say atheists "know there is no God." If an atheist says that they are being just as hypocritical as some of their counterparts of religious faith who 'know' there is a God.
Religious people are funny
by sinis in... how you can take a book written centurys ago, and vague at that, and try to decern what the writers "really" meant and how the doomsday prophecys "really" indicated our times.
doesn't feel like your chasing your tail?
why not, eat and drink for tomorrow you may die?
Let's all agree to disagree.
The thing that bothers me about religious people or atheists is criticizing one another about what they believe or disbelieve. I grew up with this attitude when I was 'active'. I saw no reason to belittle other people because of what religion they chose. The fact is, most people are indoctrinated when they were young, much like myself. I was told from my mother that JW's had the truth and a paradise earth was in our near future. Why would mother lie to me? I had no reason to distrust her.
But as everyone gets older they can make more informed decisions. If one studies the bible or whatever holy book and decides it is right for them, so be it. Who am I to say anything?
Same goes for atheists. If a person is simply angry at God and decides to disbelieve in order to spite him then that, to me, is not an informed decision. But if you find no valid reason to believe then so be it.
I chose the atheist side of the argument. I'm always willing to change if I see good evidence of a god. I can't seem to find any. I have been very interested in the theory of evolution as of late and I must say it is extremely fascinating. How the universe began, I don't know. I just can't substitue 'God' in the place of 'X' in the origin of life equation.
The one thing i liked about this forum when I found it was the vast differences of opinion of people WHO USED TO BE JW'S!! It was like a utopia of people I would love to have as real life friends, people who knew where I was coming from.
It feels like the Ice Age and not Global Warming
by MsDucky init's cold!
are the ice caps still melting?
Lake erie is our worst enemy in the fall, winter and spring.
Who was JESUS of Nazareth really? (Christians and non Christians)
by cyberjesus inwhat evidence do we have the he actually existed?
and i am not referring to using the bible as the proof.i am looking for real evidence that he was a man living on earth.
"As well it is hard to imagine billions basing some form of faith on a man, certainly some who have been willing to die for over centuries!!"
What about Islam? Do you believe that Mohammed was THE prophet? Millions, wait, billions have based their faith on this.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.