Thanks yesidid, I didn't know that. She takes all sorts of 'health' pills and potions so it's quite likely that she could be overdosing on something. I'll get my partner to check.
Hopscotch, i replied.
hi, a little background.
i've been out for 20 years or so.
my partner and i got together about 3 years ago.
Thanks yesidid, I didn't know that. She takes all sorts of 'health' pills and potions so it's quite likely that she could be overdosing on something. I'll get my partner to check.
Hopscotch, i replied.
hi, a little background.
i've been out for 20 years or so.
my partner and i got together about 3 years ago.
Hi, a little background. I've been out for 20 years or so. My partner and I got together about 3 years ago. His sister is a JW. I've never bothered saying anything because we don't have much contact, and I don't want to make it awkward for him. I just faded, so I don't know or care whether I've been df or da'd.
He went to Brisbane, and brought her back for a visit. Apart from the fact that she never shuts up, she talks about herself constantly! I bet they love her at the hall.
She is 52 years old and cuts herself, it's attention seeking, I know, but I don't know how to deal with it. I know what I want to say, but it's not my place.
Here in Australia if you are on unemployment or a pension there's free health care, so she's got psychologist's, case workers, etc, all running after her, and she still wants attention!
She was here for 4 days, and in that time she complained about her wrist (she said it might have nerve damage because she hit it with a hammer), her other wrist (carpal tunnel), her back, her legs, her stomach, her head.
I feel sorry for her, but I don't want to feel sorry for her! Does that make sense? I don't want to give her the negative attention she obviously thrives on. My partner asked me what he should do, and I said I know what I'd do.
Tell her that getting negative attention is short term and ultimately futile. Ask her to list the positive things about her life, then get her to commit to small goals, getting up early, cleaning the floor, and work up to longer goals. I said that I'm sure that they've already tried all these techniques.
I looked online and could only find teenagers that cut themselves, not 50 year old women.
Also not sure if the jw thing is the cause or a symptom!
To quote Billy Joel - "I'd rather laugh with the sinners, than cry with the saints"!!!!!
well some of you arent in the truth anymore,either left,df or who's been out the longest???
and how many had the priviledge of going pio school?.
Hi, I've been out since 1988 or thereabouts. Going through the motions a long, long time before that. Used to drag my kids to the meetings. That's my biggest regret. They used to hate it, now they're back.
My ex, the psychopath, used to be Mr Christian when he got out of the car in the kingdom hall parking lot. Fifteen minutes beforehand he was calling me, in front of the children, the most disgusting names he could!
I used to hear those convention examples of how the unbelieving husband of a battered wife used to come to his senses, study, and then become the best husband. Yet here was my husband, supposedly already a jdub, and I was in fear of my life! Jehovah's spirit, my arse!!!
i know a brother that was not scripturally free to remarry to the best of his knowledge, his ex wife was disfellowshipped in another state, his ex wife did not contact him letting him know that he is scripturally free to remarry, but the elders at his congregation knew about it, but they chose to keep it a secret from him for whatever reason???.
he did not know about it after one year after the fact!
he learned about it from a brother from another state.
My ex had it sewn up. After he left he wrote me a letter stating that he'd cheated on me during our marriage. But all he did was deny, deny during our marriage!
His words were, " you now have your scriptual divorce". The ironic thing was I hadn't been to a meeting in about 5 years!!! I didn't care whether I had a scriptual divorce or not!!
My partner's sister is a jdub. His uncle is a dub. I haven't told them I used to be, although I did complain about him sending joho email attachments. My partner would send rather rude and crude emails and he objected, sp we stopped, but then he would send us joho stuff. I then complained, but he kept sending them.
I ended up sending him a rather disgusting but funny email, and he never sent them again!
from memory a newspaper article reported on this some years ago - it involved the jw trespassing on private property, being knocked over by a goat, the homeowner being sued and having to pay damages to the jw.. initially as the jw sued his congregation, the wts defended the kh and itself with the statement that jw's are not required to go out in field service and that the ministry work is purely voluntary.... can anyone point me to a link?.
Hi Lukewarm, go to
This is the Australasian Legal Information Institute. They have case records. Type in Jehovahs, not witnesses, or you get a million records!
but i don't write this for sympathy.
actually, i just thought you all would like to hear how i am doing, esp with a little space now between me and the borg.
(its been 3 years).
Hi Jeff, what you said about improving yourself made an impression on me. I think that's the sign of a matured, or maturing, human being. We have the potential to be anything we want to be.
Another point I'd like to make is I made a conscious decision to have positive people in my life. It can be so draining to have a negative person sucking the enjoyment out of you.
It gets better, it really does,
i bet a lot of others have, and its strange how so many are powerless to do anything.. one sister i know was married to another jw.
he was unfaithful, she was crushed, he wasn't disfellowshipped, she forgave him, he was cruel, finally she committed adultery to get out of it.
they divorced.
This is my ex to a 'T'. When we moved into a congo he would be Mr Popularity. Then he would gossip about people, and get called on it, then would complain that he was being victimised.
Eventually he had alienated the whole congo, and we would have to move. I hear he's still at it!
inspired by another thread.. i was baptized at 12 years old.
i had a cousin, two years older than me, who was prettier, more outgoing and more popular in the hall than i was.
i couldn't beat her at any of that stuff, but i figured i could be a better jw than she was.
Hi, I was baptised because my ex and I studied together. Bottom line, it was expected of me, I asked a lot of questions during studies, and it seemed to make sense.
Ex turned out to be a psychopath, what a waste of times the whole thing was. Who knew it was supposed to be legally binding?